From: John Porter
To: Americans everywhere
May 2024Since Donald J. Trump first announced his candidacy for President on June 16, 2015, Americans have been living through an epic civil war of good versus evil, freedom versus bondage. The outcome of this war will be either that we remain a Constitutional Republic which guarantees her citizens rights and freedoms or we become a Socialist nation where the elite in government control America and reduces citizens to slaves of that government.
The Socialist people of the Democrat Political Party, to name a few, like Barack and Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Otasio Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom and several others, along with the management of CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times have been working to create a Socialist America for years. We hired Donald Trump to serve us as our President in Nov, 2016. Ever since he took office in January, 2017 these people with their followers and financial backers have been conducting an absolute war against him and all those supporting him.
After being so fearful of him putting an end to their efforts to enslave us, and rightfully believing that they can not stop him from earning a second term in an honest election, they have been trying to completely destroy him through our court system by filing multiple unfounded criminal charges against him. Even taking action to keep his name off election ballots so people can’t vote for him, and anything else they can think up.
On November 19, 1863 America’s first Republican President said, <Quote>: “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.” <End of Quote>.
Now we are once again engaged in a great civil war. The war is raging as I write. It is not a war being fought with guns to gain territory or property, but a war for the minds of the American people.
The battle sites are at political campaigns, colleges and schools, court houses, television and radio spots, newspapers and ballot boxes across America. The fighting is fierce. The decisive battle will be fought on November 5, 2024 to determine whether this nation, so conceived in liberty, will much longer endure.
Make no mistake, we are all involved, no one can just sit this war out. The life of our individual freedom and for those generations to come depends on the outcome of this war, just as in 1860. There is a growing ground swell of American people who want to keep our country safe from this Socialist onslaught. I beseech you, please join the movement. This is our, the people’s movement. Donald Trump didn’t start this movement, he recognized it and became the leader.
Donald Trump has nothing to gain from this. I honestly believe he, just as you and I, simply wants to fix the wrongs being committed upon our nation. A Pragmatist is: “One who sees a problem and understands it must be fixed.” “Skilled in business or law.” Donald Trump is a pragmatist. He doesn’t see the problems as Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, blue or red. He sees them only as problems and understands they must be fixed.
The Union Army, in that great Civil War of the 1860s, succeeded in helping this nation, conceived in liberty, to continue to endure. Now it rests in our hands in this Great Civil War of the 2000s.
Will our nation, conceived in liberty, any longer endure? Whether or not we do, is up to you and me! Your vote is your voice.
Thank you
Your friend in freedom always:
John Porter
Harrison, Arkansas 72601