Did Chick-Fil-A just go woke?

Thanks for sending this article Wayne.  Did you ever wonder why they changed their name from CHIC-FIL-ET to CHICK-FIL-ET and then denied that it always had a K way back in the day.  It definitely did not have the K and I wish I had kept something from them way back years ago to prove it.  In fact, we used to call it (CHIC) SHEEK FIL ET because it did not have the K.

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 3:11 PM Wayne wrote:
Chick-fil-A Has Been Woke for Years. You Just Didn’t Want to Believe It.
Our family has removed ourselves from this company (even though we felt they had not only a great tasting product and the hundreds of points for free 🥲 items we had left)


Chick-fil-A Has Been Woke for Years. You Just Didn’t Want to Believe It.

Suzanne Bowdey
May 31, 2023

When the rest of the world lost its corporate marbles, conservatives liked to think that there was one place that would never let them down: Chick-fil-A. As far as they were concerned, the churchgoers’ chicken of choice had been solidly built on Truett Cathy’s strong family values. While other CEOs took their brands in wildly liberal directions, Christians took solace in the fact that at least one franchise could stand against the mob. Now, with the news that Chick-fil-A is catering to the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) crowd, customers feel deeply betrayed. But the reality is, the chicken empire’s capitulation started years before this.

Those of us who’ve watched Chick-fil-A up close know the company’s moral compromise didn’t happen overnight. For groups like Family Research Council, the bloom was off the nugget as far back as November of 2019 when, after years of holding the line, Chick-fil-A decided to put as much distance between Christians and their brand as possible.

To most people in the public square, the U-turn was completely unexpected. Chick-fil-A had already endured years of LGBT abuse, surviving movements to ban them from airports, rest stops, and college campuses. Despite the attacks, the Cathys didn’t just weather the storm, they thrived in it — doubling sales since the moment liberals decided it was a “controversy” to give to religious charities with biblical views.

Then, well into their heroic pushback — for no apparent reason — Chick-fil-A abruptly caved to the leftist pressure. In a punch to the gut of their loyal base, management announced that they were ending donations to faith-based groups like the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes because their positions on marriage and sexuality were too “controversial.” The defection cut deep for families, millions of whom had driven out of their way to support Chick-fil-A — not because the chicken was good, but because their conviction was better. Before there was a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis or a Brian Kemp, the Cathys had proven: you could stand on principle and win.

“If Chick-fil-A thinks that caving to PC pressure will help them grow as a company, they might want to check with the folks over at the Boy Scouts to see how well that strategy works,” Matt Walsh warned at the time. Governor Mike Huckabee was equally blunt. “Chick-fil-A made a huge mistake thinking they can appease these people,” he told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, “because they can’t.”

Days later, another bombshell dropped. Not only had the company stopped giving to Christians, it was quietly funding radical abortion and LGBT activists in their place. News broke that the Chick-fil-A Foundation had funneled at least $230,000 to Covenant House, an organization that, among other things, hosts Drag Queen Story Hours. Conservatives were in disbelief — so much so that The Federalist felt the need to spell it out: “Yes, Chick-fil-A Really Is Funding a Group that Hosts Drag Queen Story Hours,” their headline read.

Turns out, that wasn’t the worst of it. Reporters dug into the business’s tax returns and found that the chicken chain had also gifted money to the extremists at Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) — the same leftist bullies that inspired a gunman to storm the headquarters of FRC with the intent to murder as many staffers as possible and, in a final act of defiance, smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in our faces. The shooter, Floyd Corkins, told the FBI he’d picked FRC as a target from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website. Ironically, his outrage was sparked by 2012’s Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day for the Cathys’ marriage stance, which our staff had publicly celebrated.

To us, the company’s departure from biblical truth was personal. The same family who insisted their corporate mission was “to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us” had publicly disassociated from groups actually living up to that standard. It stung. Former employees, like FRC’s vice president for Communications, J.P. Duffy, were distraught. In a somber farewell to the chain in USA Today, Duffy wrote, “Chick-fil-A once inspired me to live out my values in the workplace. Those days are gone.”

Four years later, he says this latest treason is just par for the chain’s course. “Sadly,” Duffy told The Washington Stand, “I’ve come to expect this from Chick-fil-A, a corporation that has been moving Left for years. While they’ve kept their motto and their long-standing closed-on-Sundays policy, they’ve made a number of moves to appease the Left.” He cites the severing of ties with Christian charities and the partnerships with Covenant House and SPLC as proof that they aren’t the franchise Christians have come to know and love. “I’m not surprised that Chick-fil-A is promoting the left-wing DEI agenda espoused by SPLC and woke corporations. Chick-fil-A has drifted very far from its biblical roots.”

The fact that this fast-food favorite is now chasing the approval of the DEI crowd is just the fruit of their recent capitulation. The only surprise is that so many Christians have either ignored Chick-fil-A’s activism or lived in denial that it ever happened. Maybe they didn’t want to believe that the place where they felt at home, the place turned to for comfort in the cultural storm, betrayed them. It’s certainly a lot easier than the alternative, which is accepting and grieving the fact that this company — a brave holdout for so many years — has run away from the people and principles that made them who they are.

