I saw an apropos bumper sticker this week that read “TRUTH- The New Hate Speech”. Roxanne Hicks, whom I very much appreciate and am usually on the same page with, alleges (Free Press 3/19/25) that I am a “hater” and “antisemite”. These terms are used by those who lord it over us to stifle people from speaking truth about anything “Jewish”. Tens of thousands of Jews protested in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, New York, and London this week against Benjamin Netanyahu and his Zionist aggression towards Palestine. Are these Jews antisemites? Obviously not. They are merely opposed to the Israeli leadership’s genocidal policies, as am I. This does not make me an antisemite either, although we have been programmed to think it does.

I also read and believe in the Bible, however I have studied and found that those who call themselves Jews today, and have been “settling” Palestine since 1948, are not actually descended from the Israel of the Bible. I know it sounds outrageous and even blasphemous, but it is plainly admitted by these same people.

The 1980 Jewish Almanac, under the heading “Identity Crisis” states, Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call and ancient Israelite a “Jew” or call a contemporary Jew an “Israelite” or “Hebrew”. Jewish author Benjamin Freedman on 10/15/47 stated, “Political Zionism is… a movement by Jews of [Eastern] Europe, [who] have neither racial nor historic connection with Palestine”. Quoting Jewish author Arthur Koestler’s book The Thirteenth Tribe: “Zionists are not Judahites”; “They pass as Jews and pretend they are the descendants of Israel and therefore have a right to Palestine as their national homeland.”

I know this causes cognitive dissonance, but there are hundreds of quotes and books that attest to these people being impostors, (though you won’t find them on a (censored) Google search or at Amazon). Biblically speaking, the modern day Jews are more likely represented in Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.

As to being a hater, I do hate evil, as does God (Psalms 5:5) and as the Bible admonishes us to do (Psalms 97:10, Proverbs 8:13, Amos 5:15).

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