I am getting annoyed by fake B.S. alt media click bait that has been prevalent lately. Here’s two examples that just happened:This one, posted by Alex linked from his web site is titled “Black Friday women in hijabs fight over a vacuum cleaner at WalmartBut when you actually look at the video, (if you don’t click out of it in disgust in the first few seconds) you can see there are TWO vacuums and they are only trying to break the tape that has them stuck together. To call that a “black friday fight over a vacuum” is absolutely ludicrous, and Alex has done a lot of this crap lately. That DOES deserve the title “fake news” AND OH, I missed a BIG ONE, NOT about Virginia “banning martial arts” or training your kids to use guns, folks, I don’t miss this stuff, if I don’t post it it is because my crap filter killed it. But since the Alex Vaccum sham got me tweaked, I’ll mention this one – Here’s the story line with this hoax:“TYRANNY A LERT: Virginia to OUTLAW Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, Tai Chi, firearms instruction and self-defense training under proposed law SB64” Here’s the reality: This “new law” has been on the books since 1987 and is only a renewal of it. Here is the one from 1987: “§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited. 1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or 2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder. And here’s the part that got conveniently left out: § 18.2-433.3. Exceptions. 2. Any activity, undertaken without knowledge of or intent to cause or further a civil disorder, which is intended to teach or practice self-defense or self-defense techniques such as karate clubs or self-defense clinics, and similar lawful activity; 3. Any facility, program or lawful activity related to firearms instruction and training intended to teach the safe handling and use of firearms; or 4. Any other lawful sports or activities related to the individual recreational use or possession of firearms, including but not limited to hunting activities, target shooting, self-defense and firearms collection. Notwithstanding any language contained herein, no activity of any individual, group, organization or other entity engaged in the lawful display or use of firearms or other weapons or facsimiles thereof shall be deemed to be in violation of this statute. 1987, c. 720. CONCLUSION: If you don’t see this kind of crap parroted here, it is because I do the background work needed to see if it is actually as presented. That’s why sometimes you don’t see “huge stories” here, because I deemed them BULLSHIT. This one clearly was, it was not even a new law, it is just an extension of the old one and the new extension has the exact same exemption clause attached to it.Note to others in alt media: BE MORE CAREFUL, I am getting tired of this crap |
Don’t go into debt for ChristmasThere are plenty of options out there, if you can’t afford the fancy one but there’s a less fancy one, use common sense! REMEMBER: If it is a tech item, it never pays to get the latest and “greatest” when six months from now there will be something twice as great, and you will keep whatever it is for a decade. Once even a few months pass, the lower model will look very much like the higher model in hindsight . . . . |
A QUICK WORD FOR BLACK FRIDAY:IMPORTANT: 4K is still relatively new, and there are a few straggling brands that don’t cut it. Here’s why:4k video requires a processor that can go quite fast. Some brands (one I noticed that did quite badly on display at Wal Mart was TCL, which when the screen would pan, (requiring a rapid refresh of the screen) it sometimes appeared to drop down to well below 10 frames per second, and possibly as low as 5.TCL is not a brand I would avoid, some of their stuff is OK, but before buying a 4k make sure you watch it for a while to make sure it does not have frame rate issues, surprisingly that is still an issue in 2019 and I have seen clear examples where TCL did not solve those issues.. That said, MAKE SURE WHATEVER YOU GET IS 4k, if someone is still selling 1080P they are only pushing out stuff that is so outdated it should not be considered, there’s no reason to have 1080P in production at all anymore. So what if there is a lack of content for 4k, if it costs the same it is not going to hurt to get it AT ALL. The best budget brand is Atvio. |
update to below: Jennifer is being expunged from history RIGHT NOW, after that story blew up.A search for her on Youtube returns only one result, and she’s currently being expunged from search engines also. There is a huge coverup underway obviously. She wrote many books and was very popular:“Jennifer Jaynes has earned a place on the USA Today Bestseller’s list, the #1 spot (across all categories) on, the #1 spot (across all categories) in the Barnes & Noble’s Nook Store, the #1 spot in several mystery subcategories – and has appeared in the Kindle Store’s Top 100 list in several countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia and Brazil.” Conclusion: Being THAT popular won’t save you from a kill order if you expose vaccines, no, they’ll just strike you off social media and hope it all goes away. HEY EVERYONE, THERE IS A REASON WHY FACEPLANT BANNED ALL TALK AGAINST VACCINES, BY GOSH, WE HAVE IT! SEE THIS: |
