Rosa Parks – Why Do Americans Worship Traitors?
December 1, 2017

Rosa Parks (1913-2005) was a Communist Party member who worked as a secretary for the NAACP, a Communist Jewish banker front.
Her refusal to move to the back-of-the-bus Dec. 1, 1955, was a typical Communist publicity stunt staged by her handlers.
Uncle Tom, Rep. John Lewis tweeted: “62 years ago today, Rosa Parks stood up for what is right, what is fair, and what is just, by sitting down on a Montgomery city bus and refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. Her actions took raw courage and helped ignite a movement.”
In 2013, she was honored by a stamp. She was honored with a statue in the Capitol.
Was Karl Marx unavailable?
Was Karl Marx unavailable?
At the time Speaker John Boehner said: “In two weeks we will have a historic ceremony here in the United States Capitol. House and Senate leaders will gather to unveil a statue of civil rights icon Rosa Parks. This will be the first statue of an African-American woman to be placed here in the Capitol, and I can’t think of a more fitting honor for a great American hero who still inspires us all.”
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Rosa Parks was not a simple seamstress whose lonely act of defiance in 1955 sparked the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, she was a trained Communist Party (CPUSA) activist.

In 2005, Rosa Parks’ body lay in state under the Capitol Rotunda; an honor accorded only 29 times in US history, to people like Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, and most recently Ronald Reagan.
This treatment illustrates how the American public is routinely deceived and betrayed by its political leaders and mass media. The New York Timesobituary said her arrest “turned a very private woman into a reluctant symbol and torchbearer.” President Clinton said her action “ignited the most significant social movement in American history.”
The portrayal of Rosa Parks as an ordinary citizen triggered my alarm bell. Betty Friedan, the “founder” of feminism and longtime Communist activistwas also depicted as an average mother and housewife. Rosa Parks began working as a secretary for the NAACP in 1943 and still held that position when she was arrested.

Rosa Parks and many others had defied the bus segregation laws on numerous occasions since the 1940’s. The Montgomery bus boycott was planned in advance. Martin Luther King was brought in to lead it. Rosa Parks was chosen to kick it off. (See Aldon Morris, “The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement”)
Rosa Parks was a member of the party. This is something Communists don’t advertise. David Horowitz writes in Radical Son that his Communist Party parents claimed Rosa was a member.
The testimony of numerous defectors leaves no doubt the US Communist Party was directed from Moscow. Despite what idealistic dupes (“useful idiots”) like Parks and Friedan thought, its goal was and is to subjugate the American people.
The Women’s Liberation Movement was patterned on the Civil Rights Movement. They are both off-the-shelf Communist psycho-social operations. To be effective, they must appear to reflect a popular groundswell rather than an elite agenda imposed from above.
While these movements rectified many genuine injustices, their hidden purpose is to destabilize and undermine American society.
Banker Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild’s agent in the US, and later the paymaster of the Bolshevik Revolution started the NAACP in 1909.
In his book, “My Awakening” David Duke paints a picture of the NAACP that suggests a typical Banker-Communist front. (pp.282-284) Although founded in 1909, it didn’t have a Black President until the 1970’s. Until then, its President and Board were mainly drawn from the ranks of Communist Jews.
Martin Luther King may have been a typical frontman. Privately he declared himself a Marxist. He attended the Highlander School and his personal secretaries Bayard Rustin and Jack O’Dell were Communists. Stanley Levinson, who wrote his speeches and managed his fundraising, was also a Communist.
Apparently, King’s integrity has also been called into question. King plagiarized large sections of his doctoral thesis. He also had liaisons with white prostitutes, which were taped by the FBI and confirmed by his successor Ralph Abernathy. (And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, 1989)
I find racial prejudice repugnant. Mankind is a family of races, each gifted and bringing something unique to the potluck.
At the same time, a balance must be found. Racial and national groups have a right to protect their racial character. I find it odd that countries like Israel, China and Japan can do this without criticism but countries in Europe and North America cannot. Blacks, Jews, and Hispanics can do this but Europeans cannot. I also believe discrimination in favor of a “minority” is as bad as discrimination against one.
I am not an expert on the Civil Rights movement. However, if the CPUSA was involved, there was a hidden agenda.
This agenda is spelled out in a document entitled “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” (1912) by a British Fabian “Israel Cohen” quoted by Congressman Thomas Abernathy during the Civil Rights debate and entered into the Congressional Record (1957), p. 8559:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Remember, the central bankers are involved in a massive fraud: printing our money for the price of the paper, loaning it to us and then demanding repayment with interest. The only way they can perpetuate this fraud is to distract us. That involves creating divisions. (More on the racial plan.)
The sanctification of the Communist Rosa Parks proves again that the American political and cultural elite have achieved this status by collaborating in America’s ultimate subjugation.
Social change doesn’t take place in the USA unless the central bankers and their media assets sponsor it. Their long-term plan for world dictatorship is disguised as a spontaneous grassroots revolt.
Increasingly as traitors are treated as heroes, we recognize that we are already living in a twilight zone and have been for some time.
Originally Posted Nov 11, 2005 “Rosa Parks: Making of an American Icon” and Dec 2010 as “Our Communist Corporate Elite”
Originally Posted Nov 11, 2005 “Rosa Parks: Making of an American Icon” and Dec 2010 as “Our Communist Corporate Elite”
From Ricardo, a Black reader:
Before the civil rights movement, there were many economically viable black communities. Segregation forced black people especially black man to take care of business. The civil rights movement destroyed that.
Harry Belafonte said Martin Luther King was killed after he realized that he was a pawn, that he was duped. Martin Luther King saw that de-segregation would impoverish the black community. Now there is no black community, we have no real leadership and we have no collective economic power. Put together we have a lot of money but we are the targets of corporations, this is what the civil rights movement has brought us. And the Nation of Islam was started by the Jesuits to foment a race war.
Another comment:
Your website has helped me to understand such concepts as social consciousness, civic duty etc. for me these are like deities that come into being when you manifest manhood and womanhood. The oligarchs want to keep these things under arrest or stop them from even being born in mankind so that control of the world is easier.
Maybe they did not fully understand what segregation would do to the descendants of slavery, it forced them to be adults take care of themselves. Nature doesn’t accept vacuums and segregation left a vacuum that black people had to fill. they had to be their own doctors, lawyers, governors, teachers, bankers etc. The civil rights movement was totally engineered and controlled just like the women’s rights (feminist) movement, all you need do is take stock of the results. For black people we truly became impoverished, with feminism the divorce rate went through the roof, the moral social fabric of society was literally ripped to shreds.
The Real Martin Luther King
A good number of the House and Senate are Communist.
JEW = Communist