The Bible Reveals the Trickery of the Final ExperimentThe Final Experiment clowns used the peculiar ambient light effects at dusk to falsely portray the sun in the southern hemisphere as setting in the southwest and continuing south below the horizon.
An expedition called “The Final Experiment” (TFE) was sent to Antarctica in December 2024 with the stated objective of proving there is a 24-hour sun in Antarctica. The hope of the expedition leader, Will Duffy, was that establishing that there is a 24-hour sun in Antarctica would disprove the flat earth and in turn prove the earth is a spinning globe. A team of flat earth shills and globe proponents allegedly succeeded in proving there is a 24-hour sun in Antarctica. The links at the end of this article set forth evidence of video manipulation. The Final Experiment was not an experiment at all, but a massive fraud. Before the TFE group traveled to Antarctica, they huddled in Punta Arenas. They posted a livestream of some of their activities during the evening of December 13, 2024. They began their livestream at dusk after the sun went below the horizon. Their purpose in doing that was to falsely portray the sun setting in the southwestern sky and continuing south below the horizon. Most people do not know that at dusk, the sky is often illuminated by ambient light, which creates a misleading phenomenon as to where the sun is located below the horizon. The brightest part of the sky will not necessarily correlate to the location of the sun below the horizon. Of course, the TFE group knew about that phenomenon and used it to their advantage to trick unsuspecting viewers. They could have livestreamed earlier and shown the actual sunset. But they did not do that. They waited until 10:00 pm., well after the sun had set to start their livestream. Why did they do that? The answer is obvious. The sun did not set in the southwestern sky and they wanted to create the illusion that it did. So they pointed to the ambiguous ambient light and argued that we should believe them that the sun had set in the southwestern sky was was now circling below the horizon in the southern sky. The TFE group was concealing an important aspect of twilight that most do not know. TFE and all modern scientists conceal the fact that there is a light that shines during the day that is separate and distinct from the sun. Secular science has rejected the Genesis account of creation and instead placed the sun far away from the earth in an alleged vacuum of space. The scientific community is in a conspiracy against God and man and is trying to conceal the truth of God’s creation. This author will take a different approach from that which is taken by modern scientists. I will not ignore God’s word, but rather start with the premise that God’s word is pure truth, and then try to explain observations in light of that truth. Those Christians who think that the Bible should not be used as the basis for ascertaining the scientific nature of God’s creation should consider what Jesus stated about that matter: “If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?” (John 3:12) That truth from Jesus is the reason that the “scientific” community pooh-poohs any reference to biblical authority. Indeed, the model of a spinning, spherical earth in a heliocentric system is propaganda framed for the very purpose of calling into question the authority of the Bible about “earthly things,” with the ultimate objective of undermining its authority about “heavenly things.” Heliocentricity contradicts the Bible at every turn (pun intended). Heliocentricity is what God calls the “opposition of science falsely so called.” 1 Timothy 6:20. Satan has an objective in mind by convincing people the Bible is scientifically wrong about “earthly things.” His strategy is to get people to think that since the Bible is wrong about “earthly things,” it must also be wrong about “heavenly things.” Satan wants to drive from the minds of men the fact that God’s “word is true from the beginning.” (Psalms 119:160) Satan knows that if people believed that, “the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth” (Psalms 33:4), Satan’s world conspiracy against God and man would collapse. If we read the book of Genesis, we find that God created light on the first day and divided the light from the darkness. This formed our days and nights.
Notice that day and night began after God created light and divided it from the darkness. The sun and moon were not created until the fourth day; God did so after he created the firmament that divided the waters. God set the sun and moon as lights in the firmament.
