RealHistoryChan.com will make an immediate retraction and issue a $300 cash reward to the first person who can disprove any of the following statements. Send your fact-based challenge (if you can) to: RealHistoryChannel88@Gmail.com.

* Not a single government agency in the world has been able to provide – through Freedom of Information requests – any confirming data proving that the “novel” (new) coronavirus of 2019 was ever scientifically isolated and identified. If they cannot, that suggests that it’s actually just the same old cold & flu of years past. In fact, as part of a court case in Canada against a Covid “non-complier” in the province of Alberta, the state was not able to produce such records (later claiming that the defendant did not file his subpoena properly).

* The PCR “test” which is used to “diagnose” the imaginary illness was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. The inventor of the process – 1994 Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis – said so himself!
Mullis: “With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. If you amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which PCR can do – then there are very few molecules that you don’t have at least one of them in your body. So that can be a misuse of it, to claim that it is meaningful.”

Dr. Mullis ought to know. PCR is his baby! By the way, the distinguished Dr. Mullis (who conveniently died just before the Covid scam started) despised St. Anthony Falsie and referred to him as a liar for the way he was already misapplying the PCR to diagnose other fake diseases.

* Even with the fake test results, hospitals and nursing homes have been authorized to diagnose “cases” by “symptoms” and “presumption.” This means that anyone with the sniffles or a fever can be tagged as “Covid.” …. Cha ching!!!

* There is no evidence to show that masks can prevent the spread of viruses. The micro “bugs” are generally not airborne, and can easily penetrate through the fibers of your bacteria-infested, oxygen-limiting mask as a mosquito would through a chain-link fence.

* According to the CDC, the average age of a so-called “Covid victim” is almost 80. According to the same CDC, the average life expectancy in the United States is —- also about 80! So, what’s the fuss all about?!

* Again, according to the CDC, 94% of those who died had at least one other life-threatening condition, and 70% had TWO other life-threatening conditions (in addition to their old age).

* According to CDC statistics, a person in his or her 50s, without any other pre-existing life-threatening conditions, is about as likely to choke to death during a meal than of dying from “Covid.” (which isn’t even real). So then, why are you not pureeing all of your food?

* Hospitals and nursing homes were paid $10,000 for each diagnosis of “Covid” and an additional $39,000 for each patient then placed on a dangerous ventilator. Sheer greed (by design of the master planners) drove our “health care heroes” to list deaths by pneumonia, flu, COPD, asthma attacks, strokes, diabetes, heart attacks etc as “Covid.” Murder victims were even tagged as “Covid!” And a few brave doctors have come forward and admitted that administrators are “pressuring” them to list “Covid” on death certificates.

* Several countries (Sweden & Belarus in Europe, for example) mostly ignored the “pandemic” and never shut down nor masked-up (although Sweden, after months of intense international pressure, did finally ask people to voluntarily “social distance.”) And yet, life went on as normal in those countries. Were you even aware of that?

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7