THE JEWS JUST MURDERED BEST SELLING AUTHOR JENNIFER JAYNESFOR SPEAKING UP AGAINST VACCINES IN HER NEW BEST SELLING BOOK “MALICE” THIS ONE IS HUGE FOLKSJennifer was found the usual way, with two self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head, ruled a “suicide”Her book “Malice” spoke about the malicious intent the doctors and greater medical community (wholly owned by the Jews) has towards everyday people, and clearly outlined the entire process of a vaccine destroying a child, how the parents were called kooks, the whole 9 yards, and NOW SHE IS DEAD VIA A SUICIDE WHICH INVOLVED THE CLASSIC “TWO GUNSHOT WOUNDS TO THE HEADYou know folks, I am SICK of this shit, they are wiping us out and anyone who speaks up gets popped. Any doctor that speaks up gets the licence yanked, and then popped. And after they kill all the doctors that speak up, or somehow get their licenses pulled, they then have the audacity to say “There is not a single doctor out there claiming vaccines are unsafe” which is easy to say when the moment they do, they get killed. There is not a single doctor or prominent writer out there speaking up against the vaccines destroying the kids, BECAUSE WE, THE JEWISH COMMUNITY, KILL THEM ALL. There. That’s reality.Take a look at this excerpt from a review of this book:“My oldest daughter and her younger brother both had reactions to vaccines. Reading about Suzie almost had me hyperventilating. The scenario was nearly identical to what happened with my oldest daughter. The seizures that began after receiving a “necessary” baby shot have never gone away. Even though her seizures began while we were still in the doctor’s office, after the shot was administered, I was told it couldn’t be the shot. The doctor and nurses kept repeating that like a mantra. Fortunately it was the third shot so she didn’t need another soon after. In the months following the nightmare continued with her having multiple seizures every day. The doctor was ordering all kinds of test because the vaccine was “deemed safe”. When I had her brother I held off the shots. I was terrified. That was when the real campaign began. I was paranoid, (admittedly this was true, I was). I was harming my child. I was putting other children in grave danger. What kind of mother was I? Did I realize I was withholding medical care and could go to jail? Eventually they wore me down. I was scared to do it and scared not to. I really believed they would take my children from me. I gave in and he was given the first injection. He did not react the same as my daughter. However his thigh was swollen and extremely hard…even a month later. They assured me it wasn’t the vaccine. They gave him the second shot and his other leg had the same reaction. Long story short, my son had to have physical therapy from Easter Seals to learn to walk. My daughter has had to use anti seizure medication her entire life. My comment: That doctor and nurse KNEW DAMN WELL the shot did it, and have knowingly maimed countless children. It is time to stop putting up with this sh*t. There is no conceivable way whatsoever after all the damage that has been done, and the many many examples out there, that the doctors don’t know damn well what they are doing. And they do it because many are sociopaths only wanting their damn lexus. The days of us allowing these people to walk around in public unscathed while they destroy our children HAVE GOT TO BE OVER, WHERE THE HELL IS THE SURVIVAL INSTINCT? DID IT REALLY ALL GET BLOWN AWAY BY THE FLUORIDE?Yes, a best selling author spoke up. Shortly thereafter, SHE IS DEAD. If they are going to kill us for pointing out how they are destroying us, how the hell do they get away with walking around in public anymore? I don’t get it! |
Alt reporter confronts Schiff in public, This one minute video is well worth a watch |
RUSH LIMBAUGH HAS NOW WARNED PEOPLE TO NOT TRUST FOXRush claims they are preparing for “life after Trump” and are swinging hard left. That’s what I have said quite a bit lately, including what rumors have claimed they did to Drudge Report, after, according to rumor, they bought Drudge out.Actually, I doubt Drudge got bought out, there was probably some coercion with this. Any way you cut it however, Drudge did not belong to Drudge three months ago, and at that time even the ad server changed. Someone switched the site entirely over and is now using it as a leftist persuasion tool, DRUDGE IS DEAD AND SO IS FOX. |
If we have no more chemical plant explosions I’ll settle for this was revenge on Trump, and not the precursor to a war. If there are more explosions elswhere in the near future, they will be obvious acts of war. How did this only “injure three people” who have already been released? It is called forewarning. |
