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Crisis in America: Millions of Nurses are Resigning or

Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates


Hospitals and health clinics are where the rubber hits the road in the implementation of Globalist Big Pharma genocide, thus one of the major fronts of World War III is being fought by employees of the healthcare system.

Nurses who were being hailed as “heroes” by the propaganda media a year ago are now being called “terrorists” for refusing the vaccine mandates.

Rather than to ask nurses why they don’t want the vaxx, these erstwhile heroes are now being cast as “ignorant” and “uneducated” by the bribed elitists in the gaslighting industrial complex.

It’s estimated that over 50% of the nursing staff in the US will be forced to walk off the job in the next few weeks.

But exactly who else is better qualified to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the vaxx, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaxxed, every day?

As Katie Kirn, RN from Michigan says, “We are being forced to decide between risking debilitating injury or death from this experimental vaccine with the highest mortality rate in history – which of course, will not be covered by the manufacturer, government or hospital – or losing our jobs and financial stability. Many nurses are leaving healthcare, altogether.

“Exemptions are not the answer. We should not be forced to apply for an exemption from a mandate that is Unconstitutional, in the first place. Freedom is the answer.”

Another nurse wields her nursing handbook and says, “Battery is an assault and it includes willful, violent angry touching of another person’s body, clothing or anything attached to them.

“Forcibly removing patients’ clothing and administering injection after the patient has refused it are all examples of battery. This is in my nursing book from 4 years ago. This is what they teach us.

“If we did this to a patient – if you told your patient informed consent and they said ‘No’ and you did it, anyway, you would go to jail, you’d get your nursing license taken away and you’d be a criminal.

“So, now what they’re doing is putting us in a position of saying, ‘Either you become a victim of a crime, both voluntarily and the nurse giving the injection, when they know you don’t want it, is committing a crime, that nurse can lose their license and we’re being told to be a victim of a crime in order to keep our employment.”

Ask yourself, if you ended up in the hospital, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles, even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who are willing the look the other way and follow genocidal protocols, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks?

Running Time: 12 mins


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  1. PD


    DO NOT RESIGN!! YOU WILL FORFEIT IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS AND REMEDIES IF YOU RESIGN, potentially including rights to unemployment benefits (Force the Employer to terminate you)! Consider filing a Religious Exemption (if you have a sincerely-held religious belief that prevents you from injecting man-made synthetic RNA into your body, which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 6:19) as follows: “19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.c” Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires the Employer to make “reasonable accommodations” to each nurse who submits a Religious Exemption as long as it “does not pose an undue hardship on the operation of the employer’s business”. IT DOES NOT: YOU’VE BEEN TREATING PATIENTS FOR 18 MONTHS COMPLETELY UNVACCINATED AND CONTINUING THE SAME PROCEDURES SHOULD PROVIDE NO HARDSHIP, and the evidence is overwhelming from the breakthrough cases of 4 fully-vaxxed Senators, including Graham, 27 fully-vaxxed on a Carnival Cruise Ship, 74% of cases in Barnstable County Massachusetts, among others, that VACCINATION DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION, ONLY SEVERITY OF ILLNESS TO THE INDIVIDUAL if later infected). The inoculations (you can’t honestly call them “vaccines” because they provide NO IMMUNITY) have ONLY an alleged personal benefit (if any) to the recipient and you are choosing to forego that alleged benefit. After you’ve filed a Religious Exemption, if the Employer then takes any administrative action against you, including suspension or termination, you have preserved a claim for Religious Discrimination and Retaliation for having filed a Religious Exemption, and you can call the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to file your Religious Discrimination and Retaliation claims against the Employer. While you are at it, consider calling the OSHA Hotline (800-321-6742) to speak to the OSHA staff about the Employer Vaccine Mandate and the dangerous workplace condition being forced upon you (unsafe conditions and personal health hazard), because there is voluminous evidence reported in the Voluntary Adverse Event Reporting System of serious post-vaccine injuries and death (approximately 13,000 in the US alone) caused by the shots that the Employer is requiring [you should have protected status as a “whistleblower” under section 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act]. OSHA recently issued Guidance on May 28, 2021 advising Employers that vaccine injuries are reportable on OSHA 300 logs (and the Employer is responsible for the injuries) IF THE EMPLOYER MANDATES VACCINATION AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT. Most Employers will give up this horribly inhumane plan when enough nurses file their EEOC Complaints and OSHA Complaints. ASK YOUR LAWYER BEFORE YOU CONSIDER RESIGNING.

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