“I’m going to bring down the United States by funding Black Hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white (True Israelite) people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.” Edomite Communist Jew George Soros, interview with Germany’s Build, Sept. 2014.
(He means they are all dumber than a fence post, and that his “False Flag Events” will go totally undetected, by the heathen Africans who never invented a Wheel, a 2 Story Building, or a Written Language in the 40,000 years they were here, eating each other for supper, before God put His son White Adam on the earth, to fix up the mess. see Luke 3:38. Blacks never “invented anything,” so there is no “Black History.” God is a racist, and the Bible is the most “racist book” one will ever read, but the “Christians” aren’t reading it, and the pastors are all paid liars).
Communist Jew George Soros funded the Central American groups, paying for the big trucks hauling the food and medical supplies, (and the people, as they only got off the trucks to walk for photos) all the way to our South West border, riding the flatbed trucks all the way, thus fulfilling Bible prophecy:
Revelation 12:15: “And the serpent (Jewry) cast out of his mouth water (people) as a flood after the woman (the White Hebrew European True Israelite Bible Race), that he might cause her (White Adamic Race) to be carried away of the flood (of Heathen sub-Races).”
Idiot Jew George Soros doesn’t know it but he has been fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation for some time now, as: “The Serpent.” George Soros has no idea, that Daniel 2:44 is the prophecy of how “America” (Meaning Heavenly Kingdom in Hebrew) would be set up by God as His New JerUSAlem of “Regathered” True Israel at the end of the Seven Times Prophecy of 745 B.C. that ended on July 4, 1776 A.D. fulfilling bible prophecy exactly, for the White Isaac Sons: