Especially minority politics! The NFL and Victoria’s Secret have committed suicide
Especially minority politics! The NFL and Victoria’s Secret have committed suicide
Are You Still Wearing A Mask? – Dr. Charlie Ward (drcharlieward.com)
Is Stacey Abrams the Most Influential Socialist in the South? (theepochtimes.com) Is Stacey Abrams the Most Influential Socialist in the South? Stacey Abrams is an ambitious politician from the state… Read more >
The problem is this country was established as a Republic which is governed only by the people. At some time we changed from a Republic to a democracy which… Read more >
A very good video (14 mins) explaining that the George Floyd ‘murder’ was staged: “The Truth About George Floyd: A Psyop Explained.” https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vy0rxb5koF0…
/ARE YOU CRAZY? Biden Publicly Urged to Take Cognitive Test by Former White House Doc and Over a Dozen Lawmakers ⋆ This is getting serious. ⋆ Flag And Cross
This author joined the military service in 1961 when it was integrated, probably 20% blacks, 15% Latino, 3% Asian, and about 55% whites, and of many different religions. I never… Read more >
Lebron James criticized Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey who spoke out in favor of the right of the citizens in Hong Kong against the tyranny of communist China. Why?… Read more >
“SOWELL-isms “ Thomas Sowell grew up in Harlem, served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War.. graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, Masters from Columbia U…Economist, Social Theorist, Philosopher, Author…Senior… Read more >