Subject: Fwd: Disturbing Current Events Humor
A battery in an electric car (let’s say an average Tesla) is made of 25 lbsof lithium, 60 lbs of nickel, 44 lbs of manganese, 30 lbs of cobalt, 200 lbsof copper, & 400 lbs of aluminum, steel & plastic, etc….. averaging about750-to-1,000 lbs of minerals that had to be mined & processed into thebattery that merely stores electricity….. Electricity which is generated byoil, gas, coal, nuclear or water (& a tiny fraction of wind & solar).That is the truth, about the lie, of “green” energy. There’s nothing greenabout the “green new deal”. You people better learn how to vote, or thisnonsense will continue to flow down on top of you, from the throne of yourgovernment, that you put these people on.……–IF WE ARE TO GUARD AGAINST IGNORANCE & REMAIN FREE,IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY AMERICAN –TO BE INFORMED.~~~ THOMAS JEFFERSON