Below is a video of the May 14, 2022, Buffalo, NY, shooting taken by a camera apparently attached to the headgear worn by the alleged shooter. We can see his view of the alleged shooting. But the video shows that the shooting is fake. BitChute took the video down from its video streaming website, stating: “This video is blocked under the following Community Guideline: Abhorrent Violence.”
Of course, former Vice President Biden would never let a good tragedy go to waste, especially when orchestrated by his friends at the CIA. He has used the shooting to whip up racial hatred and call for new gun control measures.
The Bidens at the Site of the Shooting
Watch closely in the video at the man standing near the trunk as the alleged shooter exits his car. The shooter allegedly shoots a lady, but the person standing near the trunk falls over as though he is shot also. The problem is that he could not have been shot. The shooter was using what appeared to be an AR15. That weapon shoots a .223 caliber bullet on a very precise trajectory. It was impossible for the gun pointed at the woman to shoot the man.
The script called for the gunman to shoot the lady and the man near the car trunk. It appears that the man near the trunk followed the script and fell to that ground as though being shot. The gunman realized he forgot to shoot the man at the trunk and panned the mussel of his gun back to him to shoot him. But the man had already fallen to the ground as he was instructed according to the script. The gunman had to improvise and shot the man as he was on the ground.
Since posting this blog a number of people have noted the convincing fall by the woman in the blue dress. Her fall is not convincing to those familiar with wound ballistics. Indeed, it is rather suspicious and yet another reason to disbelieve the authenticity of the shooting.
A person would only fall as that woman fell if she were shot in the head. It is obvious that the woman was not shot in the head because of the complete lack of blood. A head wound would cause an explosive amount of blood to be extruded from the massive exit wound.
In a case where a gunshot strikes the heart causing it to stop immediately, there is enough residual oxygen in the blood to allow a person with a stopped heart to continue to function for 10 to 15 seconds before incapacitation. See Urey Patrick & John Hall, In Defense of Self and Others (2004). For instance in a case where a knife attacker is charging at a victim “[t]he harsh reality in such circumstance is that unless the shot happens to hit the attacker in the central nervous system, the attack will succeed.” Id. at 109. The woman in the video was not shot in the head.
Assume that the person is not shot directly in the heart but is shot and is bleeding profusely. Total incapacitation by blood loss does not begin to occur until the shooting victim loses approximately 20%-25% of her blood. Such blood loss in an average healthy adult would take approximately 5 seconds assuming the largest artery in the human body (thoracic artery) was severed. It is notable that in the Buffalo shooting scenario there was no visible blood flowing from the woman’s body. There is simply no way to explain her immediate incapacitation.
A number of anecdotal cases were presented in which the victims of the gunshots, including those shot through the heart, continued to engage in strenuous physical activity before they finally died. Patrick & Hall at 64 (citing Levy, V., et al., Survival Time in Gunshot and Stab Wound Victims, The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 1988; 9(3)). Washington v. Starke, 855 F.2d 346 (6th Cir. 1988) (after being shot in the back of the head by an officer with a .38 caliber handgun, the subject ran for a distance of 298 feet, before collapsing and dying from the wound); Jones v. Wittenberg University, 534 F.2d 1203 (6th Cir. 1976) (after being shot in the chest by a security guard, the subject kept running for a distance of 30 to 40 yards, before he collapsed and died); Amato v. United States, 549 F. Supp. 863 (D.N.J. 1982), aff’d, 729 F.2d 1445 (3d Cir. 1984) (A perimeter was set up in order to arrest the robbers as they exited the bank. As the robbers ran from the bank one of the bank robbers fired on the agents who were converging on them. The chain reaction caused by that shot was described by the court as equivalent to the splitting of an atom. Eleven agents fired 39 rounds which included 281 bullets and buckshot pellets. The bank robber who fired on the agents was killed. However, it is notable that the other bank robber survived the shooting, even though he suffered 65 bullet wounds); Goold v. Saunders, 194 N.W. 227 (Iowa 1923) (plaintiff survives after being shot with 125 bullets).
In the April 11, 1986, FBI Miami Shootout, bank robbers William Matix and Michael Platt were each wounded with several rounds, but were able to continue to shoot at FBI Agents for over 4 minutes killing two FBI Agents and wounding an additional five agents before Matix and Platt were finally killed. Matix was shot 6 times and Platt was shot 12 times during the shootout. Greg Solano, Knife verses Gun, Police Shootings, Sheriff Greg Solano Blog, (September 06, 2006). Dr. W. French Anderson analyzed the FBI Miami Shootout in detail. His analysis revealed that the first wound suffered by Michael Platt to his right upper arm and chest was unsurvivable and was the primary injury responsible for Platt’s death. However, after receiving that fatal wound, Platt continued to engage the FBI Agents in the gun battle and suffered 5 more gunshot wounds in the minutes before he shot and killed two FBI Agents and seriously wounded at least one other agent. At the beginning of the gun battle, William Matix was shot in his arm and head and fell unconscious. After several minutes, he regained consciousness and rejoined the gun battle, firing his gun at the FBI Agents and local police officers who arrived at the scene before he was finally shot and killed by an FBI Agent. W. French Anderson, M.D., Forensic Analysis of the April 11, 1986, FBI Firefight, Firearms Tactical Institute.
The woman’s fall in the video was certainly an amazing piece of stunt work. which was obviously well-practiced in order to sell the shooting. But keep in mind that her fall like that after being shot in the torso sells the shooting to most people who are not aware of the effect of bullets on the human body. Knowledgeable persons know that a torso shot is NOT immediately incapacitating where the person loses all function within a millisecond. Her fall impeaches the authenticity of the shooting.