Update to below: Rumor has it that this chemical factory was destroyed by NWO / Israel in preparation for a war with China. some people are also claiming the second explosion happened simply because the place was already burning. I’d say that’s plausible but not likely, due to the fact that everything in these facilities is well sealed in metal piping that is not just going to blow up even if it gets hot and these types of flames won’t melt piping. If it really is Israel and the NWO doing this, they want America to lose to the Communists, so they are unleashing Stuxnet now. This particular factory would be absolutely VITAL to winning a war.Contrast this with what Trump just did with regard to Hong Kong that makes this even more suspicious. The CEO is a staunch Democrat. We all know they want American assets destroyed before the next big war so America can be steamrolled and then flipped commie, with a foreign nation playing the scapegoat for what the Jews set up all along. That makes this even more suspicious. That’s the way they do it, let’s hope more of this does not happen elsewhere.I do not for a minute believe the initial explosion was an accident, and am doubtful the second one was also. The second one, shown in the link below happened to a distillation tower that was all sealed off, not a tank. I call B.S. on that, I believe someone caused it. The original post follows |
OMG!!! TAKE A LOOK AT THIS. STUXNET ALL THE WAY BABY!!!STUXNET ATTACKNew explosion is exactly what Stuxnet looks likeThis is not an industrial accident. This is a cyber war. There’s no way what happened in this particular video could be done any way other than the intentional routing and mixing of materials that explode on contact, or intentionally injecting air to provide an oxygen supply. This is a Stuxnet attack, CASE CLOSED. |
I AM CALLING IT: THE EXPLOSIONS IN TEXAS ARE A STUXNET WAR BEING WAGED AGAINST THE UNITED STATES TO DESTROY AMERICAN ASSETS. THAT’S THE ONLY WAY SUCH AN EXPLOSION (AS THE LATEST ONE) CAN HAPPEN, CLICK THE LINK, THAT’S NOT AN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT, IT IS WHAT WAR LOOKS LIKE.That’s a distillation tower exploding. That does not just happen out of the blue, even if there’s fire around it, and the videos that show the entire event show there was no fire right there. That’s why the video I posted shows only the blast after it is started, I’ll see if I can get the entire sequence posted. There was nothing going on to touch off that blast. That blast would be likely if someone purged the tower with air and then sparked it off. You can’t have a distillation tower explode like that, there’s no oxygen in one unless someone puts it there. That proves this was an intentional act and not an accident.< |
ANOTHER EXPLOSION IN TEXAS, AND YES, THEY ARE EXPLICITLY BLAMING TRUMP FOR IT, JUST LIKE I SAID IN THE EARLIER REPORT TODAYSOLID AND PROBABLY TRUE RUMOR: THE DRUDGE REPORT WAS SOLD 3 MONTHS AGOThere is a rumor circulating the web that appears to be spot on. Somehow, Drudge was coerced into selling the Drudge Report to FOX news, with non disclosure agreements barring Drudge from telling anyone of the news, and three months ago the deal was done. Then Fox showed it’s true colors and turned Drudge into an absolute cesspool. It really is not the “Drudge Report” anymore. That’s the rumor anyway, and I believe at least parts of it are probably spot on. Drudge is GONE.Advise your friends that the Drudge Report is now just a leftist tool, with no Drudge overseeing it at all. There’s no point in even going there anymore. < |
TRUMP SIGNED THE HONG KONG HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY ACTXi is not going to be pleased. Xi claimed the U.S. staged the protests to begin with. I have a hunch this was an issue that should not have been touched. This is purely the Dems playing dirty, and Trump doing the unexpected in response, after thinking like deep blue over the next chess move . . . . . surely Trump did not actually want to do this because it was SO BAD for relations . . . .My gut is telling me this was very bad, but unavoidable. Not that I agree with China on this, but I sure would not have done this. It trashed so much progress Trump made with China. < |
Here we are, with some people arguing the flu shot could only be benign, and then, THERE IS THIS OLD VIDEOYes, they can indeed modify people’s behavior via vaccination. The linked video speaks about vaccinating with a virus, but we all know where this goes . . . . . .< |
As usual, the protests in Iran are not organicIran busted 8 CIA agents and likely missed 43 more.Yes, it always seems to go this way. One would think that Iranians have enough brains to realize that rioting and burning their own banks and buses when their nation is under stress is not a good move, and now we have a bit of proof to that effect – the CIA was there. As usual. Iran’s security forces need to do a better job with this stuff, because my guess is the REAL bad guys got away. I don’t for a minute believe any Iranian would torch a bus or bank. Why would they? Iran is not cartel run or a screwed up ghetto. |
