I’ve taken the liberty of adding a graphic below this VITAL EMAIL that explains HOW and WHY we got here.  DB
30 Days to decide the Fate of our Country– You MUST read this article and please share. I saved this article because I wanted to see how “things” were going- with 30 days before election I think the time is right to share!
With the crazy weather we are experiencing around the country, I think it wise to do “early voting” as soon as it’s available in your state.


By E.P. Unum

August 16, 2024

 “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people”. 

 John Adams

 Witness the sad state of affairs the following facts portray, courtesy of the Media Research Center:

The focus of these facts is to provide the perspective of registered Democrat voters and Independents as to their level of awareness about the beliefs and stated policies and objectives of one Kamala Harris, currently the Democratic nominee for the office of President of the United States.  What follows are facts, not opinions, feelings, emotions, deep entrenched philosophies or scuttlebutt…and they tell a very frightening and sad story.  Let’s begin…

Did you know that…

·      86% of Democrat and Independent voters were unaware that Harris would consider allowing death row inmates to vote!  86%!  Startling.

·      81% were completely unaware that Harris supported the elimination of private health insurance in favor of single-payer health coverage.  Can you spell socialism?

·      78% of democrat voters were unaware that Harris promoted a fund to bail out violent protesters during the 2020 riots. 78%…let that sink in.  These were people who destroyed millions of dollars of private and government property, and Kamala Harris fought to get them out of jail on bail.  Staggering!

·      77% of Democrat and Independent voters are completely unaware that Harris intends to abolish ICE.  We have to “reimagine” ICE she said.

·      75% are unaware that Harris was named the most liberal senator in 2019.

·      74% of Democrat and Independent voters remain unaware of the fact that Harris has stated, and believes to this day, that it should not be considered a crime to enter the United States illegally.  Keep in mind Harris’ background is as an attorney and specifically a prosecutor.  What does it say about someone sworn to uphold the law but yet is committed to allowing illegal immigration into our nation?

·      73% of Democrat and Independent voters are unaware and, worse, unconcerned that Harris is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, which has drained our nation of cash and driven up inflation without gaining a single benefit.  She also was the tie-breaking, deciding vote as President of the Senate for the Inflation Reduction Act… which did nothing to control inflation.

·      72% of Democrat and Independent voters remain unaware, and, seemingly unconcerned about the fact that as the Border Czar, Harris never once visited a conflict zone on the border to see firsthand what the impact of the avalanche of 10 million (maybe more) illegal immigrants has been to border cities and states.

·      71% are unaware, and seemingly unconcerned, that Harris supports cutting funding for police.  Think about that one for a minute.  Perhaps, God forbid, some Democratic Senator one day learns that his wife was raped by an illegal immigrant…what do you think would be Harris’ response?  Worse, what if that same illegal immigrant killed the son or daughter of a Democratic senator or Congressman?

·      71% of registered Democrat and Independent voters are unaware that Harris has supported reparation payments to “atone for slavery’ in the United States.  Do you have any idea of the cost of such a policy?  That’s OK, Harris doesn’t either!

You see, ladies and gentlemen, at the heart of this is the major fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats believe that the American people are too stupid to govern themselves; they need an all-encompassing  government to guide their every move if success is to be achieved. Of course, the elites, the all-knowing, all-powerful government, are providing that guiding light.

Republicans, on the other hand, believe in decentralized government.  They understand that they are accountable to the people; they work for them, not the other way around.  They believe in the principles of a Republic –  the foundation of our nation.

Democrats, dating back to Barack Hussein Obama, want to “transform America”.  What they mean by that is they want America to become a socialist nation.  That is it in a nutshell, despite the fact that socialism has not worked anywhere and every time it has been tried throughout civilization.  If you look carefully at the policies and actions taken by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, every single policy has served to weaken America economically, militarily, and emotionally.  Just the other day, Fox News ran a brief video on the Taliban having a parade in the streets displaying $85 billion of American military assets left behind by Biden and Harris in Afghanistan.  They were driving American Humvees, tanks, and jeeps.  They were marching in dress uniforms carrying American-made M-16s and M-4s and carrying bandoliers of ammunition.  They were even flying fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, all courtesy of the largesse left behind by Biden and Harris.

A big middle finger to America.  Shameful.  What a disgrace.

I will conclude with quotations from leaders for whom I have a tremendous respect: Martin Luther King and Sir Winston Churchill.

Martin Luther King once said ‘nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”.  I submit that this is what the theme of this essay is all about, with one major exception:  I do not believe the American people are stupid.  Complacent perhaps, but not stupid!  Rather, they are being artfully misled by a corrupt media that has abused one of the basic tenets of journalism:  they are not seeking to inform their readers and listeners but rather seeking to influence they are not seeking to inform their readers and listeners but rather seeking to influence behavior by twisting the narrative to fulfill their objective to help get Kamala Harris elected President.Why, you ask?  Because they fear Trump.  He stands in their way.  And Trump believes passionately in the American people and in Making America Great Again! (MAGA).  I never found that expression offensive….but the Biden-Harris crowd does.  That tells you something!

Sir Winston Churchill eloquently described socialism in these famous words:

          Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the

          Gospel of envy.  Its inherent value is the equal sharing of misery.         
           >The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings;    
           > The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.


Churchill’s words are prescient.

Be very careful about how you vote in November.  Do not fall prey to the facade of Kamala Harris.  She will say anything to get elected – however contradictory to her past statements and actions.  She is a chameleon.  She is void of any experience in international affairs, finance, or leadership.  She is a little leaguer trying to play in the Major Leagues.  She is out of her element, whatever that element is.

Indeed, on a humorous note, if you think carefully about it, Kamala Harris is actually running a campaign to win the Presidency by telling the American people that she and her administration will fix all of the problems created by……her and Joe Biden.

You can’t make this stuff up!

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