This is HUGE!!!! The spot where they are “getting a sample” for the Covid-19 test is called your Blood-Brain Barrier. It is a single layer of cells that protect your brain from heavy metals, pesticides & other toxic substances that are usually kept out. It is the way vital nutrients, like oxygen, reach the brain.
If, in some way, your Blood-Brain Barrier is compromised, it becomes a “Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier” which is an inflamed brain! It then allows bacteria & other toxins to enter your brain & infect the brain tissue which can lead to inflammation and sometimes death.
****More symptoms (long & short term) include autism, ADD, ADHD, heart disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, stroke, liver damage, chronic fatigue that isn’t resolved with rest, hypoxia, anxiety, mood disorders, depression & other mental health conditions like schizophrenia, seizures, memory loss & cognitive decline resulting in Alzheimer’s or Dementia, insufficient blood flow to the brain, abnormal brain activity!
Now, take this and add on a contaminated test and see what you get!
Edit from Samuel:
The olfactory receptors have a mucus membrane that protect the nerurons from any toxins that aren’t dissolvable in water. It’s a defense system inhibiting any poisons that you might smell from the air in traffic for instance. This might be a way for the evil agenda folks to bypass this protective layer called the olfactory epithileum and actually increase the risk of sickness.
🏽 leaky- brain/