A few years ago, FBI Special Agent Jack Ryan said, “The prime function of the FBI is to handle political dissent,” and in recent months, nothing has become more obvious — the attack and search upon Trump’s Mar-a-Lago being the most outrageous of recent memory.
No doubt. The FBI, along with much more of the DoJ, if not all, has not worked for “We the People” for decades. It’s agents, following orders from the top, often “reluctantly” as a few have admitted after retirement, aided to one degree or another the covering up of the JFK, MLK, RFK, and Gordon Kahl murders.
They (it) covered up the aforementioned and Vince Foster murders, the Randy Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Waco, OKC, TWA800, 9/11, Obama’s fake birth certificate, Clinton’s multiple crimes, and many more that we know about and certainly multiples of that number that we do not.
The American people have become dismayed to learn that U. S. Department of Justice — particularly the FBI — has been far more involved in committing and covering-up government insider crimes than actually preventing or attempting to solve them. What these recently enlightened Americans don’t know is that it has been going on for much longer than they have even been alive.
We have all heard more about FBI participation in the JFK assassination, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing and the 9/11 inside job(s) than we ever care to hear again, and except for a few tidbit details unknown generally, I won’t tread on the beaten ground either. However, we will pass on a few suppressed tidbits of information of each that few people know about.
But what about “Operation Northwoods?” Only a few living Americans will remember that project and 99%, including myself, who were old enough, were never aware of it at all at the time — until recent years of reading about it via the recent public exposure. Those who did then, will remember being appalled to learn that the United States government with the direction of the demented U. S. Navy Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer, head of the U. S. Joints Chiefs of Staff, was plotting all kinds of “false flag” murders of innocent Americans and accidents in order to frame Fidel Castro and the Cuban communists with world headlines in 1962. And it wasn’t going to take any “fake news” confederate reporters to report any lies. These were planned to really happen and would have if JFK had not vetoed the evil plots. One was the shooting down of an American civilian airliner, killing all the innocents aboard and blaming it on Castro’s fighter planes in order to justify the bombing and takeover of Cuba. This was planned by the great Red, White & Blue United States of America! But it wasn’t nearly all.
Another, straight from the secret pages of Operation Northwoods, was the outrageous plan to murder astronaut John Glenn: “On February 20, 1962, Glenn was to lift off from Cape Canaveral on his historic journey.” Lemmitzer proposed that Glenn’s spaceship be shot down with a rocket, saying, “. . . that should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, the objective is to provide irrevocable proof that the fault lies with Cuba.” The facts of the plan were finally revealed in the 2001 book Body of Secrets by James Bamford.
Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker wrote in 2002, “The Operation Northwoods plan shows the Pentagon was capable, according to Bamford, ‘of launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting a war on Cuba.'” Hmmm. Does this not smell a little (a lot) like 9/11, thirty-nine years later?
I’ve said it many times before, but it seems truer than ever today with the rash of fake news under which we are buried daily, that the only people who believe in the conspiracy theories of history are those of us who have studied them. One of the most obvious in this writer’s investigative lifetime was the FBI framing of James Earl Ray for the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. Not only did J. Edgar Hoover arrange for the Missouri state prison warden to be paid $25,000 to allow Ray to escape in the back of a bread truck in late April of 1967, but also after Ray’s sham guilty plea (in 1969) coerced by his crooked lawyer, Hoover had all the FBI records sealed as “classified,” thereby preventing Ray through any appeals process from being able to see them. Soon after Ray died in prison in 1998, a private investigator was able to secure through FOIA requests certain FBI 302 reports proving its agents were tracking Ray’s whereabouts the following eleven months prior to the King murder, as they set him up as the “patsy.”
From Ray buying a $100 used Chrysler in Chicago in June of ’67 to his meeting with the mysterious “Raoul” in Montreal to his trips to Los Angeles and Acapulco before buying the rifle in Birmingham under the direction of “Raoul,” Ray was not only under FBI direction but was constantly being government- monitored. Contrary to mainstream news reports, James Earl Ray was an unwitting government-planted “patsy” assassin.
