He Regrets Giving Obama The Peace Prize

Anyone with half an ounce of brains immediately knew in 2009 that the Nobel Peace Prize committee was making itself look foolish for giving Barack Obama its top award even though he had only been president for about five minutes. Now the group’s former secretary is admitting that the whole thing was a huge mistake.
Nobel’s former secretary, Geir Lundestad, told the media that he thought giving Obama the award would spur him to great accomplishments. Instead, Obama did nothing of note over the next eight years.
Lundestad addressed the foolhardy decision in his recently published autobiography, according to the BBC:
take our poll – story continues belowTrending: Caravan of Disease: 50 Migrants a Day Turn Up with TB, Flu, Parasites and all Kinds of DiseasesMr Lundestad, writing in his memoir, Secretary of Peace, said even Mr. Obama himself had been surprised.“No Nobel Peace Prize ever elicited more attention than the 2009 prize to Barack Obama,” Mr. Lundestad writes.“Even many of Obama’s supporters believed that the prize was a mistake,” he says. “In that sense the committee didn’t achieve what it had hoped for”.
Lundestad that at first Obama greeted the situation with some good sense and initially said he did not even want to come pick the thing up.
But, soon enough his natural (and proper) embarrassment at being given the award for no logical reason was overcome by his arrogance and desire for personal adulation. He went and picked it up in person anyway.
Of course, Obama’s detractors here in the U.S.A. widely made fun of the idiotic award.

As well they should. Obama did not deserve any “peace prize” before he had even fairly begun his first term. And eight years later, even Lundestad now admits that Obama did nothing even after two terms to deserve it.
It’s about time they admit it.