The “Six Million” number became so ridiculous that even the deceivers had to change the message on the signs at Auschwitz in recent years. The Red Cross (which had access to all the work camps after the war) observed that not only was there no death equipment (gas chambers, crematoriums, etc.) present but documented the total number of deaths during the whole duration of the war from all the camps was far less than 100,000 people, and not nearly all Jews. Was even the Red Cross a “X@%$! Conspiracy Theorist?” (Gimme a break. The “Holocaust” fraud wasn’t even invented until the decade of the sixties.) What an illuminating quote (found below) this is:
-“If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one,’ my mother used to exclaim, ‘who(m) did Hitler kill then?’”
Jewish Scholar Claims Censoring Holocaust Denial Encourages Jews To Lie Even More About It
American academic Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry, in which he argued that Jewry exploits the alleged suffering of Jews during World War II for political and financial gain, has responded to Facebook and Twitter’s ban on Holocaust denial by saying he believes “that Holocaust denial should be taught in university and preferably by a Holocaust denier”:
In an article released on his website responding to the move – which he claims had been rejected by “multiple ‘progressive’ publications” – Prof Finkelstein argues that if “Holocaust denial does constitute an actual or potential contagion,” then it should be taught in academic institutions “to inoculate students”.
He continues: “To profess both that Holocaust denial shouldn’t be taught and that it poses a clear and present danger defies logic.”
“The claim by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey that an alleged global rise in antisemitism and ignorance of the Nazi Holocaust justify suppression of Holocaust denial no less lacks in logic.”
Drawing on arguments made by influential proponent of liberalism John Stuart Mill, Prof Finkelstein argues that it is best practice to subject beliefs to opposition in order to strengthen them from such attacks, especially those that we believe to be certainly true.
He said: “Even granting the facticity of the Nazi holocaust, giving deniers a platform would still be warranted. Just as the profundity of ‘all men are created equal’ […] is not entirely obvious, so the profundity of the Nazi holocaust is not entirely obvious. If depths of meaning lay buried in it, then, they can only be plumbed in unfettered discussion.
“It can only be wondered how quick is the reflex to stifle Holocaust denial, even as conjuring taboos will inevitably reduce a human tragedy, however profound, to a sterile mantra, an object of blind worship, or in Mill’s terms, a dead dogma.”
Prof Finkelstein went on in the article – an excerpt from his forthcoming book Cancel Culture, Academic Freedom and Me – to state that entertaining Holocaust denial would ultimately weaken it, rather than allowing it to fester.
“Haven’t the taboos enveloping the Nazi holocaust — the fear of questioning (facets of) it, the sacrosanct status it occupies — not only caused it to calcify into a lifeless ritual, but also spawned a raft of spurious testimonial literature and preposterous pseudo-scholarship, the paradoxical outcome of which is to provide fodder for the deniers’ mills?”
Such “fodder” includes small discrepancies in evidence of individual events, which Holocaust deniers attempt to use to suggest that the entire Holocaust is a fabrication.
He says: “If one is committed to the purity of truth, not just in its wholeness but also in its parts, then a Holocaust denier performs the useful function of ferreting out ‘local’ errors, precisely because he is a devil’s advocate — that is, fanatically committed to ‘unmasking’ the ‘hoax of the 20th century.’”
He adds: “If a purported witness enjoys immunity from cross-examination — as does every Tom, Dick and Moishe pawning himself off as a ‘Holocaust survivor’ — the human propensity is to exaggerate, which, if left unchecked, will harden into a lie.”
Finkelstein has often been labeled a “Holocaust denier”, but he’s clearly not — he sincerely and naively believes that many family members were ‘wiped out’ by the Nazis in the “Holocaust” — but because he is a credible critic of Zionism, he has become a bothersome burr under the yarmulkes of many of his fellow Jews — usually the most unhinged, ardent, and histrionic types.
He grew up as a “red diaper baby” which inculcated in him a “natural” affinity to the plight of the Palestinians at the hands of the rapacious Israelis — so while he knows the “Holocaust Industry” is replete with self-serving lies and exaggerations, he also believes at the core the “Holocaust” is true, which is why he naively proposes that “Holocaust denial” should be taught in schools by a real Holocaust denier — as if it could truly survive the scrutiny of an honest and unbiased intellectual inquiry on the level advocated by John Stuart Mill.