So much more went on behind the scenes. This journalist became suspicious of federal government (intentional, pre-planned) crimes as early as the mid-sixties long before he was even a journalist. But most real evidence was just not available for public consumption at the time. But later, much later in the late 1980s, James Earl Ray contacted my friend and close confidant, F. Tupper Saussy, to expose his side of the story. It was the on-the-spot, personal depiction of a dupe being set up that went on for the better part of two years. Ray realized too late what a sucker he had been. The whole set-up was an FBI plot to not only murder MLK, Jr., but to establish the patsy, just as had been done in Dallas in 1963, and Ray was the new patsy.
Longtime patriot readers will remember the infamous February 1983 case in North Dakota when U. S. Marshals attempted to murder the hard-nosed farmer/patriot and WWII Silver Star recipient Gordon Kahl. Even some law enforcement personnel around the nation were silently cheering when Gordon, 63, outshot the murderous marshals and escaped. After a nine-minute standoff on the highway outside of Medina, ND, Gordon’s 23-year-old son, Yorie, was shot down first, apparently by either Chief Marshal Muir or Deputy Marshal Robert Cheshire. Neither Yorie nor his friend Scott Faul fired a shot in defense, let alone offense, but both have been in federal prison ever since as the (obvious) blood sacrifice by the satanic system for the sins of the father.
At suppertime on the following June 3rd, Gordon was in a friend’s farmhouse in northern Arkansas, watching the evening TV news and contemplating how he could safely return to North Dakota, turn himself in and somehow get the two innocent young men, Yorie and Scott, released. The official (cover) story had it that local County Sheriff Gene Mathews went into the cabin and had a shootout with Kahl wherein they killed each other, but the facts and eyewitness reports from other officers (including Arkansas State Policemen) showed this not to be the case. Instead, Kahl was murdered by Deputy U. S. Marshal James Hall, who shot Kahl in the back of the head without warning while Gordon sat unarmed at the dinner table, watching the evening news. Sheriff Gene Mathews had followed Agent Hall into the cabin, and when he emerged at the front door, numerous agents shot him multiple times, and he died at the scene. Another case of legalized murder. The official report from the FBI claimed that Kahl and Mathews had shot each other simultaneously, but with Kahl’s single wound being in the back of the head, that scenario was hardly possible.
In addition, an Arkansas State Trooper who was out front witnessing Hall’s entrance, heard the single shot and then saw Hall run out the front door, fall to his knees and begin vomiting in the yard — obviously emotionally distraught at the murder he had just committed. But the Feds protect their own. Hall was never called to account for his actions and was disappeared into the system. He was either moved to a new marshal’s office in another state with new name or placed in the Witness Protection Program with anonymity, as he was no longer locatable in the federal system.
Immediately following the murder, someone mistakenly announced that Hall had not killed Gordon Kahl but a lookalike neighbor. Then the federal agents, fearing they may have just committed a huge blunder by murdering the wrong man, set the house on fire, burning the dead body to an unrecognizable condition. A few years passed before the body was exhumed and identified by Los Angeles Medical Examiner, Thomas Naguchi, as definitely being that of Kahl.
During the 1990s, this writer did private investigative work for a few lawyers in Jackson, Mississippi and my most memorable conversations were with Chancery Judge Chet Dillard, who had a file drawer full of memories from his days as District Attorney in Jones County, Mississippi — “The Free State of Jones” — during the tumultuous days of the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960s. Knowing the sparse numbers of actual KKK members, law enforcement and judicial officers learned early that the real trouble-stirrers were the FBI.
Judge Dillard had several hair-raising stories of FBI-instigated bombing-terrorism and the framing of innocent citizens. He said to me more than once that the KKK was almost non-existent in Jones County until the FBI came along. “Pretty soon we realized that there were more FBI agents and informants in the Klan than Klansmen,” he chuckled.
One outrageous incident included the illegal kidnapping of a suspected Klansman and the taking of him across the state line (a federal offense) to a motel in Alabama where the federal agents attempted to force him to divulge the names of other members. After two days of unsuccessful threats, beatings and intimidation, agents went to his home and told the victim’s worried wife that her husband had been kidnapped by other Klansmen and asked her to provide the names of those that she knew so they could investigate his whereabouts. After his release, the victim was able to tell the whole story to District Attorney Dillard.
