NY Times: Why Katharine Graham’s Washington Home Has Sat Vacant for 22 Years

The home of the former Washington Post publisher was once a hub of power and comity.

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A story about the vacant home of Katherine Graham is of no interest to “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times, but it does offer us a good “teachable moment” for introducing this wretched yenta to newer readers of RN&H / ANYT who may have not yet read Planet Rothschild or our previous articles about Eugene Meyer (her daddy, cough cough) and the Watergate “scandal” (her anti-Nixon operation). Hers is a name you definitely ought to know. Put it this way, boys and girls — in the vast higher power scheme of things, Madame Meyer has got to rank as among the Top 10 most powerful Cabal / Deep State gangsters of the 20th Century, and certainly the most powerful female. Do we have your attention now? . Katharine Meyer was born in 1917 into a wealthy New York City family. Her parents were Agnes Elizabeth (née Ernst) and financier Eugene Meyer (also in our top 10). Her paternal grandfather, Marc Eugene Meyer, was the president of Lazard Frères – one of the oldest and most respected names in global financial services. Her great-grandfather was the prominent rabbi, Joseph Newmark. . During his terrible tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1930-1933), Pappa Meyer deliberately choked off the money supply in order to cause maximum bankruptcies and get rid of Republican President Herbert Hoover — in favor of Franklin Demono Roosevelt. Upon completing his dirty work, Meyer stepped down from the Fed and bought The Washington Post at (get this) — a bankruptcy auction! Among his first moves at the helm of the formerly Anglo-conservative newspaper was to propagandize in favor of recognizing the mass murderous Soviet Bolsheviks as a legitimate government and to incite hatred againt Hitler — who was already being targeted for removal by the Globalist Cabal. . Katherine’s mother (a Lutheran) is described in mainstream articles as an “intellectual, art lover, and political activist” — code words for commie, commie and commie. Among Mamma Graham’s “friends” were actual Communists Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Dewey and Saul Alinsky. . With a financial and political pedigree like that, it’s easy to see why Katherine grew up to be such a Marxist she-devil herself.
1. In order to thwart the reelection of Republican President Herbert Hoover in 1932, Fed Chairman Meyer strangled millions of American families and businesses into bankruptcy — before buying the Washington Post at a bankruptcy auction! // 2. Mamma Meyer was an activist Marxist busybody (who, later on, openly railed against Senator Joseph McCarthy) and is credited with helping to get the Federal government involved in education, while Eisenhower was president. // 3. Meyer’s influential Post adored FDR and Stalin — and agitated for war against Germany.
1929-1933 Money Supply decline
1932: Seventy years of Republican national dominance was abruptly brought to an end and reversed by Chairman Meyer’s DRASTIC post-crash contraction of the money supply and subsequent Fake News damnation of President Herbert “do nothing” Hoover.
After the war, in 1946, Pappa Meyer accepted the position as first president of the World Bank. At that time, he handed over control of his Fake News propaganda sheet to his son-in-law Philip Graham, Katherine’s husband. When Philip died in 1963, Katherine Graham went from “silent partner” to the new overt boss at the Washington Post — where she ruled until her death in 2001. Her son Donald then assumed control until unloading it in 2013. In all, the Meyer-Graham Dynasty owned the Washington Post (which in turned had owned Newsweek Magazine) for 80 years. That’s a whole lot of FAKE NEWS that Katherine, her parents and her son pumped into the heart of DC during a bygone era when newspapers and magazines dictated the controlled boundaries of public discourse and intimidated politicians. . But the lasting legacy of Katherine the Terrible was her personal takedown of a sitting US President, Richard M. Nixon, over the Watergate “scandal.” The operation involved a low-level hotel “burglary” (at Demonrat Party Headquarters) — set up by CIA operatives — after which The Washington Post blew the “scandal” wide open. In those pre-Talk Radio / pre-cable TV / pre-Internet / pre-Twitter days of total media monopoly, the Big Five Jewish-owned bullhorns — New York Times: Sulzberger / Washington Post: Meyer-Graham / ABC: Goldenson / NBC: Sarnoff / CBS: Paley (Paloff) — controlled the public perception of reality — totally! Nixon was defenseless. . According to the official fairy tale of Watergate, two young crusading reporters from The Washington Post, Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – supplied with information by an anonymous source called “Deep Throat” — took down an evil, duplicitous scoundrel of a president for the good of the country. In reality, it was Katherine the Terrible, in league with the CIA, who was behind the coup. . Editor’s Note: This is why subsequent scandals usually carry the suffix, “gate.” . Nixon’s resignation would eventually elevate Rockefeller puppet Gerald Ford to the presidency, and Nelson Rockefeller himself to the Vice Presidency. After the forced resignation of Nixon in 1974 (aided and abetted by Republican “RINOs”) – the “The Watergate Babies” of 1974 — most of them Marxists — swept into Congress as the country “revolted” against the “scandalous” Republicans. America’s political landscape, as it had been after Pappa Meyer undermined Herbert Hoover 40 years earlier — was thus, once again, fundamentally altered for decades. . And that’s Katherine the Terrible.
1. The wicked wench was referred to as “Katherine the Great” by her sycophants. // 2. Deep State actors Woodward (right) & Bernstein (left) did the journalistic dirty work, while the evil Queen of the Post kept her hands clean. / 3. The Post then gloated over the forced resignation of Richard Nixon and the coming anti-Republican backlash.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the home of Katherine Graham has sat vacant for 20 years in Washington DC. Boobus Americanus 2: A grand lady she was. Under her stewardship, the Post took down Richard Nixon. * St Sugar: Too bad sshe couldn’t live to 110. I’d have enjoyed sseeing this bitch Gitmo’d at the end of a rope! Editor: Nasty, nasty woman.