Roundup, over-use and misuse

by Mischa Popoff

Roundup (glyphosate) is the only herbicide used throughout the growing season. Like most pesticides, it has never undergone any long-term safety-testing. The most dangerous use of this pipe descaler rebranded as a weed killer is in the forced ripening of crops, called desiccation, a practice that guarantees this pesticide will wind up in our food,[i] as well as in the animal byproducts used in vaccines.[ii]

Our immune systems consist of trillions of microorganisms that rely on the same pathways as plants do, the pathways that Roundup interrupts, causing weeds to cease biosynthesis and die. As such, Roundup, more so than any other pesticide, contributes to the suppression of our immune systems.[iii]

Ignoring this, Bayer execs seek to dominate the fast-growing desiccation market with their recent purchase of Monsanto. There’s a minor hitch though… Bayer is being sued by thousands of people who have contracted cancer while applying Roundup. Strangely, none of the judgments against Bayer have been for farmers. Wouldn’t they be the first to succumb to illness? Are they being muzzled?

Alas, both sides in this battle already agree that farmers will NEVER stop using glyphosate, not here in America nor over in enviro-conscious Europe. Modern farming is addicted to it. No matter how dangerous this pesticide turns out to be, both sides actually agree Roundup will never be banned. If it was, how would all the lawyers get paid?

Sure, shareholders are worried, as evidenced by Bayer’s falling stock price. But Bayer executives have everything to gain from a protracted court battle, replete with dire headlines warning that the herbicide once touted as “the world’s safest” is in fact dangerous, so long as no one figures out that the real problem isn’t just with people APPLYING Roundup; it’s more to do with people absorbing it after eating it or having it injected into them, perhaps many orders-of-magnitude more.

With Roundup sales flatlining in the traditional market of weed control and the GMO Roundup Ready market, desiccation has become the target market for Bayer execs. But first, they have to become indemnified against any future claims of injury, whether by those who apply or who inadvertently consume Roundup,

  • just as vaccine companies were indemnified by President Reagan in the 1980s,

  • just as Big Tobacco was indemnified in the 1990s by President Clinton.

In both of these cases, all liabilities were passed on to We the People, while the mounting cost of regulatory compliance, a direct consequence of that protracted legal process, resulted in monopoly control.

This is something execs at Monsanto could never have pulled off. With Bayer now in the driver’s seat, off-brand makers of glyphosate (generic Roundup) will soon be swallowed up or driven out of business as a thicket of new “safety” regulations are implemented surrounding the manufacture and use of Roundup, eventually leaving Bayer standing as the sole global supplier of this herbicide that corporate farmers can’t live without; that consumers can’t live WITH.

Have you noticed no one argues any longer about whether smoking causes cancer? Admitting the problem only grants license to perpetuate the problem… legally, with a big-fat regulatory stamp of approval from the federal government, wrapped in a regulatory framework to which only the biggest corporations can afford to comply, a regulatory framework these very-same corporations help write and get passed through Congress. It happened in the meat industry in 1906, with the repeal of Prohibition of alcohol in 1933, GMOs in the 1990s, cellphone towers in 1996, cellphones thereafter, and it’s happening right now with 5G.

It’s not clear whether Roundup is being purposely added to vaccines along with things like aborted fetal cells, aluminum and mercury, or if it’s winding up in vaccines through the feeding of desiccated feed-grains to livestock from which various materials like collagen are harvested for use as ingredients in vaccines. Either way, Roundup is in vaccines, and no one is motivated enough to find out why, much less what impact it’s having on our natural immunity, an impact that’s being accelerated as Roundup is used for the highly dubious practice of crop desiccation.

In addition to its health impact, the overuse and misuse of Roundup is also contributing to the final destruction of the family farm, allowing for fewer, low-skilled laborers to harvest much larger tracts of land, with dwindling profit margins, resulting in the long-anticipated move to total corporate control over food production.

The obvious solution for many is to switch to an organic diet. But you should only do so if you produce food yourself or buy directly from a farmer you know. I grew up on an organic farm and worked as an organic inspector. I am 100% in support of the principles of organic farming but would be remiss if I didn’t warn that our regulators have failed abysmally in upholding these principles. Three-quarters of the organic food you see on the store shelf is imported, and almost half tests positive for prohibited pesticides. Alas, as I have explained elsewhere, the American organic farmer has been sold out to global interests, right alongside the rest of our farmers.

A better, more immediate solution is to stop getting vaccinated. A longer-term solution would be to question the executives of Bayer under oath or indict them.

[i] Roundup is also widely used on many GMO crops during the growing season, which certainly contributes to this problem. But the application immediately prior to harvest all-but guarantees this herbicide will be present in our food and in livestock.

[ii] Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, “Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases VI: Prions, amyloidoses and autoimmune neurological diseases” in The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 17, Num. 1, pp. 8-32. “Most disturbing is the presence of glyphosate in many popular vaccines including the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which we have verified here for the first time.”

[iii] “Limited information is available regarding immunological effects.” Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, “Toxicological Profile for Glyphosate, Draft for Public Comment” U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, April 2019, 2.14 IMMUNOLIGICAL, p. 50.