HEADS UP: IT REALLY APPEARS THE DEMS FALSE FLAGGED A CHEMICAL FACTORY EXPLOSION.FIGURE THE ODDS: A well followed Twitter account called “The DNC war room” posted THIS: And within 24 hours, a chemical factory in Texas exploded. Watch the van window and then look how long it takes the trees to shake (the blast is about a mile away) MY GUESS: They want to nail Trump for “being bad for de-regulating something” and figured a chemical blast would make people hate Trump. The timing of this is suspicious, and back in 2013 with this other referenced blast it really looked like they used a missile to do it. I would not doubt that this time either. Two new advances:As it turns out, the successor to the SR-71 has been made. They simply called it the SR-72. I don’t know why they made such a plane but evidently it does work and it is rumored to be flying NOW. It supposedly goes mach 6. The big problem with getting it flying was getting turbine based jet engines to push it to over mach 3.5, where the ram jets could take over and push it to mach 6. Evidently this got doneAll of this is in the realm of rumor, but there have been a few reports on this topic that make it seem plausible. The other big development:As it turns out, current lithium ion batteries can produce 200 watt hours per liter of volume. However, a new solid state battery has been made that already has hit 400 watt hours in the same volume, and is slated to hit 1000 watt hours in the same volume by 2024. That would give a Tesla with a range of 300 miles a 1, 500 mile range and as a bonus, though filling the same volume the battery would weigh less. Additionally, even with only what exists now, the range of a Tesla could be doubled. As an additional bonus, the batteries cannot be damaged by over discharge AND they are forecasted to eventually be charged at 3C, which will allow a “10 minute fill up”.I’d buy that. And make sure it can be charged with 120 volts. That way, if someone decides to shut it all down, you could charge from solar panels and drive anyway. |
First failure of our Daewoo washerHere’s the history:We had a Samsung totally fail when it was only 2 years old, and for whatever reason we did not have the warranty papers. The Samsung was a MAJOR HOJ that Claudia liked because it played music at the end of cycle . . . . but even from brand new it would never do the spin cycle without re-balancing the load, the water pump failed at a year, and then finally at two years and a little change it quit working totally due to mechanical failure. With no warranty to be found, I took apart the samsung and it was a ridiculous contraption with five million parts all cobbled together like a piece of garbage. Befuddled by the mess I tweaked a few things to no avail and gave up. We then bought my most dreaded brand: A Daewoo because it was mega cheap and we needed something quick, and I figured that no matter how “bad” or “cheap” something was, it would do a LOT better than that Samsung did.Four and a half years of for the most part trouble free operation later (it is a total genius at managing unbalanced loads, we have not had to adjust the wash in it EVER, but after 4 and a half years it had a major failure. And despite “making sure we kept the warranty papers” they were not to be had, AGAIN. Well, I did not do a deep dredge like we did for the Samsung but they were not immediately findable. So I figured I’d take a look at the Daewoo for the first time and it was a work of pristine elegance and efficiency. It only had TWO (2) parts – a motor and a shaft with a gear on it. Ok, 3 parts because to hit the spin cycle a lever moved and stopped the gear on the shaft from spinning, which locked the main drum. I was surprised – Daewoo got that washer down to ONLY the parts it needed, – the parts it needed to be excellent.I did not see anything wrong on the bottom so I looked from the top, and discovered that the agitator plate had stripped out where it connected to the shaft from the bottom of the washer. One screw and it was out. Against my common sense, following Claudia’s advice we went to “over priced Ryse” for the part. They had it for $20. That was low enough for me to not want to drag butt around town looking for it elsewhere where it might not even be cheaper. I put it in, and that washer is TOTALLY back to new. What a difference from the Samsung, and after seeing exactly how that Daewoo was put together, if there is not a controller failure it will likely last at least 15 – 20 years, it is like the old washers you could actually fix. So I got the vinegar out and removed all the water deposits because it worked like new and I figured it was good as new and ought to look new. It now does. I used to really look down on Daewoo. That changed. I made a coding error that messed up what is below so it is a double post. I’ll fix that later when I take the site out of “combat mode”. |
And the winner is . . . . . . . . Mediatek??!!??Mediatek is a low budget cell phone chipset maker that has historically produced the cheapest chips for the cheapest phones. I have noticed that some Mediatek chipsets are “not too bad” but they always got their butts kicked by anything top notch. NOT ANYMOREMediatek has made a new chipset that set a world record for smartphone performance, beating the best from Apple, Motorola, and Huawei by a very generous margin. That’s something I did not expect, but I am also not surprised by, not surprised because Mediatek chipsets are super common – perhaps the most common – and that provided a nice budget for R&D. It looks like they did good with that budget, SEE THIS. |