From God’s account of creation in Genesis we know that day and night, with the day being light and the night being darkness, were created by God on the first day. It was not until the fourth day that the sun and moon were created. There was daylight and night darkness for three days and nights before God created the sun and moon. That means that there is another source of light for our days that is separate from the sun. The sun rules the day, but daylight itself exists without the sun. Some have opined that the source of the light for day is God himself, since “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5. While it is true that God is light, it is also true that God is the creator of light. God states: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7. When God stated “let there be light” in Genesis 1:3, the result was that “there was light.” That indicates that God created the light, and that light is the light of day. The bottom line is that there is a source of light created by God for our days that is separate from the sun. Rory Cooper, who is an artist, has illustrated in an instructional video that if the sun were the only source of light our days would not look at as they do. Cooper opines, based upon his acceptance of the truth of God’s word and his training and experience as an artist, that it would be impossible for our light during the day to appear as it does without another source of light. The fact that there is light that surrounds even the sides of objects that are faced away from the sun indicates that there another source of light that is backlighting everything. We can see this second light source at dawn and at dusk. In this twilight stage, before the sun rises above the horizon and again after the sun sinks below the horizon, the sky is illuminated by a light that has a source which is separate from the sun. Indeed, this light could not come from the sun, since the only shadows that are cast are underneath parked cars that block light streaming straight down. This author is often outside at dawn and cannot see shadows anywhere, except those shadows underneath parked cars. That indicates that the light is being cast vertically straight down. Thus, the light could not be coming from the sun, which has not yet made its appearance above the horizon. If the sun were the source of the shadows they would be long and horizontal. Indeed, later, after the sun rises one will see that there are long shadows that are cast, but that is only after the sun is above the horizon. The predawn and post-sunset light is called twilight, which is defined as “the soft, diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, either from daybreak to sunrise or, more commonly, from sunset to nightfall.” Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the sepulchre in which Jesus was buried “as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week.” Matthew 28:1. Dawn means “to begin to grow light in the morning.” Dawn describes “the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.” God describes Mary Magdalene’s arrival at the sepulchre as being in the morning of the first day of the week. Luke 24:1. So we see that God marks the morning, not at sunrise, but rather at dawn, which is the first light, known as twilight. This is in accord with how God marked each day in Genesis, where he stated that each day was marked by evening and morning for 3 days before he created the sun and moon. Genesis 1:1-19. Indeed, twilight can be quite subdued, because when Mary Madgelene came early in the morning on the first day of the week, it was dark. John 20:1. The orthodox view of twilight is that it is “produced by diffusion of sunlight through the atmosphere.” But there is another explanation that is completely ignored by the scientific community. It is more plausible that the twilight is coming from an entirely different source from the sun. This is supported by Genesis where God stated he created light and separated it from darkness to establish the day and night before he created the sun and moon. The fact that there are no shadows except for those cast underneath cars, indicates that twilight is emanating from directly above the earth at a vertical angle that is perfectly perpendicular to the ground. This happens day in and day out, without variation. There are no conventional laws of light refraction or diffraction that can explain how the sun, being below the horizon, can be the source of the vertically descending light rays seen during twilight. One could theorize that it is light reflection, and not refraction or diffraction, that is the cause of twilight. One candidate for a reflector would be the firmament, which God describes in Genesis 1:6. Indeed, God describes the sky as being a strong, molten looking glass. Job 37:18. That passage in Job suggests that at the outer reaches of the firmament it may be viscous and could act as a reflector. Arguably, sun dogs and rainbows are examples of the firmament acting as a reflector. The problem with the firmament reflector theory for twilight is that the sun itself is “in” the firmament. Genesis 1:14-19. Since the sun is in the firmament, and it is beyond the horizon during twilight, the firmament would seem not to be a good candidate for reflecting sunlight perfectly perpendicular to the ground. Even if we ignored that fact, there is still no proof that the firmament would reflect the sunlight at a precisely perpendicular angle without variation every day, because, as we will see below, light is continuously refracted at different angles as it travels through the atmosphere. So a perfectly perpendicular light from a reflection without variation each day would be highly improbable. The uniformity of the descending light rays during twilight suggests that the source of the light is not a reflection but rather an emanation. And that emanation must necessarily be independent of the sun. Twilight, being an independent emanation, explains why its light is cast at a vertical angle as it goes through the different layers of the atmosphere. While light ordinarily refracts when traveling through the different densities in the atmosphere, it does not refract if its angle of incidence is precisely perpendicular to each new layer of different density. Light is refracted only if it has an angle of incidence that deviates from perpendicular (i.e., normal). That would explain why the twilight is seen to be perfectly perpendicular to the ground. The conclusion of an independent light source is helped along by the inerrant word of God, which states that indeed God created a source of light to illuminate the day, which he created before the sun, and that light is thus necessarily independent of the sun. “God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.” Genesis 1:5. If the earth were a globe and the sun were the only source of light, such twilight could not exist. So, it is necessary for the scientific community to claim that the twilight is caused by the bending of light around the supposed curve of the earth. They simply cannot allow any discussion of another separate source of light that would confirm the creation account by God in the book of Genesis. Indeed, as will be explained below, atmospheric refraction cannot possibly explain the presence of twilight, because atmospheric refraction actually works the opposite of what is portrayed by “science falsely so called.” This author has noticed another phenomenon that further indicates a second source of light. Shortly after the sun rises above the horizon, the sun causes objects illuminated by it to cast long shadows. Automobiles