Barry Soetoro’s Ring Message


. . . tells us that every time he claims to embrace Christianity, it is just one more of his devious false flags.


Barack Obama has been wearing the same ring for over 30 years.  When he and Michelle were married in October 1992, Barack used the ring as his wedding ring.

So, what is so important about this ring that Obama will never take it off?  The answer is shocking; well maybe not to most of you.

Barack Obama and his roommate Hasan Chandoo at Occidental College in 1981




Obama wearing the ring as president

obama-ring obama-ring-close

Obama signing legislation while wearing the ring


Obama in Cairo, Egypt, smiling and waving during his speech

obama-ring-egypt obama-ring-egypt-close

And what does the inscription on the ring Obama will never take off mean?

lâ ilâha illâ allâh: There is no God except Allah