Natural News posted a new vaccine report that has a damaging MOA I did not know aboutHere’s the new one, and I’ll point out the nasty ones they missed – but since there’s a legit new one that has not been spoken of, this deserves a mention, and proves that the current batch of vaccines is custom tailored with multiple destruction vectors to make DAMN SURE the kid gets dumbed down. Here goes:The new MOA reads: ” Aluminum stimulates and triggers in the brain what’s known to the science and infectious disease industry as interleukin-6 (IL-6). The problem arises when the aluminum also stimulates the activation of Th2, which impairs brain development, according to research run on animals.” It took a solid scientific study to reveal that. And it makes sense. However, there’s other stuff where the science is so settled you don’t need a whole new study done by someone who totally dredged for answers. Here are the original devastators in vaccines: They started out with mercury. That needs no explaining. That’s automatic brain damage no matter what they push as a reason for it to be in a shot. The next big nasty they put in vaccines, which caused gulf war syndrome was squalene oil. Squalene appears all throughout the body, and getting that injected in the form of a shot tricks the immune system into believing squalene is a toxic invading substance, which then triggers the immune system to attack it everywhere in the body. This causes enormous auto immune disorders, ALL of the current ones like fibromyalgia, and the doctors know this. But they’d prefer to scam and say it’s all safe because if they don’t, they lose their medical license one way or another. But squalene is even worse than that, because the nervous system uses it extensively and when it gets injected into an infant, autism is a frequent outcome, with permanently reduced brain function happening to ALL kids who get the shot. The MSM has hyped how “the new generation is less intelligent” and squalene in the shots is precisely why. The gulf war vets were the testing ground, after it screwed THEM up real good someone figured it was a perfect weapon and put it in the shots for kids. It is called warfare, subversion, – doing whatever it takes to wipe out nations and usher in the New World Order. They have taken it much farther than squalene since, – right down to having human tissue in the shots to trigger massive debilitating auto immune conditions and the entire human genome (which is a very bad copy of a retard’s DNA, ) to make sure the stupid gene gets put into all the kids so the next generation is wrecked without a shot, plus cancer viruses and whatever else, all proven, because they were not stopped with the mercury. They were not stopped with the squalene, despite everyone noticing the kids were getting wrecked. And when some died, they called it “shaken baby syndrome” and blamed the parents. “They” should suffer a holocaust for that, and I hope they do. They won’t stop with this crap until that happens. |
After Musk trashed a Ford F-150 with the Tesla, Ford asked for a rigged test in favor of the F-150Ford has asked Tesla to do a “fair” test of the Ford F-150 against the Tesla which involves weighting the Ford down with it’s maximum rated load and then have the Tesla drag that up a hill. In the current video people did not notice that the Tesla was dragging the Ford UP A HILL. It was already rigged against the Tesla, and even I did not notice that. Now Ford wants it extra rigged, with the ford at capacity. Musk accepted the challengeIf the Ford is equipped with a 4L gearbox and then loaded with a full ton that’s something you can’t win against, we’ll see if Ford does that. A 4L gearbox is on 4 wheel drive trucks, – it is a dual mode transmission where first gear only goes about 4 MPH and drops everything the engine can do in that tiny 4 mph range. The leverage is extreme. Doing that with weight in the truck amounts to cheating. That would not be allowed in a legit tug of war. Simply demanding the truck be loaded proves Ford intends to cheat. Tesla needs to cough up a super truck loaded with the “ludicrous” package. That would very likely still win even a rigged game. |
The new Tesla truck demolished a Ford F-150 in a tug of warSome people are saying the test was not fair because the Tesla got a rolling start. That’s not what happened. If you watch, all the Tesla did was take the slack out of the rope. The driver of the Ford was not the best because he got pulled backwards a bit before he spun the tires. However, with overwhelming force on it, that was sort of bound to happen. Then the Ford just spins helplessly as the Tesla drives off like nothing is attached to it.Here’s what actually was not fair about the test, though I doubt it matters: The F-150 was not in four wheel drive, and the Tesla was. This however probably does not matter when the Tesla can go from 0-60 in three seconds on top of weighing more than the Ford. There’s no way it could have lost against an F-150. Here’s the test I’d like to see. Let’s see the Tesla try that against a Ford F-350 with four wheel drive and a diesel engine. I think it would probably trip a breaker. Apples to apples. Obviously the Tesla would kick an F-150’s butt. Most likely even one of the higher performance sedans would. My guess is that against one of Ford’s trucks that is actually known for having power, you’d damage the Tesla in a tug of war. If that was not the case, I am sure to make a better show Musk would have done that. That said, it was at least amusing to see the F-150 look so helpless, like a toddler that can just be picked up. Clearly the Tesla can stomp that class of truck, which happens to be the most common full size truck. |
A WORD TO THE WISERemember this:If there is ever an “ebola” outbreak, or another “swine flu” outbreak – even if the story line goes like this: “Scientists produced a new killer virus that is going to wipe out mankind because it escaped the lab, and now 90, 000 people are bleeding from their eyes and ears and YOU ARE GONNA DIE IF YOU DO NOT GET THE SHOT . . . . . . ” DO NOT get the shot, it is what has the disease and/or the disease is fake and the shot is for another purpose. The people running the scam are not going to put themselves at risk, and there will not be a major outbreak of this type. At least, the chances of it being legit are so much smaller than the will to carry out an action like this as a hoax to smack down humanity once and for all that one would be foolish to believe anything of the sort, and MUCH MORE foolish to get the shot. |
Drudge ran a piece about Bill Cosby “showing no remorse”Here is my take:Like Elvis and Michael Jackson, Cosby was an American icon that needed to be taken out. So an enormous stream of women was lined up to file false charges. Cosby to this day claims complete innocence, and therefore has no remorse because he’s done nothing to be sorry for. I believe him, the pudding commercials probably caused someone’s head to explode, and they said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, that’s too much “old school” Americana, OUT WITH HIM. These are the same people who staged Sandy Hook, killed Kennedy, and fronted 911. Would they take out a stabilizer like Cosby? ABSOLUTELY. |
Trump signed the patriot act in againHere is my take:The Dems signed it because it was a key tool in their tyranny. Trump signed it because it allows him to bypass some procedures which will facilitate locking them up, IF we ever get there. |
I thought the ADL taking over social media and much of the web had to be a joke. I was wrongThis morning I saw a few references to the ADL regulating everything all users of the top six social media sites post, plus what google allows and a whole lot more HAD TO be a joke. After all, how could that even be done by the ADL?Well, it was not a joke. GET THIS: AFTER Google de-monetized virtually all of alt media, and Paypal banned huge portions of alt media, and Youtube deleted or banned a majority of alt media, and Faceplant de-listed, de-monetized and banned an enormous pile of conservatives, while Twitter did the same along with WordPress, Blogspot, Reddit and a whole lot more, and even Wikipedia went sour on us, while Snopes confirms everyone who got banned, de-listed, de-monetized and more deserved it, AFTER ALL THAT, –The ADL then claimed that none of these companies ever did anything to stop “haters and anti-semites” from posting or having their actual truth er – eh “FAKE NEWS” get out and that for the job to be done right, they need to take over. How is THAT going to happen? How could the ADL be so powerful?Well, it all boils down to communism and cooperation. Now we know that the ADL just might be ground zero evil, and ground zero for the assault on the United States. The SPLC was quite naughty, but not like this. So now we know that the tribe is going to make it’s next move to silence the 95 percent and ram rod tyranny down everyone’s throats and the ADL is going to make it happen. The ADL HAS NO LEGAL AUTHORITY AND CANNOT MAKE THIS HAPPEN unless everyone in social media, plus Google and more consider the ADL to be top dog and they decide to cooperate. And this was probably the plan all along because they knew people would hate Facebook and Google for taking the next step, so they’ll make someone who never played the tech game at all the scapegoat. Cute. It is called teamwork. We’ll have to wait and see how this one goes . . . . . |
MORE IMPORTED THIRD WORLD BLISS: ANOTHER BUILDING COLLAPSE!Collapses of buildings under construction in the third world are not uncommon. They were, at one time, unheard of in the United States, and now after the Hard Rock Hotel collapse, we have another collapse in CincinnatiHere is what likely caused this, but they won’t say: 1. A third world engineer (NOT FROM MEXICO, Mexicans are not stupid with concrete) anyway possibility1: A third world engineer actually did somehow design in a three foot thick concrete slab on an upper floor, which overloaded whatever was available to support it and it fell. Possibility 2: Third worlders not from Mexico figured they ought to do it for some reason and/or did not pay attention during the pour and over poured. There is really no room for anything else other than common core, and I doubt that’s it, though it could certainly also cause this. |
