Washington Post Grasps at Crazy Conspiracy Theory in Support of Hillary Clinton
The Washington Post, the newspaper upon which the U.S. government relies to castigate «conspiracy theories», has advanced one of its own.
The Post, which has a full-time reporter assigned to disparagingly report on «conspiracy theories» – the paper calls them «ideological movements» – is proffering its own kooky conspiracy theory. The theory is that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was poisoned in a plot orchestrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin acting in cahoots with Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Post’s story follows Mrs. Clinton’s collapse during a September 11 memorial service at the site of the former World Trade Center in New York. The validation by the Post of such a libelous and unsourced story dangerously worsens already-frayed ties between Washington and Moscow.
The Post story also cites previous unfounded charges that President Putin ordered the assassination, by radiation poisoning, of exiled former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. After the Post article was published, other pro-Clinton websites added to the conspiracy theory laundry list the alleged poisoning in 2004 of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko. In a September 29, 2009, interview by this author with RT, it was suggested that the allegations surrounding Yushchenko’s poisoning may have been a fabrication by Kiev in an attempt to blame Russia. The video interview has since been removed from YouTube.
The aim of the neoconservative war hawks who are embedded in Clinton’s campaign, as well as the Central Intelligence Agency-linked Post, is clear. President Putin is being set up by the neocons as the next Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi, and Bashar al Assad. Meanwhile, Trump is being portrayed as a modern-day Alger Hiss who owes ultimate loyalty to the Kremlin. It should be pointed out that Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Post, has a $600 million contract with the CIA to provide cloud computing services for the CIA. The deal makes The Washington Post, via interlocking close corporate links, a de facto CIA contractor.
The Post and the Clinton campaign are engaging in pure McCarthyism, which is ironic since Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn, the late counsel for the Red-baiting junior senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy.
The Post’s ridiculous article comes on the heels of it and several Democratic Party and Obama administration officials accusing Russian intelligence of being behind the computer hacking of Democratic National Committee, Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, and Hillary Clinton campaign computer systems. Russia has denied any such involvement. The Democratic National Committee, temporarily headed by Donna Brazile, a Clinton family political hack, claims it discovered Russian hackers after it conducted its own forensic examination. In reality, there are few, if any, computer technologists at the Democratic National Committee capable of making any such determination.
The sum result of these outrageous accusations against Russia are designed to set the stage for a U.S.-Russia military confrontation during a Clinton presidency.
The Post’s «evidence» of a Putin-Trump poisoning plot is solely based on a Twittermessage sent by Bennet Omalu, the Pittsburgh pathologist who discovered a number of cases of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CPE) brain injuries among National Football League players. After writing that he believes Mrs. Clinton may have been poisoned, Omalu suggested that Putin and Trump could be behind it.
Omalu’s Tweet stated: «I must advice [sic] the Clinton campaign to perform toxicologic analysis of Ms. Clinton’s blood. It is possible she is being poisoned.» It was followed up by «I do not trust Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump. With those two all things are possible.»
Omalu suggests that Clinton, who has been treated for pneumonia since September 9, never received a blood test. It is an odd claim from a doctor whose supposed expertise in the National Football League brain injury case was featured in the movie «Concussion.» It is most certain that Clinton, who previously suffered a spate of coughing spells on the campaign stump, received a blood test before her diagnosis of pneumonia.
Omalu is not the only Nigerian doctor to provide advice to Mrs. Clinton. Her own personal neurologist, who is never far from Mrs. Clinton’s side during campaign events, is Nigerian-American Dr. Oladatun Okunola, who specializes in epilepsy and sleep disorders. Okunola has been seen carrying two Diazepam auto-injector syringe pens while accompanying Mrs. Clinton. Diazepam is often used for patients experiencing epileptic seizures but it can also be used for those suffering from the effects of Parkinson’s disease.
What the Post did not report is that among many sub-Saharan Africans, rumor-mongering is a fervent pastime and for individuals like Omalu, Twitter is merely a modern rumor conveyance. In Africa, rumors were once passed via the «jungle telegram,» word of mouth utterances passed on in village market places that spread like wild fire across large tracts of bush land. The «jungle telegram» was eventually replaced by newspapers, small radio station, and mobile phones.
Mrs. Clinton’s health has been a question mark ever since her collapse at home in early December 2012. The collapse was blamed on «dehydration» from a stomach virus. However, Mrs. Clinton’s fall resulted in a concussion and a dangerous blood clot in her brain. After her release from the hospital after a stay of between three and thirty days, Mrs. Clinton sported special anti-seizure «prism» eyeglasses. Bill Clinton said it took six months for his wife to fully recover from her concussion. Mr. Clinton also revealed that Mrs. Clinton has collapsed on a number of occasions prior to her medical episode at the 9/11 memorial service.
According to leaked emails from former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Democratic donor Jeffrey Leeds, Mrs. Clinton’s health was an issue in March 2015. Powell wrote, «On HD TV she doesn’t look good… She is working herself to death… She will turn 70 her first year in office.» Leeds wrote, «Sheldon Whitehouse, who is a huge Clinton supporter, said they were both giving speeches at the same event a few months back and she could barely climb the podium steps.» Whitehouse is a Democratic senator from Rhode Island.
The Post’s September 12 article on a Putin-Trump plot to poison Mrs. Clinton was written by a reporter whose experience is in sports journalism. The Litvinenko charges were manufactured by Western propaganda circles. Litvinenko’s murder was undoubtedly the result of a plot by anti-Russian criminal syndicates based in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to embarrass the Russian government.
In 2008, the Russian Federal Security Bureau announced that it was working with British law enforcement agencies on the Litvinenko investigation after it said Britain withdrew «unfounded accusations» originally leveled against Russia. The Post never mentioned this agreement in its Hillary poisoning conspiracy theory charge.
Ironically, in less than a week, the Post went from charging anyone questioning Mrs. Clinton’s health as a «conspiracy theorist» to pushing its own far-out conspiracy theory about a Kremlin-Trump plot to poison Clinton. Even the Post’s Chris Cilizza, who had previously accused anyone suggesting that the Clinton campaign was covering up the candidate’s health as delving into conspiracies, issued a mea culpa after Clinton’s collapse at the 9/11 memorial service. Cilizza wrote that, «talk of Clinton’s health [is] no longer just the stuff of conspiracy theorists».
The Post’s suggestion that the President of the Russian Federation could be involved in a plot to poison the Democratic candidate for President of the United States is the ultimate in shoddy journalism. The only «poison» in the current presidential campaign is that being spread by the Clinton campaign and its allies like the Post that wish to turn the new Cold War, originally started by the Obama administration, into a Hot War under Clinton. The United States and the world can ill-afford a Clinton presidency that would base its foreign policy on kooky conspiracy theories.
What we need is another Senator Joe McCarthy as his legacy has been muddied by the same cabal who make this fake news about Hillary being poisoned.
The masters of false narratives were the targets of McCarthy. Don’t you know this?
Duh . . . judging from your picture, I suspect I knew this before you were born.
(I attended the last day of the Army/McCarthy hearings in June of 1954. But thanx for writing.)