Update: Saturday, 11-16-19, 11 pm.

I have spent 3 days this week with the Nick and Donna Nickerson family. They are a stalwart Christian family: humble, kind, hardworking and intelligent.

After hearing their story, I am convinced that they are being targeted by the mortgage/banking industry-a huge and very powerful entity. Their battle has been going on for 10 years. There are multiple acts of fraud committed by several institutions, mainly CHASE and Wells Fargo.

The Nickersons understand whom they are fighting, but they trust in God and continue to fight because of principle. This persecution could happen to anyone. In fact it has happened to millions who have already lost their homes.

I have heard the  audio recording of Sheriff Goetz saying (in September 2019) that he gave his word, that he would give the Nickerson family a 3-week notice if they were to be evicted, providing them an opportunity to pack and remove their belongings.

However, that is not what happened. On Tuesday morning, 11- 12-19, Sheriff Goetz (Orofino, Idaho) made a phone call to the family and lured them to his office in town, promising that this was just to provide them with an update. They trusted, and rushed to meet with him, leaving their breakfast in the oven. When the family arrived at the Sheriff’s office, he announced that as of that moment they were not allowed back into their home… that a SWAT team already been dispatched to repossess the property and that a moving company was on its way to remove their belongings. They were not allowed even a change of clothes, bedding, Bibles or the stack of 3,000 pages of legal documents they were going to need in order to defend themselves.

I do not understand why the contents of the home were not immediately released to the Nickersons, as the contents were never part of the controversy.  A neighbor immediately offered a building for a storage space, but the sheriff refused that, saying that the office needed to do “an inventory”, so the trucks hauled off most of their possessions to Moscow, Idaho, where the family is still blocked from having any access.  The contents of four freezers of organic, homegrown food were left on the side of the road Tuesday night. The family’s dogs were pepper sprayed in the process and half of their chickens ended up being killed, apparently by coyotes.

As of Saturday night (11-16), the Nickerson’s are still waiting to access the remainder of their possessions still left in the home. Two gates have been placed across the driveway; one gate built by the land management company, and another erected by a hostile neighbor who has no legal right to meddle. The family was told they have 10 days (from last Wednesday 11-13) to remove the rest of their property from their home. However, as those days pass, the representative from the land company, Jim Meyers of Kooskia, Idaho, will not take their calls to arrange an appointment, and Sheriff Goetz is not responding now, either.

At this writing (11-16-19), the Nickersons remain camped out on the side of the road overlooking their ranch… and it is raining. I am reaching out to my neighbors in the area. Please show up for these people. They are being lied about. Please see for yourself. Pray for them. It could be you next.

Andra Wilson –

Comment (1)

  1. Jose Quervo

    I am not surprised at the horrible, unethical treatment this family endures daily, by the County Administrators and the State.Sadly, we are headed like a runaway locomotive towards a country that is pure, ‘Socialistic, which really means, we Americans are now living in a Pelosi controlled nation, resembling a, ‘Communist State !” The rest of us, “Sheple,” in America.., are going to do exactly what the Christians and/or Evangelicals, did prior to the 2008 Elections.., sit with their mouths closed, silent as the Democrats put up an ILLEGAL ALIEN.., a black male from Soweto, South Afrika; and that is how we got, “Barry,” or. if that is really his, “True Name,” Barack 0BAMA! AND then Christians sat on their butts and kept silent, saying to themselves, “Well, he surely can’t get elected, again!” Well thanks to their silence we saw another 8 years of 0bama’s dividing America and opening the doors to 15,000 Somalis in one move. Thus, m0slems flooded into our nation with Student Visas, then, disappearing. Only God can help these poor people besieged by their own government, in Idaho. Please PRAY for the Nickerson Family.

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