By Karl Radl
In my previous article on Kyle Rittenhouse’s shooting of three members of Antifa on 25th August 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin I mentioned that two of the three were in fact jewish (1) and I later pointed out that Kyle Rittenhouse has also seemingly confessed to having part-jewish ancestry himself. (2)
One of those jews who attacked Rittenhouse that night in Kenosha was Joseph Rosenbaum – who Rittenhouse shot dead – (3) and Rosenbaum has quite the interesting legal history as it turns out that he was a pretty horrific serial child rapist.
To quote Jim Piwowarczyk at ‘Wisconsin Right Now’:
‘Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.
Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
“No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.’ (3)
Indeed, we further learn that Rosenbaum had quite the history of run-ins with the forces of law and order in addition to domestic violence charges and anally raping male children:
‘What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).
He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
However, the court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.’ (5)
Put another way: Rosenbaum was a serial jewish criminal and active child molester who should have been executed back in 2002 but – possibly because he was jewish – was for some unfathomable reason walking the streets.
Well, we can at least take comfort in the fact that Rosenbaum is now dead and in hell.
(1) See my article:
(2) See my article:
(3) See my article: