Mona Alexis Pressley, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


Mona Alexis Pressley, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Mona Alexis Pressley

A picture is worth a thousand words. Pictured above are Susan Bro (left) who lost her daughter in the Charlottesville protests and Donna Soto (right) who lost her daughter in the Sandy Hook School Shooting in 2012. You may at this point be confused because it appears this is the same woman.  This issue has been written on and addressed several times including a compilation of letters addressed to President Trump about the questions never answered in regard to the Sandy Hook Shooting.  To re-cap:

Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer, victim at Charlottesville protest debuted in a role as Donna Soto, mother of Victoria Soto who died at the Sandy Hook shooting. Susan Bro turns out to be a crisis actor used in both incidents. Take a look at the comparisons below of both women when interviewed about the deaths of their daughter’s. The video’s that go with the pictures have since been deleted from the internet. [Editor’s note: Except I had already downloaded them (see below).”]

In comparison, it is obvious that they are the same woman.  Notice both women wear similar glasses, which are easy to change, along with identical facial features. She would want to change her appearance in subtle ways. Mannerisms and voice are even exact. The videos referred to in these photos as mentioned above are no longer available due to massive censorship going on today on the internet. This censorship ensures that the lies will be seen as fact.  Please read my article sent to President Trump about the Sandy Hook Soto and Bro comparison.

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For those who may not know, James H. Fetzer (born 6 December 1940 in Pasadena, California) is an American conspiracy realist, a former Marine Corps officer and a retired philosophy professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth.  He has written on the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. He has since retirement published books on various conspiracies, most of which can be found on and has an impressive website with hundreds of experts on various subjects on And he has been undertaking Herculean efforts to expose the hoax known as “Sandy Hook”.

Among the efforts to shut him up, Dr. Fetzer was sued by a man calling himself “Lenny Pozner”, a purported parent of one of the alleged victims, “Noah Pozner”, for publishing a death certificate he himself had provided to a research colleague. The judge shut down any evidence Dr. Fetzer wanted to present showing that Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill. He even “set aside” the reports of two experts who had analyzed the death certificate, which was an incomplete and uncertified death certificate with no file number and neither town nor state certification. Ron Avery has compared it to an incomplete driver’s license with no license number and no state seal. Dr. Fetzer was found guilty of defamation in spite of the evidence, a finding that (remarkably!) has been upheld by the Wisconsin Courts of Appeal. So now he’s taking his case to the US Supreme Court.

Moreover, Dr. Fetzer has proven that “Noah Pozner” is a fiction created using photos of his purported half-brother, Michael Vabner, as a child, as though they were photos of “Noah”:

For more, see Jim Fetzer, “Deception Galore” (5 December 2020)

Currently, Dr. Fetzer has tried to help the gun manufacturers, who are being sued by the Sandy Hook crew.  He recently wrote about the Soto v. Remington case,

When I sought to intervene in this case, I was opposed by BOTH the Plaintiff AND the Defendant. That the Plaintiffs should object was not surprising, but Remington, too? Does that give you the least hint that the fix was in? Considering my attempts to make the court and counsel aware have been repeatedly rebuffed, it appears that whether this was a staged event–actually, a 2-day FEMA “mass casualty exercise involving children”, for which we even found the manual and published as Appendix A to NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015; 2nd ed., 2016)–doesn’t matter to the parties in this case. Think about it! I published before that this $33,000,000 lawsuit was an insurance scam. Now I’m told they settled for $73,000,000. And the first name Plaintiff, Donna Soto, also played the role of Susan Bro in Charlottesville. (

The public needs to be reminded with hope that this time they pay attention to the fraud that has been committed by the same group of people that brought us many false flags since 2001 including but not limited to 9/11, Sandy Hook, Charlottesville, Parkland shooting, Las Vegas shooting, and the plandemic to bring down the US. To do this, the players (Government, Elites, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and Main Stream Media) planned many years ago to disarm the American public by creating these false flags to take control of the country and its people. Can this be stopped?

Possibly, if the people stand up and show the government who is in charge. Currently the government and elites think they are rulers and dictators. They have this arrogance that is sickening by thinking they have already won. Everyone that does not want a life of slavery and misery needs to take a minute to look into the deception that has been rolled out and is still happening in real time. Quit being so gullible when they manipulate you with shootings.  Look at the evidence without the tear jerking families that the mainstream media presents and make a decision based on the real truth. The choice is yours. What will it be freedom or slavery?

Mona Alexis Pressly, MA, MFT has frequently appeared on “The Raw Deal” and “The Power Hour”. Her research on numerous political issues, including Obama’s birth certificate, Sandy Hook and Las Vegas, has been published by Dr. James Fetzer, PENN Magazine and many other venues.