“Flat Earth as a Key to Decrypt The Book of Enoch.” He wagered $15,000.00 to anyone who could provide two observations or demonstrations or experiments proving, or giving evidence that showed earth curvature or earth spin greater than 50mph existed.
To show that the earth had curvature, it had to be according to the accepted formula of 8″xD(distance in miles)squared, yielding an answer in inches.
To win, any two old observations, demonstrations, could be used, but it had to be empirical and repeatable.
On June 11, 2019, the findings of The Court of Barrow County Georgia were in favor of Zen Garcia who was sued by William Thompson for not paying the wager he claimed to have won. WT did not provide the evidence required to prove earth curvature. He provided software programs that purportedly calculated the existence of curvature, but it did not do so, at least according to the stipulated, accepted formula.
What is interesting is that :
1.) No scholars, professors, teachers, academics who teach geography, astronomy, earth science, physics, etc., have bothered to pick up this easy $15,000.00. One would speculate that these people would be personally and professionally invested in this issue. One would speculate that they all believe that what they are teaching is true. One would speculate that they could be more qualified than Mr. Thompson. One would speculate that most, or all, could have done the demonstration on work time as well, with unlimited resources from their university, unlike flat earthers who are self-funding. I suppose when we go to college, we buy what we are taught, but it is buyer beware.
2.) No government agency, such as NASA, or NOA, or NSF which conducts so much research in Antarctica, or contractor who are not only personally and professionally invested in global sphericity, but also ethically invested as they are taking taxpayer money, not one person from any of these august bodies, has bothered to pick up this easy money either. And they too would have all the resources necessary at their disposal and may have been able to do it on work time.
The conclusion is that it is not only difficult to provide two repeatable proofs of curvature or spin but impossible.
Zen Garcia presented what he considered to be several proofs or demonstrations of flatness. The magistrate did not rule on the shape of the earth, but only that the wager was not won by Mr. Thompson.