Wow! Another coincidence.
Jeffrey David Cox is the head of Federal Prison Guards in Manhattan. Jeffery is the boss of the guards who were supposed to keep Jeffery Epstein alive while in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. He also is friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton. This is such a small world.Stop everything!! Updated info; 11/24/19 David Cox just had a $20 million mansion “bought for him” in Shanghai, by a company called HSBC Holdings. HSBC had been caught money-laundering, funding terrorists, and Mexican drug cartels. Hillary buried this in 2012 by negotiating it down to a relatively small fine. July 30, 2019 Russian intelligence picked up info regarding a hit on Epstein being ordered, for exactly $100mil. Aug 3, 2019, Clinton linked entities in NYC transfer $100 mil to HSBC. HSBC transferred $50m to their China branch, who then used it to buy the mansion, as well as a $7m luxury apartment for another Clinton connected union boss in charge of hiring guards. Aug 10, 2019 Epstein found dead in an ultra secure prison where only 1 other person has ever been able to commit suicide… Such a small WORLD