Patrick is a friend in Arizona we met through email a few years ago. He leaves his phone number, so we do too. This is a story of a friend of his that lives in Asia.
Sent from my iPhone
This is a lady we met through the homeschool group years ago. Her husband is a pilot and has worked internationally for years. It was easier for them to move to Asia. We couldn’t quite understand why they chose to live there other than the pay was quite a bit more than working from the US. They went on missions as well when able. This will not surprise most of us that are reading this. Two steps forward, one step back and soon enough, your liberties are stripped until you wake up as a lab rat. Back in lock step. The softest generation is conquered without a traditional army. A vote for Trump is still a vote for more if this. Short video at end of this email of a press conference this past week with the Red Cross 1min quote. I believe 80% of Americans will take the vaccine willingly. Problem solved and back to normal. Our piano tuner said if people were told to wear an elephant trunk, they would. Depraved humanity. I continue to pray for our nation and you. Preparation for the days ahead will most certainly be prayer on our knees.
Do we bury the federal reserve notes or rehabilitate the bank? Never thought a “depression” would grace our land To this extent as I have been aware of private banking for almost 30 years. . I’m sure those prior to 1929 thought the same thing. We have become a nation of shoppers and little production. 40 years in the wilderness again? One heavy heart in Arizona. PJ
What I hope everyone takes from what I am about to share is that however shocking you find my story to be, do not forget that what I experienced is THE goal for our ‘new normal’. When Gates and Fauci site countries that ‘are doing a great job to contain the virus’ THIS is what they are talking about!! This is the ‘ideal’ normal, except it would have also included a mandatory vaccine.
August 2, 2020
I arrived in Hong Kong just before 6:00am yesterday morning.
I have a bracelet and a tracking app.
Stay Home Stay Safe is a tracking app that they made me download within minutes of disembarking here and scanned it to my bracelet.
When I got to the hotel room I had to press ‘I am home’, then walk slowly around the perimeter of the room and it activated and I pressed ‘ok’.
I am now ‘locked’ in the room and if I step outside the room the app will alert the authorities.
If I disable the app or remove the bracelet that will also alert them and I will be issued a fine of $25,000 HKD and 6 months in prison.
I was given a specimen collection bag to take another saliva test for covid on the 10th of this month and if that is negative then my quarantine ends on the 14th at 11:59pm, at which point I can uninstall the app and remove and destroy the bracelet.
Singapore haa been doing the same for the past three months and some states in the US are implementing it with ankle bracelets.
China uses this technology and has for years already.
Here in the hotel I am only allowed to have food or items delivered by friends or family because they are allowed up to the designated quarantine floor and can ring my doorbell and place the items on the little table in front of my door!
No outside deliveries from grocery stores or restaurants because the staff here won’t bring it up for me.
Room service is in disposable containers and placed on the table in front of my door, as well as any items I request for the room. I never see their faces because they place it, ring the doorbell and leave. They will not clean the room for 14 days.
I am considered as possibly highly contagious and/ or contaminated.
The bellboy would not even enter the room with my luggage.
We were considered ‘under quarantine’ from the time we stepped off the plane here.
We were moved through ‘stations’ with the precision of a well oiled machine. There was zero ‘humanity’ but just masked and shielded ‘beings’ (many in full hazmat gear) that moved gave us orders and motioned/ beckoned us to the next ‘station’. We did as we were told and NO questions were allowed. The one time I tried to ask a question I got yelled at with the words ‘Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me!’ (I don’t think he spoke English)
We were given lanyards with different colored cards, all with a number, other times a slip of paper with a code on it was attached to our paperwork and we were told to hold it for the next person.
We became part of a relay race when we landed but none of us passengers knew the rules. Only the people running the relay knew and we were just the dummies!
We were literally corralled from ‘station’ to ‘station’. Twice it included getting on a bus and being driven to a different building. We were told to leave our luggage, we collected our own saliva sample for a covid test here (even though we were all required to have a negative covid test within the past 72 hours in order to enter) and then dropped off the packet. Then we told which table to sit at and we sat and waited for our covid test results. We waited TEN hours!!
We were not allowed to speak to each other during that time. We were told that we were already under quarantine.
They did have bathrooms and they gave us each two small bottles of water and two sandwiches.
We were all told not to speak out loud (so no phone calls) so as not to ‘disturb’ the others.
I sat at a small table for 10 hours waiting for my test results.
Families with children were given a tent to ‘contain’ their children.
So that’s my story!!
At the end, they brought our negative test results and we were sent to pick up our luggage and then told to head straight to our place of quarantine with no stops in between.
Everyone who did NOT fly here from one of the 9 countries that Hong Kong has blacklisted was allowed to quarantine in their homes, BUT everyone in the home also has to wear a bracelet and stay 6 feet away from the quarantined person. The app will tell if anyone breaks the 6 foot boundary and then that person will have to quarantine for 14 days.
I flew here from one of the 9 blacklisted countries. Indonesia and the US are both on Hong Kong’s blacklist, along with 7 others, and that list can change daily.
Patrick Janisch
928.706.1227 tel
From Lawrence :
That should be about the time that hyperinflation hits and millions are homeless because they can’t pay their rent or mortgage and the country is in such financial turmoil that most of the people will do anything they are told and take the vaccine. GDP dropped 33% – the greatest drop in our history.My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6
Your website is now being really hammered.
Al links are being made “no information”
You are under attack from telling too many truths.
I hope you can get this sorted.
“C & P” means Cut and Paste. That works on this one.