Here are some representative quotes from Professor Finkelstein:
-“If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one,’ my mother used to exclaim, ‘who did Hitler kill then?’”
“The Holocaust industry has always been bankrupt. What remains is to openly declare it so. The time is long past to put it out of business.”
“Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud.”
“Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics.”
“Insofar as Zionism sought to solve the Jewish question, it must be reckoned not just a failure but a catastrophe: Israel is the main cause of anti-Semitism in the world today.”
“The Holocaust only emerged in American life after Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six Day war against its Arab neighbours.”
“It’s utterly hypocritical for Israelis to wonder aloud why Palestinians don’t pursue a non-violent strategy. One obvious reason is that, whenever they have, Israel brutally represses it.”
“There’s nothing Israel can do without US support. It can’t breathe without US support. The US bankrolls everything, and it’s just silly to think that Israel can do anything without the support.”
“My parents often wondered why I would grow so indignant at the falsification and exploitation of the Nazi genocide. The most obvious answer is that it has been used to justify criminal policies of the Israeli state and US support for these policies.”
“Israel has been a stage on which American Jews have played out their fantasies of toughness – often from Martha’s Vineyard.”
“There is no way a non-Jew could say what I did in ‘The Holocaust Industry’ without being labelled a Holocaust denier. I am labelled a Holocaust denier, too.”
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Take race and religion out of judaism and all that’s left is your basic template for organized crime using secret usury and secret nepotism through their secretly sworn beholden bankers and politicians. Eventually this controls the entire country and it originally happened a very long time ago. END THE FED!
The more they lie, the more people don’t believe the non-sense…..
The more it’s attacked, the more it must defended. It’s all or nothing lest it falls apart and the “jig is up.”
Most people know it’s not true and they were just POW’s like the rest.
Why would you take the time, money and manpower to de-louse, feed and clothe people to throw them in an oven?
It’s run its course and they need a new world war now.
People don’t like to hear it but I tell it like it is….official WWII narrative is the biggest fraud perpetrated against humanity….the history of Europe didn’t start with Europe as Jews make it out to be and they have never, never done something to build Western civilization, to the contrary they have always put themselves above Christians, claim superiority, but thrive because enough non-Jews get corrupted to do their bidding. You can take them out of the ghetto’s but its hard to take the ghetto’s out of people. Come to think of it, Jews have a serious, inherent inferiority complex, those people are most likely to engage in cruelty and unconscionable acts to impress others like they did the ruling classes of the Kingdoms…..I am not a psychologist but something is way-off with their insatiable maw and hatred for other
“If one is committed to the purity of truth, not just in its wholeness but also in its parts, then a Holocaust denier performs the useful function of ferreting out ‘local’ errors, precisely because he is a devil’s advocate — that is, fanatically committed to ‘unmasking’ the ‘hoax of the 20th century.’”
Exactly. The truth does not fear investigation.
“Israel has been a stage on which American Jews have played out their fantasies of toughness – often from Martha’s Vineyard.”
Lol. Reminds me of Derpshoshitz.
I read…..“Israel has been a stage on which American Jews have played out their fantasies of toughness – often from Martha’s Vineyard.” This is a statement of fact, cowards they are….
using other people’s children to go die in their perpetual imperialist wars in the name of national security and the American people, while they detest the majority of American’s simply because they are of Christian European heritage.
They are riding their high horse pitting the Anglo’s in America against the Anglo’s in Europe….life is good for the supremacist Jews who live at the expense of others. If you objectively look at the history of Europe their cries of victimhood is one big hoax. With relentless propaganda they grease the wheels of fraud and corruption, but everything comes to an end. What goes up, must come down and what’s being done in the dark will see the light of truth. Their Crimes Against Humanity will come before a tribunal all in due time….
Off topic but..Noahide is rearing its ugly head
World Noahidists meet
I remember 1969 or around that time, I was a little kid learning to read, and a big story I read about jews finally agreed to give up the false story about jews being turned into soap by the Germans . I thought, how can they get away with that lie? And I’m still wondering why the jews are allowed to lie about anything when we all know it’s permitted in the talmud to lie to non-jews .
