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Those who want to debunk “conspiracy theorists” often use the excuse that “no one could keep a secret of such immense participation.” Oh, yeah? Here is a current letter to the editor of American Free Press. Maybe it will help some people understand the depth of domestic terror by our own government.
Keep Quiet or Else
Thank you for your article on astronaut Gus Grissom [in the Jan. 13 & 20 issue of AFP]. I have an acquaintance who worked for an aerospace company that produced components for the NASA space program, specifically for the moon landing. After the moon landing, some NASA people came to the company. Over the intercom, they played a recording of Grissom as he was burned to death, so everyone who worked there would hear it. The message was clear: If you have any doubts about the NASA space program and the “moonwalk,” keep quiet or you and your family members will meet the same fate. This is how they kept the thousands who worked on the space race from going public with their concerns.