Subject: Did Six Million really die?…and bonus book read, Exposing the lies of History- Chpts 1-7Date: March 17, 2023 at 3:26:47 PM EDTTo: “” <>Audio version converted from video ” Did Six Million Really Die” by Ernst Zundel….Find out what Jewish power did to this man whose only sin was PUBLISHING a book he didn’t write.. How’s that for free speech, he went through 9 years of court hell…by the ZOG, Zionist Occupied Government in Cannada. during the mid 1980’s…Ernst Zundel deals with this forbidden topic that has been hijacked by the Jews and the victors of WW2 about the Auschwitz supposed gas chambers and whether 6 million really died in the Holocaust…What’s the real facts from the rumor and lies? …Ernst explains all this fiasco and gives us a history behind all his involvement in this and how he linked up with David Cole getting this information out. This is the audio of the video…Some great information here very hard to find thankfully archived for us to watch or in this case listen to…For those with time on their hands and want a real thorough expose of the 70 years of holocaust lies go here for this video, “Exposing ( Holocaust ) the lies.”This is 10 hrs of information that you won’t see played at any Holocaust museum or Jewish synagogue…OR looked into from any State House educational forum through their brain dead representatives or Congress people concerned for real Holocaust education, they will ignore this one…sad but true… with over fifty volumes dedicated with getting down to the real truths of the Holocaust and exposing the rumor, propaganda, lies and third party witness testimony exposed in all those research volumes will be ignored also.Jim Rizoli has hundreds of videos on his Bitchute channel most dealing with the holocaust nonsense…This one deals with the gas chamber lies…JoeBonus pointsJims putting this book as a read and commentary.Audio….other audio will followReview of Reed Sainsbury’s book
Chapter 1 – The Fox Guarding the Henhouse
Chapter 2 – Jews have been Expelled from 109 Countries (some more than once).
Jim and Diane Present EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed SainsburyEXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed SainsburyIntro, DedicationChap 1: The Fox Guarding the Hen HouseChap 2: Jews have been Expelled from 109 Countries,-Mar-1,-2023:8EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed SainsburyChap 3: What is Zionism? Exposing Zionism,-(ELH),-Reed-Sainsbury,-Chap-3,-Mar-3,-2023:9EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed SainsburyChap 4: The Rothschild Bankers – World Puppet Masters,-(ELH),-Reed-Sainsbury,-Chap-4,-Mar-6,-2023:fEXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed SainsburyChap 5: Jews Refer to Non-Jews as Goy or Goyim, Cattle or SubhumanChap 6: The Benjamin Franklin Prophecy,-(ELH),-Reed-Sainsbury,-Chap-5-6,-Mar-10,-2023:2EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed SainsburyChap 7: The Talmud Unmasked, the Jewish Bible,-(ELH),-Reed-Sainsbury,-Chap-7,-Mar-14,
The real kicker is the Leuchter Report