It has never stopped. The FBI has never in recent years performed as advertised, and never has it been more evident than today.
The fire at the Branch Davidian Church outside of Waco, Texas was not caused by the church members but by the deadly incendiary gas sprayed into the building by the ATF tanks — a CS gas that was banned by the 1993 Chemical Weapons Treaty in January. Nevertheless, federal agents fired 400 football-sized canisters of the gas into the church building in what appeared to be far more than than a mere attempt to end the 51-day standoff, as officially claimed. Church members did not commit suicide by shooting themselves but were murdered by military snipers hidden in the trees in back of the church building. Nine survived only because they escaped through the windows in the front of building where all the TV cameras were filming, and had the ATF killers shot any of those escaping, the world would have witnessed it. The shootings in the rear of the building as the Davidians were attempting to escape the fire were filmed by the FBI’s own cameras from a helicopter above. These FLIR tapes can still be viewed with an Internet Search.
Earlier in 1993, the first World Trade Center attack where only six people died but over a thousand were injured in the North Tower attack, was planned and carried out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The proof was simple: an Egyptian Army officer by the name of Emad Salem, who suspected he was being set up by the agents, pulled a reverse “sting” on the crooked federal agents by secretly recording them both in person and telephonically. He testified that the huge bomb was built under supervision from the FBI, and others speculated that if the bomb had succeeded in bringing down the WTC, close to 100,000 people would have been killed. The tapes provided many instances where Salem claims the FBI knew about the bombing and could have prevented it but blamed an unnamed supervisor for not preventing the attack. Salem said an FBI agent dissuaded him from informing the FBI’s DC office about NYC’s nefarious activities and that the FBI rejected the idea that a phony, non-explosive powder be substituted to fool the terrorists. The tapes painted the FBI as being at least severely negligent in its handling of the WTC terrorist network. Salem went on to be a key witness in the trial against the men convicted for the ’93 bombing which along with his hidden tape copies almost certainly had a great influence on the preservation of his life.
The handling of the evidence in the 1995 OKC bombing would also come into question thanks to FBI whistle-blower and explosives expert, Frederic Whitehurst. As an FBI lab supervisor, Whitehurst was assigned the inspection of Tim McVeigh’s clothing, which the official FBI news releases said contained ANFO bomb residue. Whitehurst said, “No, it didn’t” and exposed the whole fabrication. For the telling of that truth, he was fired but later collected $1.2 million from the agency (the amount of future pay he would have earned until retirement) and now practices law in North Carolina. In 1999, State Rep. Charles Key, who had been instrumental in establishing a county grand jury investigation in the bombing outside of the auspices of the FBI, began to display a noticeable waning of his prior exhuberance for seeking the truth. When asked by fellow patriot Hoppy Heidelberg, who himself had been removed from the grand jury by a federal judge for merely trying to do his job, Rep. Key replied, “They (the FBI agents) told me that if I didn’t back off, I would start seeing my kids pictures on the milk cartons.”
Today, most interested readers are aware that Sirhan Sirhan was in front of and never close enough to Sen. Robert Kennedy to have administered powder burns to the back of RFK’s head, but few know just how far the feds went with their frame-up in the courtroom as well.
Although Sirhan was a contrived “patsy” from the outset just as James Earl Ray had been a few months earlier in Memphis, he was also betrayed by the lead member of his legal team, an over paid Hollywood divorce lawyer by the name of Grant Cooper, who had managed to become the court-appointed attorney for Sirhan, the reasons for which became obvious later. Early in the trial, Sirhan discovered the legal sham in which he had become engulfed and tried to fire Cooper but the judge would not allow it. Probably the greatest deception against Sirhan, but allowed to stand, was the sworn testimony of LAPD criminologist Dwayne Wolfer identifying the murder weapon and his test firing of an Iver Johnson .22 revolver with the serial number H-18602. Wolfer assured the court that this was the weapon that fired the bullets removed from Senator Kennedy’s neck and head. However, the actual serial number of the Iver Johnson .22 weapon Sirhan carried was H-53725. That information was in the hands those at the defense table, but no one said a word in objection that would have shut down the trial and derived an immediate acquital in a fair trial.
