• From: Guy Miller
    Date: 10/03/2024 11:28 AM EDT
    Subject: NC 747,000 names; CBS; USPS boycott; shame on Israel; 3 Rs no more; evil; Bravo Blue; FEBA broke

    To those who may have gotten giddy over the announcement last month that North Carolina has removed 747,000 bogus names from the voter rolls, I advise caution.  Those are old numbers, going back to 2019 [Trump years].   To my knowledge there hasn’t been a single name removed from the rolls this year, or in recent years.

    Why this story surfaced here when it did, I haven’t a clue.  From my midget vantage at the bottom of the ant hill, President Trump is stronger in North Carolina than ever before, but the Democrat Party Margin of Fraud is bigger than ever before, as well.
    Correction:  Yesterday I ascribed the debate to the wrong Big News Media network.  The debate was hosted by CBS News.
    [Early in my education, I learned that in a correction, never repeat the previous mistake.  Example: “Yesterday we reported that Smith was a Defective on the Police force.  That was in error.   Actually, Smith is a Detective on the Police Farce.”]
    “Neither rain nor snow ….”  In Wichita, Kansas, the US Postal Service has suspended mail delivery to a neighborhood where a letter carrier was attacked and bled by two unidentified men who thought it is customary in the United States to attack public servants.  
    The human attacks were preceded by a savage assault by two attack dogs, who got pepper-sprayed.  Presumably the two men were outraged at the pepper-spray used on the dogs who were ripping apart the letter carrier’s face.  
    Get used to this sort of thing.  They are coming to your neighborhood.
    Stellantis, conglomerate car maker who owns Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep, has announced their new program to deal with customers dissatisfied with their electric vehicle purchases.  The vehicles spontaneously burst into flames when parked and turned off.
    Lesson here is, don’t ever turn off your Stellantis electric vehicle.  Lithium ion batteries seem to love to spontaneously ignite.  At least it makes for an insurance claim, so that way you can get something for your soon-to-be less-than-worthless 8,000 pounds of toxic waste.
    Further caution:  Never park your EV inside your garage, unless you want your whole house burned down.  Electric vehicle manufacturers say “We are working on the problem.” 
    Washington Free Beacon reports the Biden/Harris Administration is admonishing Israel for disrupting the Hezbollah forces massing on the northern border.  Iran was preparing Hezbollah for an October 7 type incursion into the evil Zionist Entity in order to kill and seize thousands of Israeli citizens.
    The preemptive strike by the Israeli Special Forces “dismantled its [Hezbollah] underground tunnel system in ‘targeted ground raids.’”  The Biden/Harris Administration Intelligence Community did their part by leaking the date, time and location of the planned Israeli raid to the Revolutionary Islamic government of Iran.
    Iran and its proxy forces must be protected from the vicious bullying Israelis in their incessant efforts to protect their own tiny home land.  “It’s just not fair!!!”  The Biden/Harris Administration is doing their best to advise and support financially the poor oppressed Ayatollahs of Iran from those monstrous Israelis.
    According to the Biden/Harris Administration, any action the Israeli Defense Forces take to protect their tiny nation is unfair to the valiant Islamic Freedom Fighters of Hezbollah, Hamas and the Islamic Brotherhood who are driven by the Islamic Republican Guard Forces of Iran.
    International consensus is that Israel should just sit down, shut up and accept their own annihilation.  Democrat Party and the Biden/Harris Administration are leading the mob.  “Death to Israel !! ” 
    Remember when elementary school taught kids their multiplication tables, used textbooks, assigned homework, and gave spelling tests?  Remember when we were graded on penmanship and  could sound out words?  Remember learning all 48, then briefly 49, then 50 states and their capitals?  Remember learning about the Founding Fathers and presidents, and about American inventions which changed the course of history?  Remember learning parts of speech and diagramming of sentences?
    According to Larry Sand [https://www.forkidsandcountry.org/blog/the-sandstorm-classical-v-unclassical-curricula/#none] not one of those things is to be found in current public elementary schools.  All gone.
