Author Archive: Pat Shannan

WHO HAS THE COURAGE TO SAY THAT THE 2020 ELECTION WAS A COMPLETE FRAUD, AND THAT THEY WILL BRING JUSTICE TO AMERICA?? Yahoo / Inbox To: Wed, Jun 14 at 6:12 PM How could we prepare for another Federal Election, while we are Drowning in the Deceit and Fraud of the Last-One?? Sent to;…,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CANDIDATES-ALL;….I WISH NOT to STARTLE ANYONE BUT this UPCOMING FEDERAL ELECTION is NOT ABOUT YOU!! it is ABOUT the PEOPLE, THEIR LOST Government, and, our very Survival as a COUNTRY??? ….SO FAR NONE OF YOU QUALIFY FOR CONSIDERATION, AS NO-ONE HAS PLACED ON THEIR PLATFORM, THE Imperative NEED TO SEEK JUSTICE FOR THE 2020 ELECTION FRAUD. THE NEED TO INVESTIGATE, THE NEED TO ARREST, THE NEED TO PROSECUTE , AND THE NEED TO JAIL ALL THOSE INVOLVED FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS, TO THE MEDIA PLATFORMS, AND TO ALL THOSE TRAITOROUS WEASELS IN-BETWEEN!! ….If the Restoration of the Rule-of-Law, is Not 1st on your Platform to Election, then why do We-the-People need you??.. The consequences of the 2020 FRAUD, is beyond any reasonable understanding, resulting from this blatant-act-of-Criminality . Every (Present Day), decision regurgitated out of Washington, D.C. has no LEGAL bearing, and yet (due to the silence of Congress), We-the-People have to endure and participate in those arbitrary decisions . Example;….***An immediate impact of unanswered Inflation, (after 2020 election), slapped America in-the-face, as soon as Biden took the undeserved “Oath-of-Office”!!….Though this is not talked about, I believe this was a Corporate “No Confidence”, response ,post-election, along with a “Fear” that America was going “To the Streets” to Protest & Demand Justice. Had this (Act-of Justification),occurred, the economy would have surely been Disrupted,….and (I suspect) that Corporate has responded accordingly, believing we still had the “American Spirit”!!!!! ….Sadly America has Disappointed All, including themselves, as it has been revealed that Americans are (NOW), all Talk,…with only a (past), Reputation, that they cared about Justice, Rule-of-Law, and Self-Preservation. These were……Essential Ingredient’s of a Sadly, (Lost), American, Pride & Respect that will soon be Archived and placed on the Shelf-of-Antiques,…for Storytellers!! Cliche “Elect Me” presentations, and “Status Quo” proposals will Not suffice, in a Country Void of Law and Compliance! …America is now the Town-without-a Sheriff!! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHO WILL PICK-UP THAT BADGE, ON BEHALF OF AMERICA?? 3d render golden sheriff’s badge isolated on white >>>>”If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.”>>>>Plato!!! Opinion / Comment;…T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC;,,,Still searching for a Frontier-in-America , where Uncle Sam, & Myself can settle down in a Land where Pride, Loyalty, & Patriotism,…Survives!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yahoo/Inbox Wed, Jun 14 at 6:12 PM               How could we prepare for another Federal Election, while we are Drowning in the Deceit and… Read more >