Attorney Thomas Renz, who publicized data from the
Department of Defense showing a significant rise in serious
illness and injury in military personnel following the rollout of
COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, has issued a special legal notice
with nearly 200 pages of supporting evidence.
Some of the most alarming data included in the evidence
comes from a trio of DoD whistleblowers, who shared proof
from the Defense Military Epidemiological Database of a
nearly 1,000 percent overall rise in injuries and diseases. This
database, Renz reports, is “considered the premier
epidemiological database in the world, monitored by an entire
division of the military, part of the data feeding into the DHHS
related to vaccine safety, and frequently cited by public health
professionals in peer reviewed publications.”
He presented the data in a public hearing to Senator Ron
Johnson, a ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee
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on Investigations. Senator Johnson then wrote a letter to the
Secretary of Defense about it, and he received a response
stating that there had been a “glitch” in the database
impacting data from 2016 to 2020 and that 2021 had not been
an anomaly.
According to Renz, if that had truly been the case, the
Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Anthony
Fauci, the Department of Defense, the White House and
public health officials throughout the world were wrong for five
years – including 2020, the first year of the pandemic.
Referring to the fact that the DoD later adjusted the figures for
the years it claims were affected by the glitch to make 2021’s
numbers appear more consistent with previous years, he
wrote: “The glitch then magically repaired itself in 2021
despite the fact that the error went unnoticed until we shared
this information in 2022.”
The Pentagon has yet to explain why the real numbers were
not in the official system for five years and where the originally
published numbers came from, nor have they explained why
2021’s figures were supposedly accurate but previous figures
were not.
However, what we do know is that one of two things must be
true depending on whether 2021 was abnormal or the
previous five years’ figures were indeed similar to 2021, as
Renz points out: “Either there was mass vaccine injury in the
military, or our military has been very unhealthy and the
Pentagon completely lost control over epidemiological
surveillance of these health issues for years. Either way, this
is the story of the year.”
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Significant rises seen in several
serious illnesses
Among the data found in the DoD database and highlighted
by Johnson’s letter was a 2,181 percent rise in hypertension
from 2020 to 2021, a 1,048 percent rise in diseases of the
nervous system, a 680 percent rise in multiple sclerosis, a
551 percent rise in Guillain-Barre syndrome, and rises well
above 100 percent of various types of cancer and infertility.
Other data Renz wanted to draw attention to include a DoD
document that shows Dr. Fauci lied by claiming the virus was
a “crisis of the unvaxxed” and demonstrating that the jabs are
even less effective among minorities and a Pfizer document
proving the dangers of the vaccines were known early on and
that potential side effects have been covered up.
There is also a DoD Senior Leading Briefing demonstrating
that a quarter of active duty and reserves have not yet been
fully vaccinated and are therefore subject to dismissal from
the military.
In addition to calling for the vaccine mandates for military
personnel to be lifted immediately, Renz is pleading with
officials to: “look at the facts and take a stand.”