One of Cooper’s earlier clients had been caught in an elaborate card-cheating scheme at the Beverly Hills Friars Club and was facing jail time. Suddenly, Cooper found himself in the same predicament and under federal indictment for illegally possessing grand jury notes of proceedings in attempt to free his client, who was none other than the infamous mob crime figure Johnny Roselli, an often-named participant shooter of JFK in 1963. Roselli got four years, but after the railroading of Sirhan, Cooper was conveniently let off with a thousand dollar fine. The “Fix” was in, and Sirhan continues to pay the price of a lifetime behind bars.
- Mel K & Acclaimed Author & Journalist Jack Cashill Questions Remain TWA Flight 800 & Beyond 8-18-22 (rumble.com)
SAC of the New York FBI office in 1996 was James Kallstrom when TWA Flight 800 was shot out of the shortly after leaving New York’s JFK airport. The official government story citing the cause as “a fuel tank explosion” was proven impossible via several private investigations and no fewer than six National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) retirees, who worked on the reconstruction of the crashed fuselage, have come forward to say the official story was a lie, that a missile was involved and that they knew it then and were part of the cover-up. They kept quiet until after their retirements out of fear of losing their jobs because the U.S. Navy was suspected of launching the missile from one of its ships. Kallstrom had said in Capitol Hill hearings that there were no records of witnesses having seen a missile launched when there were precisely 755 separate records of such testimony on file with the FBI. And in an earlier press conference held shortly after the crash, Kallstrom called on a reporter who had waited his turn and politely raised his hand, and his question was, “Why is the Navy involved in the recovery operation when it is one of the suspects?”
Instead of offering any attempt at a sound reason or even a lame excuse in reply, Kallstrom instead hailed his goon squad, saying, “Remove him!” And in seconds the man was gone in a swift “Gestapo-style” action. The meeting proceeded as if nothing had happened, and all the other reporters knew better than to tread on this protected turf. Other eyewitnesses had visits at their Long Island beach homes by FBI agents who informed them that they did not see what they said they saw and had better stop saying they saw it.
A few months after the attack, another TWA attendant, Marge Gross, whose brother was killed in the crash, heard a reporter yell to Kallstrom, “You can’t tell me it was anything but a missile that took that plane down.” According to Gross, Kallstrom fired back, “You’re right, but if you quote me, I’ll deny it.” Indeed, denial was the theme of the day throughout the charade.
Conversely, it should be noted, James Kallstrom, the New York FBI special agent in charge at the time and later promoted to assistant director in Washington, was rewarded for his lying under oath to Congress with a position as host of “The FBI Files” still being aired on late night cable television reruns.
“Americans are concluding that the Justice Department and the Bureau are just two more institutions ruined by politics,” said Trey Gowdy.

They (it) covered up the JFK, MLK, RFK, Gordon Kahl murders, Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge, Waco, OKC, TWA800, 9/11, Obama’s fake birth certificate, Clinton’s crimes, etc. etc. etc.
What REALLY happened on January 6?
by Raynor James
Two presentations were made on TV and streaming services last night that are mutually exclusive. One gave the fictional story the unselect January 6 Committee is trying to sell. The other was a documentary called “Capital Punishment.” That’s the one my husband, Hal, and I watched. I’m so glad we did. It featured Nick Searcy who was there on January 6, and it included a great deal of footage we hadn’t seen before. Nick Searcy did interviews with a number of people who were there that day, too. These folks recounted what had happened to them and to their families subsequently, and they were shocking. The bureaucrats in the Executive Branch of government, especially the FBI, have mounted a psychological war against American patriots. We’re talking about people who love our country, who want its people to prosper, and who want its government to be “bound down by the chains of the Constitution.”
