One need to read only the “Protocols” to understand what faction is behind this corruption of the courts, as well as that of the news media, Big Pharma and the public educational system.
The Sandy Hook Shooting – A Huge Controversy that Lingers

Summary by JW Williams
James Fetzer, a retired university professor and author of Nobody Died At Sandy Hook, It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control, offered his book for free, after it was censored, and then it was downloaded over 10-million times. Mr. Fetzer has collected evidence that he says shows that the 2012 shooting event at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticuit, was really a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) drill that was then used to claim that children and teachers were massacred in the shooting but, in truth, it was a deception, and no one really died that day. He says that the purpose of the staged shooting was to promote gun control.
Fetzer was sued by Lenny Pozner, father of Noah Pozner, who was reportedly shot to death by Adam Lanza who stole the gun from his mother and shot her before killing 20 students and six adult staffers and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
James Fetzer Describes Curious Facts about the Lawsuit Against Him
Mr. Pozner filed a the lawsuit because Fetzer claimed that his son, Noah, was issued a death certificate that was not authentic. Fetzer had two experts examine the death certificate and they said it was not authentic. Curiously, a A total of four different death certificates have been presented.
The judge, instead of simply excluding the document experts’ reports, which would be grounds for an appeal, instead “set aside” the experts’ reports as someone’s “opinions” thereby shutting down Fetzer’s ability to submit evidence in his own defense. The case should have been sent to a jury to resolve this disputed fact.
On the topic if the death certificate, the judge refused to allow Fetzer to present any evidence that Sandy Hook was a hoax and no one died. Fetzer quoted the judge as saying, “Whether or not Sandy Hook really happened is not relevant to this, the truthfulness or the accuracy of the death certificate.”
But Noah’s Pozner’s death certificate alleges that he died at Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012 of “multiple gunshot wounds,” which does make Fetzer’s evidence extremely relevant to the death–certificate issue. The judge made a summary judgement when the primary fact of authenticity was in dispute.
After the judge granted the summary judgement against Fetzer, a jury trial was held for damages without knowing of his evidence and he was ordered to pay $450,000 to Mr. Pozner in 2019.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court refused to review Fetzer’s case, and he is now taking it to the US Supreme Court.
Mr. Fetzer stated that no one may be denied life, liberty or property without due process of law. This case will be used to deny right to due process and is a threat to jurisprudence. Therefore, Fetzer may pursue a case of “deprivation of rights under color of law“ because the judge violated his rights in a form of dereliction of duty. Fetzer can only bring this lawsuit after all other avenues have been exhausted, including going to the US Supreme Court.
Sandy Hook Parents’ Lawsuit Against Remington Arms
Last month, in a precedent-setting case, Remington Arms, the manufacturer of the Bushmaster AR-15 weapon that was purportedly used in the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by families of Sandy Hook victims for $73 million. The settlement will be paid through insurance companies.
This is the first time a gun manufacturer will pay a mass–shooting claim in the US because there is a federal law that shields gun makers and dealers from most civil litigation. However, there is a loophole in the law if marketing of the firearms contributed to the massacre.
The Cerberus private equity firm bought Remington in 2007, and was accused of launching an ‘aggressive’ campaign that pushed sales of AR-15s through product placement in first-person shooter video games and by touting the AR-15 as an effective killing machine.
Cerberus used the assets of Remington Arms to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars saddling it with the debt in 2012, which led to Remington’s bankruptcy.
Cerberus is also the parent company of DynCorp, a major national security contractor with the US government that charges billions for overseas military and police training. DynCorp has been involved in a number of scandals including pedophilia, rape, child trafficking, sexual slavery with boys in Afghanistan, and child pornography.
In 2018, former President Trump named Cerberus co-founder Stephen Feinberg to head the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board.
Fetzer Says Remington is Part of the Hoax!
Mr. Fetzer says that no one died at Sandy Hook. Here are some of his reasons for saying that: the school had been closed since 2008, no teachers or students were there, there were no ambulances, no medi-vac helicopters, nor any school buses on the scene. He also says that a FEMA manual for the mass casualty exercise was discovered.
Mr. Fetzer tried to intervene in the Remington lawsuit because there has never been a determination that anybody ever died at Sandy Hook and he says that ought to be done before Remington pays $73 million. Curiously, both parties in the case, the Sandy Hook parents and Remington, opposed Fetzer’s intervention on their behalf! Fetzer said that the management of Remington is “in on it” and is part of the plot for gun control.
Former President Obama nullified the Smith Munn Act of 1948 by supporting the Modernization Act of 2012, which, now allows allows the government to use tactics within America that the CIA commonly uses in other countries, such as propaganda, fake shootings, staged riots and crisis actors.
Fetzer says that Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill presented as mass murder to provoke gun control, and that he was sued to make him shut up. He said that Remington has paved the way for the scam to require gun owners to obtain insurance as the way to get registration and confiscation.
One can only wonder what the jury verdict would have been if the evidence for this seemingly outrageous claim had not been suppressed.
Fetzer interview: or alternative link