Despite the recent problems caused by my posting “controversial” stuff, I am not backing down because this stuff needs to be said. NEXT ITEM:PROOF POSITIVE OF WHO THE ENEMY REALLY IS: That woman looks like a perfectly normal decent woman, and the rabbi looks like well, I’ll tone this down because I am hosted in Iceland. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE DESTROYING YOU, LOOK AGAIN, REAL CLOSE. Iceland had better not fall for this.How do you know you got someone interested in you? Like after the last short newsletter and that “weaving spiders” thing? Answer:All 4 cores are pegged when all you are doing is editing text. That’s how you know. They made sure whatever I am doing gets top priority so there is no lagging, but the fan sounds like a little jet and the system monitor shows they are all pegged.Gotta have 31 layers of encryption on your spy effort don’t ya know! There is going to be a major update to the “weaving spiders” elite satanic cult center belowincluding absolutely pristine high megapixel count ground level photos, the one I posted was from a drone that did not have the best camera. The ground level stuff is from an awesome camera. The update will post “when ready” and that will not be today. Someone managed to download a gig and a half off my computerMaybe to try to figure out who my contacts are? Ha,they got nothing. And nothing. And nothing. I am not stupid enough to have any computer be capable of sending anyone whatever is not already on the web site. GEE. A GIG AND A HALF. I went over what was on it and discovered that YEP, they probably got something off this computer that was not on the web site. So I might as well announce to the world: I KNOW ABOUT THIS, AND HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN IT FOR REAL: Take a good look at that picture above. Can you say “Weaving spiders come out at night?” I KNEW YOU COULD. HA HA. BUSTED. And right there with a cute little star of david, (and there is LOTS AND LOTS on this property not pictured that basically prove it’s a place of doom.) I have all of it.This is located DEEP IN THE WILDERNESS. “where no one would ever go” and is very well concealed. Just like the grove. Gee. How’d I ever find out about THIS?This crap that gets talked about is not a hoax, no, NOT AT ALL. So go on and keep digging my stuff to find out who I know, and enjoy finding NOTHING, I’m not “aunt Edna” for god’s sake! ____________________________ About that newsletter –There have been massive technical difficulties around here lately due to the fact that the site obviously got messed with, and now I have to really deep dredge what is here to find out what is triggering a malware warning. It could be sabotage via the anti-malware software vendors but I have to make sure it is not more than that.Here is a summary of the newsletter: Patriotism. Nationalism. Racism. Terrorism. These are all separate items the NWO wants to remove the lines between, so idiots believe “Nationalists” are “terrorists and racists” that have to be dealt with and destroyed.Obviously we are entering sketchy times ahead with the full on attempted Communist takedown of America. They pull this crap every time, and that is what the newsletter is about. However, I have had too many troubles to get it finished. Here are the main points, for now:There is little question the white race, which invented the entire concept of “freedom”, is hated by the satanic New World Order, which is seeking a replacement population in the United States and Europe that will be easily subdued by Jewish run communism. This newsletter is a warning to everyone about what is going to happen if Trump is successfully outed, and who is really behind these actions. This is a risky newsletter to publish, but now is the time – while this site is at least still up and running. I first noticed the war on patriots back in the 1990’s when patriots were first being demonized as a threat, and I could not understand how on earth anyone who wanted what was best for America could possibly be bad. This mantra subsequently advanced to “Supremacist” then to “white supremacist” with it’s sidekick “white privilege”.I was quite surprised by how many white people fell for the ruse, and by how many “patriots” were shamed just for standing up for America and freedomor even being white. Lots have figured out the ruse by now (the frog is waking up and may jump at the last moment) but things are definitely not looking good for patriotic Americans. If Trump fails to drain the swamp for any reason, be it poisoning or ouster or a stolen election, we will definitely need to fight a war just to survive. The New World Order communists are without question holding straight white America in the utmost contempt, and is drooling at the opportunity to exterminate us. They did it in Russia. They did it in China. They will do it in America. Do not be the fool that thinks otherwise. If Trump falls, you really will need to use your guns, PLUS Ford F-350’s and semi trucks. . . . . . These people calling themselves “democrats” are not going to listen to your vote and allow a fair election. They have openly stated their utmost contempt and hatred for the “deplorables”. They have openly stated they hate the United States and want the country destroyed. They have proven it by not only allowing un-fettered anti-western immigrants en masse, they have taxed you and paid those immigrants a lot more than most Americans make just to be here and squat in a house that should be yours, while causing rents and real estate to skyrocket because there’s not enough houses to go around. The homeless problem was mainly caused by precisely this. Real Americans have been priced out of the market, while having their jobs handed to invaders by the enemy, which