    Today young kids are taught on tablet computers, and rely on spell-check to interpret their versions of words.  Teachers provide assignments on computers to be completed in class, while they do more important things.  Kids today are taught about multiculturalism and anti-racism through racial segregation, about slavery and reparations due, about equity through diversity, and white privilege.
    American history no longer deals with “major themes, periods, events, people, ideas and turning points in the country’s history.”  Instead, it deals with the 1619 project, slavery and oppression, American imperialism, and social and ethnic injustices.  No dates matter except 1619.
    Books are nowhere to be found in the classroom any longer.  The books in the school library are pictorial comic books and graphic novellas.  Many times, very graphic novellas.
    The United States Department of Education has its finger in every aspect of public school education, from curricula and free lunches through teachers’ pay and facility standards, all at the bargain price of 10% of the education budgets in every state.  For 10% of their budgets, states and school districts have sold their entire souls to the Federal government.
    For a 10% buy-in, the Federal government completely owns public school education in the United States.  And the strings they put on that Federal money make everybody in the education system dance to the Woke Federal Department of Education Marxist ideology.  It is phenomenal the things that state and local school boards will sign on to, just for that 10% Federal money.
    The re-election of President Trump represents the greatest threat imaginable to all those who feed at the trough of Federal education control.  State education departments and teachers’s unions, not to mention all the thousands of Federal employees and further tens of thousands of contractors, are fighting his re-election for their very lives.  Their empire may come crashing down.
    President Trump’s promise, and the mortal fear of the entire education industry, is that control over public education will be returned to the parents.  That is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to their empire.
    Dennis Praeger has written a column about his revelatory observation:  “I realized that people tend to hate those who fight evil far more than they hate those engaged in doing evil.”  That’s a pretty succinct explanation of leftists and Woke proponents.
    Look it up.
    From Dick:  All the chain saws and food bags in the world don’t do a bit of good if it is impossible to get to these people who need help.  The only means of locating and rescuing people who are dozens of miles behind fallen trees and deep flooding is the helicopter.
    Reckon how many Federal helicopters are located within immediate range of the worst damage?  I’m talking Fort Bragg, Fort Campbell, Fort Rucker, and all the other military service installations located in the SE United States, plus all the National Guard and Air Reserve and Guard resources.
    Reckon how many of these government helicopters are flying relief missions in the storm damage area?  According to a FLANG officer, all the helicopters flying throughout the region are civilian helicopters which have flown in from all around.
    Wish I had me a Huey.
    John A. Lucas’ latest Bravo Blue substack https://johnalucas6.substack.com/p/tim-dont-try-to-pass-off-a-lie-by  saying you misspoke.
    Title says it all.  Discusses Tim Walz lying about his lies.
    New York Times yesterday proclaimed that the FEMA budget is almost completely exhausted.  Just as the nation is heading into the max of the hurricane season, it turns out that FEMA has spent almost all its appropriation on benefits for illegal invaders to the country.
    So, with tens of thousands of American citizens completely wiped out, many huddled on the rooftops of their submerged houses hoping for rescue, and other houses floating down the holler in flood waters, and the true death toll headed into the thousands, FEMA is broke.
    They spent all their appropriation on luxuries for illegals.  This, rather than political malice, may explain the difficulty hurting people are seeing in finding any Federal response to the floods.  It is all in the hands of local authorities, who may or may not feel like being helpful.
    Just saw a TV report by a private helicopter pilot from South Carolina who was rescuing stranded elderly people one at a time in North Carolina.  He was met at the drop-off pad by the local fire chief, who told him if he took off one more time up the mountain he would be arrested.  
    Man flew back up the mountain to pick up his son, whom he had left with a man whose wife he had rescued, picked up his son and departed for SC, leaving the stranded man presumably to die.  Said he was flying over stranded people everywhere, waving their arms for some rescue, which he was forbidden to provide.
    There is a large segment of the government officials in the stricken areas, who are more loyal to their “Hate-America” political party than they are to their fellow citizens.  “VOTE DEMOCRAT !!”
    Semper Fi  —  guy