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From: Guy Miller
Date: 03/14/2025 1:40 PM EDT
Subject: midget judges like Lilliputians; Michelle checks for 15 years; THREE assassins at Butler explained again

A Federal midget judge sitting in the People’s Democratic Republic of California has taken it upon himself to rescind Article II of the United States Constitution.

 ABC News reports that District Judge William Alsop, a Clinton midget sitting in San Francisco, on Thursday ordered the Trump Administration in Washington, DC, fully 3,000 miles away, to reinstate thousands of probationary Federal workers who have lost jobs because their billets have been eliminated.

When your job gets eliminated, most people look for a new job.  But this midget judge is ordering the Trump Administration to put employees back on the payroll who had not even completed their probationary employment.  During the one- or two-year probationary period, new Fed hires can be RIFfed without cause.

His order applies to Federal Departments of Agriculture, Interior, Energy, Defense and Treasury.  Alsop also ordered the White House Office of Management and Budget and Office of Personnel Management not to make any provisions for further job reductions.

There is no legal basis I can imagine for a California judge to have the authority to countermand Constitutional decisions made by the President of the United States.  President Trump should refuse to comply while appeals migrate to the United States Supreme Court for resolution of midget judge powers.

There are roughly 30 cases currently pending where midget judges have ordered the Trump Administration to desist exercising the Article II powers in the Constitution.  Every single one of these cases comes from judges appointed by Obama, Biden, or Clinton.

I am sure that the United States Supreme Court has no intention of hearing thirty or more separate cases on appeal dealing with the same Constitutional issue.

Hopefully these cases can be quickly bundled into a single hearing for the Supreme Court.  The Justices should rule for all posterity on the extra-Constitutional powers being asserted by these judges at the bottom tier of the Federal judiciary.


An unrefuted story has been circulating that Michelle Obama has been receiving a monthly check from GSA for $122,000 since 2009.  Democrat Party shill “fact-checkers” are declaring the story to be conspiracy theory, but no evidence that I have been able to research offers any evidence to the contrary.

The story is that the original check early in the Obama Administration was reimbursement for a state function, but it was coded “recurring,” which set in motion monthly payments, until recently discovered by DOGE.

That could explain some of the Obama family riches accrued since Barack was a state senator in Illinois.  Any evidence that DOGE is wrong would be appreciated.


Because we have picked up some new correspondents recently, I want to revisit a story I discussed at length back in July following President Trump getting shot in the head at Butler, Pennsylvania.

Extensive forensic audio evidence* I presented then established that there were in fact THREE assassins at the Trump rally that day.  All audio taken that day, official and smartphone, agrees that eight shots were fired.  Here is the breakout.

The first shot is the one that hit President Trump in the head.  It was one of three which came from the ground floor deep inside the flat-roof building.  All these bullets had upward trajectories, with the one passing through Trump’s ear continuing upward to hit a rail at the top of the stands behind him.

That these shots came from INSIDE the building is established by the fact that there was no echo from these first three shots.  The next three, which created echos, came from the AR-15 which Thomas Matthew Crooks fired from atop the building, as the first shots below him apparently caught him by surprise.

The final two shots at the President, based on echo analysis, came from atop the water tower to the rear of the fair grounds.  By that time, the short fat women the Secret Service had assigned to protect President Trump that day, had gotten him surrounded, and none was hit.

After these eight assassins’ bullets were fired, a United States Secret Service sniper team executed the boy-child Crooks when he rolled into view of the snipers from behind the trees.  The FBI, never before known to clean up a crime scene, were atop the building in minutes, policing up the three spent casings and hosing down the blood of young patsy Crooks.  They ensured no evidence would survive to refute their story.

The FBI, Secret Service, and local law enforcement all got their story synchronized, that Crooks was the lone shooter, that all eight shots came from his AR-15, and that there was no conspiracy to execute Presidential candidate Donald Trump.  But no brass was ever presented to confirm their story.  The caliber of the first three shots and the last two is completely unknown.  Their brass is also long gone.

Big News Media and the Deep State/Intelligence Community were only too happy to promulgate this contrived story, thereby absolving all involved of any responsibility for that tragic day.  The dozens of subsequent reports suggesting an extensive multi-agency, and likely multi-national, conspiracy, were all buried by Big Tech and the Deep State/Intelligence Community of the Biden Administration, thereby covering their complicity in a multi-pronged attack to murder the Republican candidate for President.

* The forensic evidence proving the three-assassin scenario has been so deeply buried by now that you probably can no longer find the original evidence I presented in July.  Anyone who wants to see my previous postings and the original forensic analysis, contact me directly.

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