From Washington, D.C. wrote: “When I heard that France had bombed a key ISIS stronghold, I looked out my window to see if the White House was still there!”
From Washington, D.C. wrote: “When I heard that France had bombed a key ISIS stronghold, I looked out my window to see if the White House was still there!”
Bill Bennett must have been reading our September Musings. Here he is much more detailed but arrives at the same conclusion. Former U. S. Secretary of Education , William J…. Read more >
In June of 2013, six months after this massive fraud was sprung on the American public, I had occasion to spend a couple of days in Newtown, Connecticut on a… Read more >
Christmas Gropings-er, Greetings from the TSA Becky Akers The Thieves and Sexual Assailants magnanimously allow us serfs certain “rights” (yes, they horribly misuse the word; none of these perverts would… Read more >
By Dick Bachert Ever since the so-called War On Drugs (WOD) and, now, the War On Terror (WOT) — actually more like the War On The Bill of Rights) —… Read more >
The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is… Read more >