Questioning official Jewish History. The specific questions I would like Professor Lipstadt to weigh in on are the following: 1. How does she explain the fact that the Allied leaders… Read more >
Questioning official Jewish History. The specific questions I would like Professor Lipstadt to weigh in on are the following: 1. How does she explain the fact that the Allied leaders… Read more >
https://www.sibrel.com/moon-man-book-links MOON MAN – VIDEO LINKSABOUT + CONTACTMORE . . .Bart’s Email ListBart’s Bible Blessings – VideosBart’s Bible Blessings – Bible StudiesGame of SEVEN Moon Man INTERACTIVE VIDEO Links… Read more >
BY JAMES HOWARD KUNSTLER POSTED JANUARY 28, 2023 Revolt Against the Deep State! So many calamities, quandaries and mysteries swirl in the zeitgeist that life in the USA and the rest… Read more >
The History of the Mid-20th Century into the 21st Century shows that the (MSM) Media’s Pen remains Mightier than the Sword. (Comment);…Sadly, when we hear of another “Mass-Murder”, in America, the… Read more >
Before you see the Survey Results, answer the questions, and see how you score against the Nation & against the Facts: What percentage of the country is black? What… Read more >
THE TRUTH ABOUT MLK – The Real History Channel
WW2 – Who was really responsble for it? History you have been taught vs the truth. Did Hitler Want War? September 1, 2009 by Patrick J. Buchanan http://buchanan.org/blog/did-hitler-want-war-2068 If Hitler was out… Read more >
Remembering Reverend King for who he really was. Pedro L. Gonzalez Jan 16 National Park Service / Flickr January 1964. The historic Willard Hotel, on Pennsylvania Avenue, just east of… Read more >
https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/55-performers-collapsing-or-dying-on-stage-or-live-camera-in-late-2022-through-2023/ https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/55-performers-collapsing-or-dying-on-stage-or-live-camera-in-late-2022-through-2023/