Let me tell you about just one of the families’ experiences. The father went to the rally on January 6. His intention was to seek redress of grievances lawfully. He had no intention of doing anything illegal or violent, and he did not intentionally do anything wrong. However, early one subsequent morning, he and his family were awakened from sleep by loud crashes, banging on their door, and flashes of light. The father went out the front door. A sliding glass rear door was shattered. The father had his hands out in plain sight as he exited his home to see many armed FBI agents dressed in SWAT style outfits with guns pointed at him. There were a lot of SWAT type armed vehicles there, too. The father was handcuffed, and his legs were shackled. The mother was handcuffed, too. But that’s not the worst of it; a pre-teen daughter was brought out wearing a tank top and short pajama bottoms and handcuffed, too!
Others interviewed told similar damning stories. The FBI treated them like they had committed atrocities when all they had done was to behave like fine upstanding, law abiding, responsible citizens who were doing their patriotic duty. Let me be clear; the FBI was used to intimidate, frighten, and punish patriot citizens, and they did not adhere to normal legal procedures. The FBI has been weaponized against American citizens. It is being used to intimidate us into sitting down and shutting up. Well I won’t shut up, and I hope you won’t either. You can see and hear what happened, and decide if you agree with me by going to https://www.imdb.com/title/
Anyone who has seen “2,000 Mules” or read any of the reports that have emerged since Mike Lindell’s gathering of cyber security forensic experts KNOWS that THE 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN. Differences arise because some of us are honest about it and some are not.
This morning, I read a couple of articles and listened to a Brian Kilmeade interview about the show put on by the Democrats and two RINO Republicans on the unselect January 6 Committee last night, and while I expected it to a degree, the distance they strayed from the truth, the things they edited out, and the ridiculous things they asserted went farther astray than I expected. Silly me. I keep expecting some modicum of truth from people who wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up and kissed them on the cheek.
Brian Kilmeade’s interview was with Geraldo Rivera. Geraldo said that President Trump was “so angry and frustrated about losing the election” that he was willing to do something untoward in order to stay in the presidency. One, President Trump did NOT lose the election! Two, of course he was angry and frustrated; a saint would have been! Now, I’m not implying that President Trump is a saint, but his policies are amazingly wonderful for America and for Americans, and we voted overwhelmingly to keep him. Oh, and by the way, I have not trusted a word out of Geraldo Rivera’s mouth since the time he made an on-air report saying he was some place he was not! That’s not the hallmark of a trustworthy person.
Parents Sounds Alarm On FBI Plot To Groom Their Mentally Ill Son To Become A Right-Wing Terrorist
28 days ago4kViews

The parents of a severely mentally disabled young man have come forward to reveal a plot by the FBI to radicalize their son in an attempt to create the next ‘right-wing terrorist’.
Defying the mainstream media’s attempt to silence them, they revealing how the FBI recruited and groomed him as a right-wing terrorist despite the fact that he is a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.
It’s almost become a weekly event. The FBI will claim that they have foiled yet another terrorist plot and saved lives in some state. The majority of these cases, however, involve mentally ill patsies who have been nurtured, armed, brainwashed, and taught by Feds with an objective to serve, as evidenced by the data.
Simply put, the FBI creates terror threats before claiming credit for putting them down… except when they don’t actually stop them.
While many of these cases have garnered attention and been exposed in the alternative media, a recent case out of Oklahoma sets a new low for FBI and exposes how insidious these plots can be.
TFTP reports:
Through the hundreds of ‘foiled terror plots’ the FBI has ‘busted’ over the years, many of them have been focused on people of Middle Eastern descent or people associated with ISIS or al-Qaeda. This time, in the case of Jerry Drake Varnell, the 23-year-old diagnosed schizophrenic, accused of attempting to bomb a bank, the FBI fomented terror from a right wing dialogue.
In a June meeting with the agent, according to FBI documents, Varnell described himself as a believer in “Three Percenter” ideology, a right-wing group claiming to be committed to standing against and exposing corruption and injustice.
According to federal documents, Varnell drove what he believed was a stolen van containing a 1,000-pound ammonium nitrate bomb on Saturday morning to blow up an Oklahoma City bank. Vile, indeed.
However, if we backtrack just a bit, to when the FBI began grooming their would-be right-wing militia terrorist, the vileness comes directly from the government.
“The FBI knew he was schizophrenic,” Varnell’s parents declared on Wednesday in an open letter bravely published by NewsOK.
