Published here last week, the YouTube video of the July 30, 2020, Charlie Kirk Show with the nine doctors revealing the benefits of hydroxychloroquine, was located at . That important video was deleted by YouTube on or before August 10, 2020, with the following notice: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.” Google, who owns YouTube, will stop at nothing to keep this important information hidden from the public.

YouTube cannot claim medical expertise that exceeds the 200 years of medical experience represented by the nine doctors in the video. No, this has nothing to do with the merits of the video. This was purely a powerplay in shutting down a disfavored remedy that undermines the vaccine and patent medicine profits of the drug companies from whom Google receives massive advertising revenues. YouTube is simply the piper obeying the dictates of the pharmaceutical companies, who, by virtue of paying that piper, get to call the tune.

But the video was backed up on BitChute, and it can be viewed at the links below.

There Is a Cure for COVID-19 But They Are Hiding it From You



Comment (1)

  1. Michaeld

    Lots of rich grunts are going to get the gallows or lonnnnnngggg sentences

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