That’s just the way it is on “The Planet of the Apes/Idiots”.  One would think, with all the money we spend on “educating” our young, that people would have more sense.

I really liked the one about the Bible.  Therein lies the problem.


 But let us not forget the hoax on the whole scene — that of Nik Cruz being framed. Meanwhile, this is information to ponder as well.

 So, let me get this straight…

School failed,
FBI failed,
Cops failed,
officer on site failed, 
but media blames the NRA ?
Eleven teens die every day texting and driving. 
Time to raise the age you can get a smart phone to 21.
Three weeks ago, our government wanted to change the color of tide pods to deter teenagers from eating them. 
Yesterday those same teenagers were telling our government what to do with our 2nd amendment rights… 
A deranged student with a rifle had no problem getting into a school. 
A student with a Bible would have been stopped immediately.