Even if Jim Baker never knew there is no such word as “preventative,” his message still makes perfect sense.
Even if Jim Baker never knew there is no such word as “preventative,” his message still makes perfect sense.
EDITOR’S NOTE: “One monkey cain’t stop no show.” Has the whole nation forgotten that it takes a grand jury to issue a bill of indictment and not the FBI? BREAKING… Read more >
September 21, 2016 Final Push For One World Government Begins By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Last September when Barack Obama stood in front the UN General Assembly and… Read more >
Dick Bachert says, “So, tell me again that the leftists who run them ARE NOT COOKING THE POLL NUMBERS!” Indeed, the polls are a joke. The CMM writes, films and… Read more >
Well, not exactly, as this was surely filmed during the 2008 campaign, but it is entertaining to hear the song he is singing. TRUMP’S BEST CAMPAIGN AD EVER Just… Read more >
At The Villages in Florida last week, there was a bumper sticker on a parked car that read: “I miss Chicago.” Someone broke the window, stole the radio, shot… Read more >
We can’t say it any better. Step forward with a reply, Colin, or maybe follow her advice and go to Africa.
Be sure to cover your backside, Doc! You just put a target on your back.
1. EXCLUSIVE REPORT: HILLARY CLINTON HAS PARKINSON’S DISEASE, DOCTOR CONFIRMS [This is a 30min video with 3 advert breaks which is extremely important. If and when confirmed by another qualified… Read more >
By Paul Craig Roberts on September 7, 2016 Veterans Today The question is: who are the real conspiracy kooks, the majority who disbelieve the official lies or the minority who believe… Read more >