JD Vance Used to Sound Like Maddow, Now He Sounds Like MAGA



After 8 years of unrelenting lawfare, smears, lies and an an assassination attempt that failed by a couple of centimeters, the DNC/Deep State appears to have resigned itself to the fact that the Democrats will not win the 2024 Election, so there’s a shift the wind.

It appears that a deal has been struck by Trump, in his choice of Deep Stater, JD Vance for his Vice President. My retired military intelligence friend tells me that this was the compromise that Trump had to make in order for them to allow him to take office. They needed to ensure they got their Deep Stater VP on the ticket. Pence-Vance, same idea. But if Trump had to pick a Deep Stater, he probably picked the best one.

Whereas, Ron DeSantis is a project of the Bush Crime Family, Nikki Haley is a project of the unhinged lawfare-slinging Liberal, Reid Hoffman. Vance, however is a project of tech oligarch, Peter Thiel, who gave him $10 million for his 2022 Senatorial campaign. As tech oligarchs go, Thiel is one of the least evil. He’s actually a Christian.

Salon.com recently complained that Vance “has a Big Pharma Problem” and coincidentally, Michelle Obama and JD Vance both worked at the same Chicago lawfirm, Sidley & Austin where Barack and Michelle met. So there’s that.

The best we can hope for is that Vance genuinely switches his loyalties to become 100% America First – and there are actually signs of this, already – at least, regarding his position on ending the war in Ukraine, ceasing further military aid to Ukraine and opposing Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

As many know, Vance ran his 2016 Senate campaign on a platform of being a vicious Never-Trumper and he has said a lot of unflattering things about Trump over the years.

BioClandestine had an interesting take on this, saying:

“I see it as opportunity. Vance can spin this to undecided voters. Messaging could be along the lines of:  “I was not a fan of Trump before, but I changed, here’s why you should too!”

But we are hardly out of the woods, in this election season, as far as political violence is concerned. A few days ago, Tore announced that her advanced AI is predicting a mass casualty event to occur at the United Center, where the DNC convention is being held, with a probability of 68%, which is extremely high.

The Communist/Antifa/Free Palestine wing of the Democrat Party may give us a 2024 reprise of the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention. 68% echoing ’68. Interesting.

The Cabal cannot innovate, they can only repeat. Tore details a probable plot HERE.

Below is a transcript of the video compilation, below of JD Vance just mercilessly dogging Donald Trump:


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

As a running mate for Donald Trump, it is unavoidable to note that [JD Vance’s] record of remarks about Trump is one that I think could reasonably be described as “rich”.

(Roll several clips of JD Vance excoriating Trump over the past 8 years)

Charlie Rose/Octobert 18, 2016

“I’m a never Trump guy. I never liked him.”

On MSNBC Breaking News 2016

It makes you think that at a fundamental level, this is sort of a “He Said, She Said,” right? And at the end of the day, do you believe Donald Trump, who always tells the truth? Just kidding. Or do you believe that woman on that tape?

MSNBC’s Matt Jones 2016

Matt Jones: I cannot stand Trump, because I think he’s a fraud. Well, I think he’s a total fraud

JD Vance: I do too –

MSNBC’s Matt Jones: – that is exploiting these people, who is a total fraud.

JD Vance: Like you said, I agree with you on Trump, because I don’t think he’s the person. I don’t think he actually cares about folks.

NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross – August 17, 2016

Terry Gross: So as a conservative who thinks Trump doesn’t have the answers and isn’t qualified to be president, what are you going to do this election, if you don’t mind saying?

JD Vance: My current plans are to vote for either Third Party – or as I joked to my wife, I might write-in my dog, because that’s about as good as it seems but, you know, there’s a chance, if I feel Trump has a good chance of winning, that I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Ultimately, I think I’ll probably vote Third Party. I might vote for this this new guy, who I really like, Evan McMullin [a total Globalist and “former” CIA officer 🤡], who I actually met the other day.

But I think that I’m going to vote Third Party, because I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.


1). It’s distressing to know that Vance ever seriously contemplated voting for Hillary Clinton.

2). It’s distressing to know that Vance ever “really liked” Evan McMcMullin, a CIA officer who supported the most egregious Globalist policy to ever darken our doorstep, namely, the national sovereignty-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, championed by Hillary Clinton, which was the very first thing that Trump killed on the day he was sworn-in on January 20, 2017.

McMullin ran for President in 2016 and for Senate in 2022 and he lost both times and there was a period when everyone in the alt news community jokingly called him “Evan McMuffin”.

In short, Vance used to be a vocal advocate Globalist policies and we definitely have to keep an eye on him and get ready to thwart any moves he may take in a Globalist direction while in office.

Running Time: 1:33 mins

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