PART 1 of 5 PARTS:

“If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood” (Ezekiel 33:6). is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


I received an email from a lady I had never met but who has received several of my commentaries even though she was not on any of my distribution lists. These are her words from that email.

“I would like to ask you a question regarding ‘defeating the New World Order’ and the satanic agendas associated with them. God’s Word prophesied this would come, and I have known about it since I was saved in 1974, but my question is: now that we are on the brink of so many apparent diabolical machinations, and Trump is fighting so many battles to erase the evil in our government how are We the People to respond? It doesn’t sound like we are able or can defeat the NWO but only can resist it even until to death. Have I missed something? The question troubles me a lot because I want to be obedient to Him…anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on this troublesome issue. Thank you, Sir.”


No one can stop what is coming. The economic order we have known is under severe attack and complicated deception. The lifestyle we have enjoyed in this once blessed land of America has undergone a radical transformation from natural calamities, as well as politically induced schemes by diabolical zealots addicted to power, ego and greed. Promises and inducements by the New-World Order leadership directed many public officials and corporate executives to scurry about casting lots for their new positions in the diabolical hierarchy already established. The New-World Order is a system of globalization, and the economic order will be the mechanism used by the anti-Christ as foretold in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. Darkness (hidden) and propaganda are controlling mechanisms which lead people to be interconnected in a system that is centrally controlled. Globalization is not of God. Localization is of God – the development of communities where people come to know one another, care for one another. Globalization promotes an atmosphere of facelessness where humans are merely numbers and expendable, indentured servants to a ruling class of Elites.

Earth was intended to be a duplicate of Heaven and man has destroyed and polluted (not just ecologically but in every way imaginable) what God gave as a good and perfect gift (Hebrews 8). In America, we developed a culture soiled and defiled from what the Lord taught and allowed to be handed down by our Forefathers. Man’s insatiable appetite for being in control and having all knowledge and power, couple with living well beyond the measured principles of God’s instruction has led to removing God from every aspect of our lives in this nation that was ordained to be a light on the hill for the lost and downtrodden. America in many ways is now the lost and downtrodden, and removing God from our institutions of education, government, courts, finances leaves a person with little to no understanding of common law, common decency or common sense to deal with the challenges we already have witnessed nor the calamities that are still to befall us.

From the beginning (in the Garden of Eden) God wanted the very best for His children. He desired that man (and woman) grow in grace and dignity; to experience holiness and intimacy with the Creator and each other; to physically mature in a state of absolute security. To receive this man was to submit to a new special way of living life patterned after God’s Way. God knew then what we, all these years later still don’t get…people are not so much protected by armaments, as they are by their way of life. When man’s way of life goes against God’s Commandments man loses not only his spiritual well-being but his physical well-being as well. This loss has begun in America.

From a heart filled with love for His Creation, God has begun the process of “shaking” as described in the Bible’s Book of Joel. This God-ordained shaking process is to show man that man’s most important need is not for a great environment, political sanity, even the simple removal of ruthless, non-integrous holders of public office and power-hungry leaders. I believe God is about to show man (and already has begun) that his greatest need is for a relationship with God, and not the type promoted in many churches today, but the kind found in the First Century Church, the church revealed in the Bible’s Book of Acts. The intimate, trusting relationship the early church depended on with God has been substituted for a gospel of social and progressive action, humanism, and the combining of world religions (and even the occult) with Christianity. I believe man is about to learn, all over again, who is the Lord of Creation, and he is NOT the caricature man has portrayed God to be.

The “Shaking Process” will allow man to let go of those political institutions, philosophies and other inventions we have grown to rely on to help us through the struggles and challenges, even calamities, rather than placing our trust in the Lord God, and the Lord alone. America has become grossly arrogant and her leaders along with so very many of her people demonstrate they have no need for God, except to use His Name every now and then. Make no mistake as to what I am writing…the days ahead will be days of great trials – even darkness and sword.

I believe President Donald J. Trump was placed into office much like Cyrus in the Old Testament, by God, to keep the Jews from going off the cliff they were directly on and close to falling. Cyrus was not a Jew, nor did he even believe in God. He was very wealthy, a leader and problem solver who knew how to command and make a positive difference. Trump is imperfect. I believe he does believe in God and has a personal relationship with the Lord, and knows he was appointed for a time such as this as he laid on the floor of that podium in Pennsylvania with blood dripping down his face. Trump is not perfect. I believe the Lord of lords and King of kings appointed Donald J. Trump for a time such as this to give America a chance to once again come unto Him.

We are no longer ruled by our elected representatives. We are ruled by unelected individuals in various offices of influence and power who have decided they know best what our nation should be and how our nation should act. This fact is also what Donald Trump is fighting, to restore our constitutional form of government to give our nation some time to decide, who will we follow…God or godless Marxism leading to the One World Government.


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