MUSINGS for August


Remember when we thought Republicans and Democrats were opposites? Well, they never really were — at least not in our lifetimes — but it used to be so much more comfortable believing it. At this age, we are past that! Well, maybe at your age you are not, but I am for sure. I remember when I still had some faith in our justice system before armed U. S. Marshals in 1983 attacked North Dakota farmer Gordon Kahl, 63 — a former Silver Star winner from WWII — and lost the gun battle when Gordon outshot his attackers by killing two and wounding two more. Gordon escaped the scene, but his wounded son and accompanied friend Scott Faul did not, and they were later sentenced to life in prison, even though neither had fired a shot in defense, let alone offense. Gordon was hunted down in Arkansas a few months later and shot in the back by FBI agents, who then staged a phony shootout as their cover-up. After the Waco atrocity and the Oklahoma City hoax came along, the shards of marble from the pillar of belief were showering down upon us.

We have not become cynical. We’re past that. Cynicism is skepticism without knowledge. Now that private investigation has uncovered the facts of the most recent atrocity by government — the attempted assassination of a President — the truth is not nearly so scary to us as our so-called “protectors” believed it would be or as big a hurdle as those numbed multitudes, inured by fake news to the enveloping presence of tyranny, might imagine. The frightening part is what the next chapter will entail if it is not stopped — and now.

Politicians have always been actors, speaking their white-lie-sprinkled lines with straight-faced sincerity, Like the lawyers that most of them are, 99% of politicians give all the others a bad name.

But nothing, in all our wildest cynicism of yesterday could begin to prepare us for the reality of today — that of a Washington DC crime syndicate, operating under the blanket of actual government agencies, engaged in a war against the American people. And prior to today’s dilemma (but certainly a springboard toward it) what raving maniac could have predicted two black sodomites living in the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue White House and posing as President and “First Lady” for two terms? The dozens of voting precincts with 100% turnout for the LGBTQP Democrat was blatant proof that the 2020 election was not the first one to be stolen.

But with all of the video and photograhic evidence publicly shown of the 2020 election fraud, why and how are the corrupt officials allowed to continue to get away with it. (HINT: go back to the opening sentence above.) No one wants to admit it, but the reason is obvious that the slow-moving capture of Washington DC since the murder of Sen. Joe McCarthy has also evolved to a large portion of the state governments and the county sheriffs — many of whom foolishly believe that federal statutes and personell actually override their own authority.,

Whenever I reminisce about the government abuse of the law and the rights of the law-abiding citizenry, I remind myself of the above Kahl story and others. How do they get away with this? I asked myself forty+ years ago, and then a decade or more later, the answer surfaced through my own investigation and research.

Jumping ahead of the fact of the thousands of innocent people that have been captured and “programmed” through the “MK-ULTRA” CIA program to be a slave to another, I refer today to the testimony of a couple of innocent private investigators that only sought the truth.

One was Lyndon Barsten, a great researcher who legally uncovered through FOIA requests the FBI involvement in the framing of James Earl Ray for the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. (previous articles here and at AFP show details). Recently, I asked him how come he stopped that research and his vigorous reporting on it, and I got exactly the answer I was expecting. “I got a visit,” he wrote back.

Another was Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key. Back in the late ’90s, Rep. Key was getting a little too close to exposing the government-managed hoax of the explosion at the Murrah Building and had even organized a county grand jury to investigate, but even it was infiltrated by the FBI. Sometime later, when Key had begun to seem neutralized, he was asked by a friend what had quieted him. The State Representative replied, “They told me that if I didn’t back off, I would start seeing my kid’s pictures on the milk cartons!” Ain’t it great to live in a free country!

And all that was a few decades ago. The propagandizing news media blitz with which we have been inundated over the last one has already reached the threshold of nausea, with “Fake News” now a household word. During these trying times, Americans should remember the prophetic message from Franklin Roosevelt nearly a century ago: “Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way!”

(p.s. I have never attempted to be a prognosticator of things to come. However, as I read on the ‘Net of the opinions of the few that claim that the assassination attempts on Donald Trump have not nearly come to an end, as an experienced criminal investigator, I can opine that the enemy will not be stupid enough try it more than once more. With that in mind, we must presume that, should it happen, and succeed, it will be but a few weeks before the election vote, in order that the American people will have no other alternative but the Demonratic candidate.)





Comment (1)

  1. john

    Ninty nine % truth and then slip in the big lie. donald trump the sun god worshiper! Both sides are controlled by the “City of London” NO ONE SITS IN THE WHITE HOUSE UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN VETTED BY ROTHCHILD!

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