Black Lives Matter is a Seditious Communist Front
Newsweek Magazine reveals that “Black Lives Matter is an activist movement which began as a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter after three Black organizers, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, were discussing on Facebook the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager in Florida in July 2013.
Of course there is no mention in the article of the fact that the Trayvon Martin case was a hoax, complete with fake witnesses.
Patrisse Cullor
The Newsweek article makes it sound like some kind of spontaneous idea that three friends came up with during a moment of grief over a perceived injustice. That sounds innocuous enough. But what does it mean to be a “black organizer?” Yaron Steinbuch of the New York Post revealed that Patrisse “Cullors, 36, was the protégé of Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview.”
The Weather Underground “bombed government buildings and police stations in the 1960s and 1970s.”
In an interview with Jared Ball of the Real News Network, Patrisse Cullors admitted that she is a communist agitator. Cullors said:
The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.
Alicia Garza
Alicia Garza, one of three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter national organization, has repeatedly talked about how convicted cop killer and wanted domestic terrorist Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, is one of her main inspirations. Susan Rosenberg, a member of the board of directors for the left-wing Thousand Currents group, which handles the intake of donations made to Black Lives Matter, is a convicted terrorist who, among other things, was suspected of helping Shakur escape from prison.
Rosenberg, who was listed as the vice chairwoman of the board of directors for Thousand Currents until the webpage was pulled down this week, as first reported by the Capital Research Center, had been a member of the radical leftist revolutionary militant group known as the May 19th Communist Organization, affiliated with the Weather Underground terrorist group and other radicals. She was convicted on weapons and explosives charges and sentenced to 58 years in prison, serving 16 years before being pardoned by President Bill Clinton in January 2001.
Thousand Currents did not return a request for comment.
Black Lives Matter, which is not a 501(c)(3) charitable group, uses an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) organization — Thousand Currents — as its fiscal sponsor, and so donations made on the Black Lives Matter website through the left-wing ActBlue donation platform go to Thousand Currents, which says it then distributes them to Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter has gained a vast amount of national attention, and funding, since the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd on Memorial Day.
Rosenberg was a radical in the 1960s and 1970s who landed on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for a number of suspected crimes and was nabbed in 1984 while unloading from her car and into a New Jersey storage unit hundreds of pounds of dynamite along with weapons, including a sub-machine gun. She was believed to have been part of future politically motivated bombing plots. Rosenberg and her M19 associates were also charged with roles in bombings during the 1980s at the Capitol and the Navy War College, among other targets. They were also tied to a 1981 Brink’s armored car robbery that killed a guard and two police officers.
Rosenberg was believed to have also played a role in Shakur’s escape from prison.
Garza wrote an article for the Feminist Wire in 2014 explaining that “when I use Assata’s powerful demand in my organizing work, I always begin by sharing where it comes from, sharing about Assata’s significance to the Black Liberation Movement, what it’s political purpose and message is, and why it’s important in our context.” Garza has repeatedly tweeted approvingly about Shakur.
Shakur is currently on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List with a $1 million reward. A member of the revolutionary extremist group called the Black Liberation Army, Shakur is wanted for escaping from prison in New Jersey in 1979 while serving a life sentence for murdering a police officer during a traffic stop. In 1973, Shakur and two accomplices were stopped for a motor vehicle violation on the New Jersey Turnpike by two New Jersey State Police troopers. Shakur was wanted at the time for her role in a number of serious crimes, including bank robbery, so they opened fire on the officers, injuring one trooper and killing Werner Foerster execution-style at point-blank range. She was caught and sentenced but then escaped, making her way to Cuba in 1984.
Rosenberg wrote an autobiography in 2011 titled An American Radical: Political Prisoner in My Own Country, in which she talked about her radical escapades, and since her release has served as the communications director for the American Jewish World Service and had a stint at John Jay School of Criminal Justice. She also joined Thousand Currents.
It is not surprising to see that Rosenberg as the communications director for the American Jewish World Service would also be Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors for Thousand Currents and thus in a position to supervise the money flows for the communist front organization, Black Lives Matter. Communism is Talmudic Judaism and that is why we find so many Jews in positions of power at the top of ostensibly black civil rights organizations like Black Lives Matter.
Opal Tometi
James Simpson writing for Capital Research Center reveals that “Opal Tometi is the daughter of illegal aliens from Nigeria. While in college, she worked for the ACLU defending illegal aliens against “vigilantes” opposed to illegal immigration. She is currently executive director of Black Alliance for Just Immigration.”