could have hired Americans for the same or better pay to productivity ratio but they did not. It is not about work getting done, it is about ripping the rug out from under whitie. There’s no where to go but the street after that. The left has openly stated that they WILL disarm you and once that is done, all hell is going to break loose with massive government sponsored killings after which the immigrants will receive YOUR home to live in, because you’re dead. They will then have an un-thinking and easily controlled population in your place. There’s no way out of this, it is a simple reality. Until people’s liberalism/leftism is no longer treated like an issue similar to talking about someone’s bad breath or body odor, we’re that much further away from preventing the dishonesty, irrationality and inhumanity of people of the left. The Democratic party is now irredeemable. Anti-white rhetoric is now a part of its core message. To be of European descent and cast a vote for that party is suicidal. However, to complete their job of stealing America, they need to get the guns. THEY WILL SUCCEED, ABSOLUTELY, IF THE FOLLOWING ADVICE IS IGNORED. When they come for your guns, they are going to use the APC’s given them by the DHS, and you’ll have no choice but to hand them over. HERE IS HOW TO HANDLE THIS PROBLEM:When you see the police going around with all those armored vehicles given to them by the DHS grabbing guns, you cannot wait for them to come for you and everyone else. You need to act in a way that’s going to destroy that APC. If you have a Ford F-350 or similar truck, with a nice big flat bed on the back, you’re going to have to die for freedom by loading it up with 5 tons of whatever and hitting that armored vehicle at 100+ mph. That’s the only way such a situation can be handled. Guns are not going to cut it. If they get tanks on the street after a few armored vehicles are wiped out by “bubba”, the only thing we have that will handle a tank will be a multi axle dump truck full of rock going 80+ or a loaded semi at the fastest it can go. Obviously that will work against an APC as well. That will seriously be the only choice we have, and failure of the people to make that choice will result in millions dead Russia style. It is THAT SERIOUS NOW. For as long as Trump remains in office, there is hope. Don’t jump the gun with this. However, if civil war does become necessary people need to realize that the best weapons we have are large pickup trucks, dump trucks, and semi’s. And they will HAVE TO be used. They will have to be used any time an APC is seen in public, and not just during a gun grab.They have already have crossed the line and are not going to stop. The hoax impeachment proves it. Too many people give the benefit of the doubt to others based upon the false assumption that left-leaning emotions are somehow rooted in the nice side of human nature. Just the opposite has been a tragic part of many nations’ histories. Do not allow such a tragedy to become part of America’s history.That is the core message of newsletter 6. I have been fighting too many battles to finish it. ONCE AGAIN: DO NOT DO ANYTHING AT ALL UNTIL IT IS ACTUALLY D-DAY, when Trump is no longer in office. Today he said the corruption goes ALL THE WAY to the top. That’s a cute parlor trick but we’re going to need a hell of a lot more than tweets and FISA teases DAMN SOON.WHAT WENT IN DID NOT MATCH WHAT CAME OUTFive years after China announced they were not parting out political prisoners for organ transplants, a study by the Australian National University has revealed that there are a lot more organ transplants in China than there are registered donors to cover them. SEE THIS and those organs have to be coming from somewhere. I KNOW WHERE. If you ever have to escape via a sewer or tunnel or cave, remember one thing: Your steps are shorter, and you might be grossed out which makes the time seem a lot longer. Go 5X as far as you think you need to, or as far as absolutely possible and ALWAYS choose the straightest route. Pay attention to the time, and never surface without walking for at least a half hour when it is possible to do so and keep track of. These kids probably went down for three minutes, thought they walked for an hour and a half or “definitely far enough” and got busted. The same is true for escaping through the woods: FACT: In the woods you can actually walk several miles and only go half a mile if you don’t have a compass to prove you walked in a straight line, and you’ll do it while getting grabbed by thorns and tripping over streams. You could easily end up “escaping” for an entire day, and exit within eyeshot of where you went in. It is not easy to keep it all together out there when you don’t usually go out there. |
House and Senate near unanimously pass bill against China for actions in Hong Kong With this bill, the deep state resoundingly acted against China for how it handled the Hong Kong protests. Trump has yet to sign it, and if he does, it will anger China badly. I am no fan of China after their recent actions, which mimic what the Dems have planned for white America. I am actually surprised the dems did this, and see it as an image move and nothing more, guaranteed: They don’t give a crap about this: |