Domestic Task Force Revived

dhs-radicalizationAttorney General Eric Holder Revives Domestic Terror Task Force

Pay attention to the white part of this report. It is warning of another false flag attack coming soon in the U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder, citing an “escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders,” said Tuesday that the Justice Department will revive a domestic terrorism task force.
The task force was established after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 to share information about domestic threats. It was set to meet the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, after which the country turned its focus to terror overseas.

“But now, as the nature of the threat we face evolves to including the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet, it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home,” Holder said in a weekly video.

The attorney general cited no specific domestic threat. But he said that the deadly shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, and the Boston Marathon bombings demonstrate the danger of homegrown terror. (editor’s emp.)

The task force will comprise the Justice Department, the FBI and federal prosecutors, and will coordinate with law enforcement across the country to make sure information is shared, Holder said.

The FBI and prosecutors have broken up homegrown terror plots in recent years, he said, including “plans by ‘lone wolf’-style actors” trying to provide support to terror networks in Syria and elsewhere abroad.

— Erin McClam

Comment (1)

  1. Anthony Clifton

    The FBI and prosecutors have broken up numerous ADL contrived
    homegrown terror plots in recent years….
    that the ADL/FBI, the ugly step sisters beneath the
    Communism & Zionism agenda portfolio, er um protocols,
    have manufactured using the gullible goy and easily
    framed patsies…in their counter-intelligence programs…

    Our Directorate of Intelligence is front and center in making sure the ADL/FBI produces the intelligence necessary to protect the nation.

    Every day, special agents, intelligence analysts, language analysts, and professional support staff within our division and in the field are working to inform and support ADL/FBI operational activities.

    A key component of the National Security Branch, the Directorate of Intelligence manages all ADL/FBI intelligence activities and works with all Bureau offices, making certain that ADL “intelligence” is embedded in every investigative program and field office….how gay is that ?

    We continue to adapt and improve upon our collection, analysis, and dissemination capabilities in a proactive fashion,


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