V. D. HANSON’S FIRST RULE FOLLOWING HERE REMINDED ME OF WHAT I HAVE PREACHED TO DEAF EARS FOR THE PAST FORTY YEARS, AND THAT IS: There is no such thing as “tax-payer’s money” and it has not existed since June 24, 1968. That was the last day that banks would accept your lawful Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for the lawful money (gold and silver coin) they guaranteed. (“This note is legal tender for all debts public and private and is redeemable in lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank or the U. S. Treasury.”) 6/24/68 then became the day that every “dollar” the government created henceforth was 100% inflationary and all of it was merely “government money” which eliminated the need for “tax-payer’s money” to pay for anything. The extraction from the taxpayer, in addition to restricting his/her spending, merely slowed down the inflation rate by taking out of circulation a few $billion and inserting it back into the FED account each year.

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Here are Victor Davis Hanson’s ten rules.


1:  Money is created from thin air, so deficits and national debt are meaningless.

2:  Laws don’t necessarily mean anything anymore, if they aren’t convenient.

3:  Racialism is now promoted, and labels trump American commonality.

4:  Illegal immigrants are “more equal” than citizens, and not subject to laws.

5:  Americans should be treated like little children, exempted from morality.

6:  Elites are exempted from the rules they impose on the “little people.” 

7:  Homelessness should be cultivated, and their lawless behavior is excused.

8:  Destroying lives and careers through the Cancel Culture “Reign of Terror” is virtuous.

9:  Ignorance is celebrated, history does not exist, and degrees are just empty credentials.

10:  Wokeness is the new State Religion, enforced by Big Tech and Big Media.


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(Everyone should review the true history of the Nuremberg Trials to learn of the deception perpetrated on the world’s public that became forever recorded into false history. However, the Nuremberg Code that evolved from the phony trials now works in your favor. USE IT!!!)

Nuremberg Code enumerated.


During the Nuremberg trials following World War II, Nazi doctors who had conducted unconscionable medical experiments on captive subjects were charged with Crimes Against Humanity.


As a result of these trials, the “Nuremberg Code” was established to define constraints on medical experimentation on human beings.  Its ten absolute points:

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely prerequisite.
  2. The experiment should benefit society, and be the only way to provide benefit, and never be random or unnecessary.
  3. The experiment cannot proceed to humans until animal studies have established that it is expected to be safe and beneficial.
  4. The experiment must avoid physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. Experiments where death or disabling injury is likely to result can only proceed if the doctors themselves are also subjects of the experimentation.
  6. The risk must never exceed the anticipated benefit to society.
  7. Preventive measures must be in place to protect subjects from even remote possibilities of injury or death.
  8. All experimenters must be scientifically qualified at all times and places.
  9. Every human subject must be able to quit the experiment whenever he feels the need.
  10. The scientist in charge must terminate the experiment at any stage if results indicate that injury, disability or death is likely.

Now, read that list again, out loud.  With a medical experiment of dubious value already under way with over 200,000,000 American human test animals, reckon who will stand trial for crimes against humanity?