“Underneath his condition, he is a sweet-hearted person and we are extremely shocked that this event has happened. However, what truly has us flabbergasted is the fact that the FBI knew he was schizophrenic. The State of Oklahoma found him mentally incompetent and we, his parents have legal guardianship over him by the Court. These documents are sealed from the public, which is why no news media outlet has been able to obtain them. The FBI clearly knew that he was schizophrenic because they have gathered every ounce of information on him.”
Yet they knowingly continued to groom him, despite the clear immoral implications.
When they began grooming him, according to the family, the FBI knew that Varnell was declared mentally unfit to live by himself and that he was a paranoid schizophrenic. Without their criminal informant and the FBI tactics playing mind games with this vulnerable man, the idea of him committing an act of terror would have likely never materialized.
“What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional….. He has suffered through countless serious full-blown schizophrenic delusional episodes and he has been put in numerous mental hospitals since he was 16 years old. The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own.”
The parents noted that during the setup, they suspected something was going on and Jerry’s father told the informant to stay away from their son. However, according to the parents, the informant “continued to sneak onto our residence. The FBI paid him to continue this operation and I believe they have cleared his criminal record.”
Because they knew Varnell had severe mental disabilities, the FBI should have had stopped their plans to do this and immediately sought an option of hospitalization. However, they pressed on.
Knowing a sane person would likely never attempt to blow up a bank, the FBI deliberately targeted a severely delusional and mentally ill person. This is wrong on so many levels. Will the next mass murderer they groom come directly from a mental institution?
Clifford Varnell says the FBI attempted to get a his son, a schizophrenic man, to bomb a building
“The FBI should have filed conspiracy on our son and had him committed to a mental institution. They should not have aided and abetted a paranoid schizophrenic to commit this act. There are many more facts that I will not make public that will support my son and the disturbing acts made by the FBI.
I realize that many will say my son could have found another person to commit this act. Yet, any person that has access to the materials and the state of mind necessary to bomb a building would not have any need for a schizophrenic who has no resources to contribute.”
Clifford and Melonie Varnell, Jerry’s parents make a powerful point. No one — other than the FBI — would’ve attempted to get a schizophrenic man with nothing to contribute to do their bidding as it would most likely be a futile effort — unless you are the FBI looking for an easy patsy to “keep fear alive.”
David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer, had this to say about these most unscrupulous operations:
“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”
David Martin
The Assassination of James Forrestal
The second edition, with its first of two new chapters, reveals that the stories that Forrestal had experienced some sort of sudden breakdown, prompting his hospital confinement, are almost certainly false. The second new chapter presents evidence that the deaths of other prominent and influential individuals, including that of T.E. Lawrence, the famed “Lawrence of Arabia,” were likely assassinations, and they might well have been done by the same people who were responsible for Forrestal’s death.
Overall, using primarily information provided in the Navy’s official investigation of the death of America’s first Secretary of Defense, which had been kept secret for 55 years, The Assassination of James Forrestal thoroughly demolishes the widely believed view that Forrestal’s fall from a 16th-floor window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 22, 1949, was an act of suicide. The official report, in fact, did not conclude that Forrestal committed suicide. It concluded only that the fall caused his death and that no one in the U.S. Navy was responsible for it. A major reason why the suicide thesis is still widely believed is that the news of the release of the official report, which the author obtained through the Freedom of Information Act in 2004, has been effectively suppressed. Building upon what he has long made available on his web site, and in the manner of his 2018 book, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation, co-authored with Hugh Turley, David Martin breaks through the wall of silence and misinformation. This meticulous examination of the violent death of the leading government critic of American support for the creation of the state of Israel is vital to an understanding of U.S. and world history since the mid-20th century.
Book description
Forrestal was a wealthy and pugnacious Irish Catholic, and I think there is very considerable evidence that his death was the result of factors quite similar to those that probably claimed the life of an even more prominent Irish Catholic in Dallas 14 years later.
-Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
The verdict of murder followed by a massive governmental cover-up seems solidly established.
-Ron Unz, The Unz Review
David Martin makes a compelling case that Forrestal was murdered, and that his murder was ordered by the Zionists, most probably with the knowledge and approval of Truman…7