The Pan Am Post reveals that while Tometi helped found Black Lives Matter, which supposedly exists to combat alleged police abuse of blacks, she turns a blind eye to police abuse if the abuser is a communist dictator. The Pan Am Post article explains:
[A]t the PanAm Post we have found that while Black Lives Matter claim to oppose police abuse and racism around the world, the organization is simultaneously a great supporter of some of the world’s most brutal and repressive dictators. In particular, the founders of BLM have been staunch supporters and allies of the sanguinary Venezuela [communist] dictator Nicolas Maduro and of the Castro regime in Cuba.
It is ironic that as BLM protest alleged police brutality in the United States, the organization praises a regime known for the brutal practices of its security forces.
In December 2015 Black Lives Matter sent a delegation, headed by the organization’s co-founder, Opal Tometi, to act as observers during the Venezuelan Parliamentary elections of that year. The Maduro regime did not allow accreditation for observers from the Organization of American States, the UN, or the EU. The only accredited observers where from regimes and organizations friendly to the [communist] “revolutionary cause.”
Later that same month Tometi penned an article where she espouses, word for word, the regime’s standard text for international propaganda. “In these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world ,” wrote Tometi about one of the world’s most corrupt voting systems in history.
Earlier in 2015 Maduro was given an award at the “Afro-descendants Summit” held in Harlem. Maduro was invited at the behest of the Black Lives Matter leadership.
Scores of Venezuelans have been killed, not while resisting arrest, or while scuffling with the police in demonstrations, but by police snipers under orders to quell demonstrations by providing a few corpses. The best-known case is of former beauty queen, Genesis Carmona, killed by Maduro’s snipers in 2013, two years before Tometi publicly declared her deep admiration for Maduro and his regime.
Reading Tometi’s piece, while remembering the atrocities and inhuman conditions suffered by the Venezuelan people, superbly reported in The New York Times by Meredith Kohut, one realizes that it is not racism that the co-founder of BLM is fighting. This level of cynicism is always a sign of a fanatical adherence to an ideology.
In the case of Black Lives Matter, both its co-founders are fanatical Marxists, and they have publicly admitted as much. Patrice Cullors, Tometi’s colleague in the founding of Black Lives Matter, has publicly admitted to being “a trained Marxist” and “we are super-versed in ideological theory”.

Racist Provocation with Radical Roots
BLM is Subervsive
Jaroslaw Martyniuk is a former diplomat with the International Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. He posted an article in The Ukranian Weekly, where he reveals that Antifa and its auxiliary, Black Lives Matter, are at their core a “neo-Marxist-anarchist movement.”
The term “Antifa” has a certain appeal to the uninitiated, and that is why it’s easy to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. At its core, it’s an extremist neo-Marxist Communist-anarchist movement that explicitly advocates the overthrow of the capitalistic system and the destruction of America.
The anarcho-communist movement is decentralized, composed of small cells, some of whom openly vow to engage in an armed struggle to trigger a civil war to abolish the current system and replace it with communism. Although they claim to be antifascists, in reality they are fascism personified.
Despite abundant evidence that neo-Marxists have a hand in these protests and riots, very few journalists have been willing to expose the truth. Mainstream media portray them as a well-meaning alliance of idealists who seek nothing more than to thwart the evils of right-wing “fascism.”
Although the Black Lives Matter movement has become mainstream, it’s unfortunate that so many well-intentioned Black and other good people have been duped into helping achieve Antifa’s nefarious ends. In truth, recent riots have little to do with race and everything to do with regime change and revolution.
CPUSA Supports BLM
Indeed, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is not shy about its support of Black Lives Matter and its real goals, to abolish the local police as a step toward a communist takeover of the United States. The CPUSA views the local police as a “racist” means to protect private property; under communist rule private property would not exist. “Policing has to be understood as a tool of social control in terms of protecting private property (i.e., capitalism) and white supremacy.”
In order to create a class struggle (i.e., anarchy) the local police must be abolished. Jamal Rich, writing for the Communist Party USA, explains how the Black Lives Matter movement is inexorably tied to the communist movement:
Lenin himself saw the struggle for democracy indivisibly bound up with the struggle against racism, class, and national oppression and saw this struggle as key to advancing unity among the workers of the oppressor nation and the people of any oppressed nation or nationality. V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 22 (1916). Henry Winston, former Communist Party, USA, Chair, said that it was the Communist Party that saw from its inception that the struggle against racist oppression was part of the class struggle and that it also recognized that Black people were oppressed as a people and that “labor with a white skin and labor with a Black skin could not be free unless the special demands of the triply-oppressed Black people were put at the center of the struggle for progress and socialism.” H. Winston, Strategy for a Black Agenda (1973).