Jews always rationalize lying because for them it’s “us against the world,” and since in their minds, the entire world “hates” them and wants to “genocide” them for no reason whatsoever, they must use any machiavellian means necessary to “survive”, and lying for them is like breathing, so much so that most of the times, they might not even be aware that they are lying.
If it comes up, I go right to the bolsheviks, and always amazed how educated people don’t know about it. Then you can explain a lot. If they think I’m supposed to care about jews, they would be mistaken. I hit them with the truth, and they lose. It’s always a knock out.
Always a jew apologist in every generation . This one has an ethnic expropriated name and prestigious credentials , who can afford to patronize the truth . No doubt a beneficiary of notorious jewgenics , the professor even has presumed to impersonate one of his debtors. He has actually conceded the obvious.
Am I supposed to pay him for it? What this “gentleman” has done is sanitize the Bundes Lade, the Arc of the Covenant . Yes, he is making this shameless obloquy into respectable business or religion with the kosher seal . He talks about profundity as if staring into an empty hole in the ground and exalts it as profound because his race had dug it. There is nothing profound in a lie . It is alien or unfathomably common and vulgar , a lie is contrived from nothing or to replace (supersede) the truth.
Now belief — that is something else — not profound but may be abysmal. Since there is no bottom to a fool’s credulity nor the gratis trade of righteousness for belief: and anything will be believed, if one is ignorant of the cost.
Holycost is a logical (criminal) jewish exploitation of the ignorant and wanton piety of most people. But it is far too lucrative to call it “bankrupt”. Finkelstein wants to redeem the family treasure, preserve it from the abuse of irreverent exploitation and place it in the holy of holy , where it belongs. Where it is safe from the venality of mammon and the tawdry, temporal claim to mundane restitution. Not to mention the light of the truth.
Yes, Finkelstein’s vain hope is to put the proverbial lipstick on the sow, naively thinking Jews can use Holocaust revisionists to “clean up” the Holocaust and distill it down to the pure unassailable at its heart. That can’t happen, and the Holocaust propagandists know it can’t be “cleaned up” so their only recourse is to declare it off limits, and surround it by an electric fence of draconian laws to protect it from scrutiny.
6 million dead Jews were murdered by the Nazis in World War II because the most powerful, rapacious people in the world say so, and for no other reason. They don’t debate the Holocaust because they don’t have to debate it–there is no earthly power that can force them to debate it. And they have nothing to gain by allowing it to be debated, and everything to lose. The communist idealist in Finkelstein cannot see this because he refuses to confront the Jewish propensity to not only lie but also to hate the truth.
Debate is a betrayal of not knowing the enemy.. CHristus admonished , never speak or deal with the devil ; he is a liar. It is a contest of will not truth. The enemy’s whole identity is this holycost . Debate will compromise their absolute , irrefutability of it.
But jews never confess so the ‘ draconian laws” will condemn the “unbeliever”. Trials will be pro forma. As you have perceived their war, it is not against flesh and blood but Truth itself. There can be no compromise. This is the new religion , that the world confesses to the lie. For most today it is merely a trade ; and most have voluntarily repudiated their soul (inheritance) for nothing.
The surreal part of debating a Jew is that they really have no grasp of the truth in the first place, so their goal is to win, not reveal a higher truth–and win by any means at their disposal–and Jews hate cold, indifferent Aryan logic, so most of their debates are “won” using false appeals to emotions and to supposed “authority” or “consensus”.
Finkelstein may truly believe he is telling the truth, but his weldanschauung is based on enormous lies — both the Holocaust and communism — so he’s not much better than those senescent Holocaust survivors who defecated diamonds and were saved by wolves.
Jews can not love Truth. Because it is a perception of God,whom to them is remote and unsearchable. And Truth will not serve their evil ends. Instead they have a will , which is a perversion of faith that Christ was teaching . Since their motives are evil, truth which is absolute good exposes them.
Ultimately , they fear it for they know the Truth has condemned them. They are liars and their goal is to sell their lies and dispossess us of the Truth , which is life . They hated Jesus of Nazareth for many things but they killed him for one reason : he would not disown himself . This is all they want from us.
I am so glad CFT highlighted this. This is why I never listen to this man. So clever to twist and pervert the truth by claiming the Truth is being perverted. That’s what the jews do…every…single…time. In your comment:
[“…Where it is safe from the venality of mammon and the tawdry, temporal claim to mundane restitution…”]
I might add that mammon is where this abomination started by calling a boycott on German goods.
