Check out the HHS video.
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Sunday August 28, 2022 Truth Bomb
VAERS/WithdrawUN/Stew Peters-Dr. Alexander/Karen Kingston/Climate hoax/and more
US Open today but Novak was not allowed to play because he is unvaccinated. Does anyone notice? Moderna is a sponsor of the US Open.
VAERS RED BOX REPORT – be sure to look at the graphs too.
VAERS CHILDHOOD REPORT – 6 mos. to 17 years. The dead and disabled has already far surpassed the number of children that died WITH COVID. COVID also did not leave children or adults disabled/damaged for life. Be sure to look at the graphs too.
PROJECTION REPORT – I created this report using current VAERS data and the Under Reporting Factor (URF) established by the Harvard Pilgrim study. The 3-year study revealed that less than 1% of all vaccine adverse events are ever reported and 1-13% of all vaccine serious adverse events are ever reported. Taking these figures I have created a picture of what the real numbers could very well be. In my report I use all adverse events not adverse reports (some reports have more than one adverse event)