BLM and the Black Panther Party
Jamal Rich, writing for the CPUSA, acknowledges that the Black Lives Matter movement is taking a page from the notoriously violent and racist Black Panthers:
[G]roups like Black Lives Matter D.C. have developed forms of “cop watching,” which surveils and documents police criminalizing, brutalizing, or harming members of the community akin to the “panther patrols” of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense which can be a possible alternative to responding to violence in communities. These are realistic alternatives to the current approaches to public safety.
Keep in mind that the Black Panther Party was a communist front organization of racist thugs. The violent sociopathic conduct of the leaders of that movement illustrates that truth. The Black Panther Party Minister of Defense, Huey Newton, killed police officer John Frey. He was convicted but his conviction was overturned on appeal. Two retrials ended in hung juries. Newton allegedly murdered Kathleen Smith, but two trials also ended in hung juries. He was also accused of murdering Betty Van Patter. Newton was murdered in 1989 by Tyrone Robinson of the Black Gorilla Family.
Eldridge Cleaver was the Black Panther Party Minister of Information who in 1968 ambushed and wounded two police officers. The Black Panther Party Treasurer, Bobby Hutton was killed in the ambush. Cleaver later admitted in a public speech that he led the ambush. He was charged with attempted murder. He skipped bail and fled to communist Cuba. He later returned to the U.S. and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge. He became a cocaine addict and was arrested for burglary. He died of failing health in 1998.
Bobby Seale was the Chairman of the Black Panther Party. He was one of the original “Chicago Eight” who incited a riot in the wake of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Seale allegedly ordered the torture and killing of fellow Black Panther, Alex Rackley. Several officials of the Black Panther Party had tortured Alex Rackley into confessing that he was a police informant. He was then murdered. The leading conspirator behind the murder, George Sams, Jr., turned state’s evidence and testified that Seale, ordered him to kill Rackley. The trial ended in a hung jury and charges against Seale were later dropped. While Seale was in prison on other charges, his wife became pregnant. It was alleged that fellow Black Panther Fred Bennett was the father of the child. Bennett’s mutilated body was later found in a suspected Black Panther hideout. Seale was implicated in the murder. The police suspected that he ordered the murder in retribution for the affair, but the case could not be proven. Bobby Seale got into a dispute with Huey Newton, during which Newton, who was backed by his armed bodyguards, allegedly beat Seale with a bullwhip so badly that Seale required extensive medical treatment for his injuries. Seale went into hiding and soon after left the Black Panther Party.
Those are the kind of people with whom the CPUSA is advocating should replace the local police. Don’t be fooled. The Black Lives Matter movement is following the subversive script of the Black Panther Party because they spring from the same communist root. Black Lives Matter seems to be simply a rebranding of the Black Panther Party using different methods that are more appropriate for the 21st century.
Black Lives Matter activist Ashley Yates met with President Barrack Obama in the White House in 2014. Yates told Sean Elder of Newsweek Magazine in a 2016 article titled Does Black Lives Matter Pick Up Where The Black Panthers Left Off? that “I think just the declaration ‘Black lives matter’ is everything that the Panthers were about.”
Davis is stating the obvious. Of course, there are connections between the two; they are controlled by the same “Communist International.” As a communist, Davis knows this for certain. The objectives of the two organizations are the same, subvert local policing. The only difference is their methods. Where the Black Panthers confronted the police with arms, Black Lives Matter seeks to disarm and disband the police. Davis calls that “demilitarizing” the police.
Davis is a Marxist feminist, Black Panther Party affiliate, and a longtime member of the Communist Party USA. She is the recipient of the Soviet Union’s Lenin Peace Prize. She was twice the candidate for Vice President on the Communist Party ticket while holding the position of professor of ethnic studies at San Francisco State University. She is professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz. The fact that a radical subversive like Angela Davis can find long term employment in American universities illustrates how far left are American universities.
Angela Davis was named the 1971 Woman of the Year in Time magazine edition listing “100 Women of the Year.” That should give you an idea of how far left the mainstream media is in the United States.
BLM is Anti-Family and Pro-Sodomite
The BLM states, without equivocation:
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.
We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
We foster a queer-affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
There Is a Reason Violence and Destruction Accompany All BLM Protests: They Are Planned That Way

Picture reported to be from the June 1, 2020, Raleigh, N.C., BLM protest.
2 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter is a Seditious Communist Front”
No surprise. The Godless lying mainstream media is problem #1. The plandemic is fake, an exercise. The USA is getting godless and God has allowed some of the loonies loose to chastise the USA. The USA needs to repent, or it will get worse. At least we are not Venezuela, with 99% in breadlines and the rulers and their friends are billionaires and millionaires. That is what the left wants to duplicate.
Thank you for bring to light the corruption of BLM for all to see.