The wisdom below was told to me by my dad sixty years ago. He explained it in a much simpler way by saying, “The first generation worked hard to accumulate the fortune, and the second generation witnessed much of that diligence and appreciated what they had inherited and repeated what it took to hold on to it. The third generation never knew what it would take to preserve what they had gotten with no effort at all, and wasted it away.”
The founder of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid, was asked about the future of his country, and he replied, “My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son rides a Land Rover, and my grandson is going to ride a Land Rover, but my great-grandson is going to have to ride a camel again.”
Why is that, he was asked? And his reply was,
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times.
Easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times.
Many will not understand it but you have to raise warriors, not parasites”