Useless Eaters! Prepare for the Worst
July 29, 2020

Connect the Dots:
When the government is complicit in faking an epidemic
that destroys millions of livelihoods and spends billions on untested vaccines
from companies protected from any liability;
When Bill Gates/WHO say there will be no return to normality without mandatory vaccinations;
When rioters, arsonists, and looters get the support of elected officials
and CEO’s, cops and athletes “take a knee;”
When criminals are released and police defunded;
When a student is suspended for wearing a MAGA cap;
When casinos and abortionists remain open but churches are shut;
When the media oozes bias and big tech blocks free speech;
When the Democrat Party platform replicates the Communist playbook;
(Rachel Levine, PA Director of Public Health)
When public officials are trannies
you know that sick is healthy
and the Satanists’ Great Reset has begun.
The fake pandemic is a pretext to cull/enslave the useless eaters and downsize society.
When the President declares Antifa “domestic terrorists” and does not arrest the funders;
When he says he’ll stop tech bias, and fails to regulate them;
When the father of Attorney General William Barr gave Jeffrey Epstein his first job.
You know they both belong to the same Satanist cabal as the Communists, just another (Zionist) branch.
Civilization has slipped its moorings; its defenders are strangely impotent.
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
We have allowed our worst enemies to control all the levers of power, and now WE face the consequences.
All the absolute truth.