Thank you (Prof Paul) for your nailing it in such grand words 🙂 As soon as I read the word ‘believe’!!!
Norman Filthstein is not a scholar just a F****g liar like every jew. He doesn’t deny those 6 millions , just saying some jews using 6 millions to personal benefit.
So Norman Filthstein is a same liar like every F****g jew, even if he is saying just the half of the lie.
Jews are the virus on planet Earth.
You obviously have not read his writings and are making wild, unsubstantiated claims. He implicitly denies the grossly exaggerated body count, but there’s no purpose for him to get into some kind of numbers game–he stipulates that if the Holocaust were openly debated, the actually number of dead Jews would be substantially less than the current sacrosanct 6 gazillion.
And quibbling over whether or not he’s a ‘scholar” is foolish and sophomoric–by today’s standards, his PhD from Princeton and multiple professorships would qualify him as a “scholar”. And that’s the point–normies will give what he said some weight because of his qualifications, and the fact that he’s jewish.
As RoadToPower points out below, he’s an example of how Jews are divided against themselves, and that’s to our advantage–and will be their ultimate undoing. That’s why it’s to our advantage to go along with the label of “scholar”. Your visceral, knee-jerk dislike for Jews is clouding your ability to see the big picture. Your comments don’t offer any practical insight or road forward.
Sir, in war if one does not practice and trust the “knee jerk” reaction, instinct, you become a casualty. Brevity and honesty is , well , very un jew like. Prejudice simply discriminates , who to save.
[“And quibbling over whether or not he’s a ‘scholar” is foolish and sophomoric–by today’s standards, his PhD from Princeton and multiple professorships would qualify him as a “scholar”. And that’s the point–normies will give what he said some weight because of his qualifications, and the fact that he’s jewish.”]
Yes, yes the qualifications in the mainstream jewish BS that ascribes a scholarly BSPhD and the mammon that it takes to get it. Just goes to show that BSPhD doesn’t quite reach the Truth but it certainly gives one a bloated and puffed up label to sell fiction for their ‘belief’ and maybe even reach the god list of the NYT jew bestsellers. The bottom line to all of this is the foundational point that a lie is a lie from beginning to end. And it didn’t take a BSPhD to use common sense. NO I won’t be ‘going along with it’…and many more are not.
May I presume , you are not anxious to read his book? A college curriculum why the unbeliever do not believe the chosen , children of god. But he is subtle. Next holycost denial will be a mental illness or a capital crime. And Finkelstein will be its purveyor.
According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s “Holocaust Handbook”, diesel engines were used as the source of carbon monoxide gas for use in the gas chambers:
However, Deborah Lipstat’s “Debunking Holocaust Deniers web site, diesel engines produce far less carbon monoxide gas than gasoline engines which is why they are safer for use in confined spaces:,process%20does%20not%20burn%20all%20the%20fuel%20efficiently.
“every Tom, Dick and Moishe pawning himself off as a ‘Holocaust survivor’ — the human propensity is to exaggerate, which, if left unchecked, will harden into a lie.”
Here Finkelstein reveals his frustration with the jew propensity for lying. And not just lying, but outrageous lies. And he has this frustration because he obviously has a ton of German in him, perhaps more German than jew. If he were more jew, he would have an instinctive embrace of the Big Lie and would consider it an impulse as natural as breathing, which it is for the jews.
Not that Finkelstein should get a pass. He is tainted by jew ancestry and needs to be deported or quarantined with the rest of them, but you can see how his German nature wars instinctively rebels against some of the natural jew traits.
No bodies. No ashes. No chimneys. No genuine list of victims.
It didn’t happen.
That’s all.
According to my rough calculations, which I accept may well be wrong, to cremate a million bodies using just the 15 “muffles” that existed at Auschwitz, would take around 300 years assuming no down time.
Perhaps a crematorium operative could provide actual cremation times using modern equipment?
Also, how could a country at war afford both to exterminate it’s workforce and to waste resources on such a scale? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to use the jews’ own technique as practiced against the Poles in the Katyn forest? Dig a hole and throw the bodies in. No danger from deadly gas residue and very little cost.