Comment (1)

  1. joshua

    The commentary does not get it about race. It is all about destruction of the White Race ! It is done through Wars and Miscegenation (race mixing heavily supported by the media). Who are the most vaccinated ? White countries ! Go to England, go to France, go to USA, go to any European country, Canada, Australia, and when you arrive you see blacks and browns occupying positions in Customs and Border Control as well as a few Whites. Go to India, Nigeria, South Africa, China, Japan, Indonesia, any African country, any S. American country and you will see no Whites doing those jobs. In Nigeria, just blacks, S.Africa just blacks, India just Indians, China, just Chinese. Wake up ! Racism is a term used as a weapon against Whites ! Kenya, 50% population under 19, Comoros same thing.
    Yes there is an overpopulation problem but Whites are not reproducing themselves. There is nothing shameful about being racist. It is normal and all the races are racist, but Whites must not be racist ! The media is determined that Whites should feel guilty for loving their own kind first !

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