that are in the direct sunlight from the risen sun do not have the shadows directly underneath them that were formerly there during twilight. Instead, they have long shadows cast from the sun that has just risen above the horizon. The sun washes out the shadows that were formerly underneath the cars during twilight. The sun is the “greater light” that God set up to “rule the day.” After the sun rises above the horizon, houses cast long shadows. It is no surprise that there are no other horizontal shadows within the borders of those long house shadows. The only exception is under automobiles that are parked in front of those houses. The automobiles, covered by the shadows of the houses, still have shadows of their own cast directly underneath them. Those cars are engulfed in the shadow of the houses. Consequently, they do not cast long shadows of their own, as do the cars in direct sunlight. But they still cast shadows directly underneath them as though there is a light directly above them. This shadow within a shadow effect indicates that there is a light source emanating from directly above that is separate from the sun. In addition, when there are thick clouds, as during a rainstorm, there are no shadows from vertical objects that would ordinarily be cast by the sunlight. When those thick clouds block the sun, shadows can, however, be seen underneath automobiles. The shadows under cars could not be due to light refraction or diffraction, since no matter what time of day, the position of the sun in the sky over the clouds, or the altitude of the clouds, the light streams straight down, as though from a source independent of the sun. The greater light of the sun (Genesis 1:16) overwhelms the softer first light of the day and washes out the shadows from that softer first light (Genesis 1:3-5). It is only when the sun is not above the horizon, the sunlight is blocked by thick clouds, or the sunlight is blocked by some other obstruction that the shadows from the downward softer light of the day can be seen underneath cars. If thick clouds blocking the sun reveal a source for daylight in addition to the sun, then certainly this second light source should be manifested during a total eclipse of the sun. An eclipse is where an object, believed to be the moon, blocks the sun. A total eclipse can be viewed from a location that is in line with the sun and the shadow of the moon that is cast when it blocks the sun. If the sun were the only source of light, one would expect that the area covered by the total eclipse would be plunged into total darkness. But that is not what happens. Instead, we find that the sky remains illuminated in a state of twilight during a total solar eclipse. According to expert eclipse observers interviewed by Calla Cofield, senior writer for, “[a]t the edge of the path of totality, where the sun’s disk is 99 percent covered by the moon, observers might notice a slight dimming of the light. But for the most part, this effect is visible only where the moon entirely covers the face of the sun.” It is interesting that when the sun is 99 percent covered by the moon there is only a slight dimming of the light, and that dimming is almost unnoticeable until the moon entirely eclipses the sun. What happens when the entire sun is blocked by the moon (assuming that it is the moon that is blocking the sun)? Cofield states that “[w]hen the moon completely blocks out the sun during a total solar eclipse, daylight suddenly turns into twilight.” This twilight is manifested during a total eclipse in very much the same way as before daybreak and after sunset each morning and evening. St. Joseph, Missouri, was dead center in the middle of the 70-mile wide path of totality for the eclipse that traversed the United States on August 21, 2017. Below is a screen shot from a video taken by Brent Butler during the total eclipse of the sun. At the moment of totality, St. Joseph should have been plunged into complete darkness. But notice that the sky is still illuminated in twilight, while the sun is completely eclipsed. Remember, the stated purpose by Will Duffy, who allegedly funded the trip, was to verify that the earth is a globe. They certainly would want to document the rising and setting sun … right? … right? But the TFE group decided not to start their December 13, 2024, livestream at an earlier time to show the setting sun allegedly in the southwestern sky. So, instead, they started their livestream at … wait for it … 10:05 p.m. They then argued during their livestream that from the luminous twilight that we should believe them that the sunset in the southwestern sky and continued to illuminate the souther sky from below the horizon. That is not suspicious at all! They traveled from all parts of the world packing all kinds of equipment to show the doubting world the sun sets in the southwest in the southern hemisphere, and what do they do? They decided to do the livestream after the sun had set and assumed that we should believe them when they told us during the livestream that very morning they saw with their own eyes the sunrise in the southeast, and that the sun had set in the southwest, and the sun continued traveling westerly below the horizon south of them. They portrayed those facts as preliminary proof that they expected there to be a 24-hour sun in Antarctica. Where was the documentary video, or even picture, of the southeastern sunrise, that the TFE group crowed about? Well, on January 20, 2025, which is more than a month after their return from Antarctica, Will Duffy uploaded to YouTube and presented a drone video of the sun rising in the southern sky. The pertinent part of his narration begins at the 11:20 mark in the video. He argues that it would not be possible on a flat earth for the sun to rise in the southeastern sky. His drone video then portrays just that, a sunrise in the southeastern sky in Punta Arenas. Case closed, right? Not so fast! It turns out the drone footage is a creation of CGI. And that is why it took Duffy more than a month to post his drone video. It takes time to create CGI videos. Below, I point out some telltale evidence that CGI was used in the drone video. Please also notice what is missing from the drone footage. There is no display on the screen of any of the pertinent flight data of the drone. Most importantly, there is no display of the compass heading of the drone. Furthermore, on the evening of December 13, 2024, Lizbeth Acosta and Jeran Campanella had a conversation while looking from the shoreline as they stood near the Monumento A Tripulantes Goleta Ancud in Punta Arenas, Chile. At the beginning of the livestream, Jeran announced that it was 10:05 p.m. local time. At the 8:00 mark in the video, Jeran pointed to a ship in the distance that he was showing on video and said the sun rose “about where the boat is.” Lisbeth responded that she agreed and added that she thought it was “more on the right side of the boat.” The location from where Lisbeth and Jeran said the sun rose was significantly different from the location portrayed in Duffy’s drone video. Continuity Errors in the Final Experiment Prove it Was a FraudCaught Pretending to Verify the Final Experiment DatesLisbeth Acosta Let the Cat out of the BagClowns Caught Faking The Final ExperimentThe Final Experiment Is Not So FinalDuffy’s Failure: The Dog That Did Not BarkMisdirection in AntarcticaVideo Glitches Prove The Final Experiment Used CGI to Fake the Antarctic 24-Hour SunSet Direction Mistakes During The Final ExperimentEdward Hendrie’s Newsletter is free today. 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