Now, with the chain going full-woke, even hiring a vice president of DEI to prove its allegiance to the Left, conservatives are finally forced to face facts. Chick-fil-A hasn’t been true to its values for years. And to many, including this writer, their sins are even more unforgiveable than other brands on the consumer chopping block — because unlike Anthropologie, Adidas, Calvin Klein, Hershey, Jack Daniels, Kohl’s, Lego, Levi Strauss, Maybelline, Nike, North Face, Sports Illustrated, Starbucks, and Target, Chick-fil-A continues to exploit — and profit from — its Christian reputation.

A Christian reputation that, under grandson Andrew Cathy’s leadership, looks an awful lot like surrender.


Topics:Corporate Activism
Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

See also the following that I wrote several years ago.  RAB/STM

Kellogg’s PORN Flakes? — modern Cereal Killers?

Barilla Antichrista — Your Time Has Pasta You Buy…! No More Pasta Fagioli for Me…!

Chick-Fil-A — Bird-brained Back-boneless Fillet of Soul and Plucking of Christendom (Updated PDF and text) & Hallmark caves in to homo-militancy and betrays its customer base to troll for perverts too (updated)

Illustrations of the Demise of Christ-end-dumb


I also sent this around about 3 years ago… head of Chickened-out filleted was also giving a shoe shine brush to every (white) employee as encouragement to do pennance and shine the shoes of black people


Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades.
His book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, is a documented account of how Americans lost the protection of law.
Billionaire Chick-Fil-A owner Dan Cathy assumed responsibility for white racism by humbling himself on his knee and polishing the shoes of a black rapper. Whether this was a well-scripted public relations move to save Chick-Fil-A fast food restaurants from being burned down or a genuine act of self-deprecation by an uninformed Christian is beside the point.  What Cathy, celebrities, and public authorities have done by assuming white responsibility for the rioting and looting is to hand blacks carte blanche.  Violence and theft are now justified responses to alleged white racism.
Corporations are racing to atone for white racism by removing black images from food packaging. Suddenly long established  famous brand names such as Aunt Jemima’s pancake mix, Uncle Ben’s rice, the black chef on the Cream of Wheat package, and Eskimo Pie, have become signs of “systemic racism.”
It seems to me that the real racism is removing pictures of black people from packaging.  Does this mean we can only have images of white people on packaging? Wouldn’t that be racist? How can we reconcile the woke idea that images of blacks are racist with the long-time push to have more black models and more black actors on TV?  Would it be racist to have an image of an Asian on a package?  How did Eskimo, an indigenous people inhabiting cold regions and a language, become racist?
It seems so mindlessly silly.  It reminds me of Stanford University students in 1971 demanding that the name of the football team, the Stanford Indians, be changed (currently the Stanford Cardinals). Stanford’s honoring the memory of Indians was given an unintended meaning of racism or mockery, whereas in fact the university wanted its team associated with the fighting prowess of native Americans.
Blacks were associated with good home cooking.  Their images on food products was an effort to associate goodness with the food products.  I am certain that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were never intended as racist images, but by removing pictures of blacks corporate PR hacks have accepted the assertion that black images are racist. The external costs of these corporate PR hacks are high. By accepting the charge that its packaging is racist, corporate public relations is enabling the rewriting of American history as a story of white racism. Everything American is racist, even packaging.
Public authorities and celebrities everywhere are taking a knee and apologizin as if they are responsible. These apologies reinforce the idea that whites are the reason all blacks aren’t multi-millionaires.
Guilt by association is also rampant. The stepmother of the Atlanta policeman, who shot the intoxicated black man who grabbed a taser from the police and aimed it at police, was fired from her job as human resources director at Equity Prime Mortgage as proof that EPM supports “communities of color.”
The country music group, Lady Antebellum, has announced a name change to Lady A.  The definition of antebellum is “existing before a war,” but the music group thinks the word has racist connotations like the movie, Gone With The Wind.
All of this can only end by making the United States a country without a history.  America is being cancelled.  According to the New York Times, the US is a country based on white racism. Therefore, American history is entirely racist and more disturbing than Aunt Jemima or a statue of Robert E. Lee.
Indeed, Western culture, being offensive, is itself being cancelled.  How can our cancellation be reconciled with the neoconservative claim that Americans are an exceptional and indispensable people entitled to hegemony over the world?
White liberals have taught black and white Americans that slavery is what whites do to blacks.  This is a lie. Slavery has nothing to do with race. Black slavery originated in Africa in the slave wars of the black king of Dahomey. Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, concludes from his research that from 1500 to 1650 more white Christian slaves were taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas.
This fact-based information is kept under wraps. Consequently, neither black nor white Americans have a clue that whites were enslaved by people of color. This allows blacks to claim to be the only victims of slavery, just as Jews claim special privileges as the only people to experience holocaust while they inflict holocaust on Palestinians.
The evidence is clear. But try getting the facts acknowledged. The agenda is to cancel America, and facts are not permitted to get in the way.