FACT:  The U.S.A has been “attacked” (Trump’s words yesterday) by a weaponized virus that has TWO strains… read the following and get it out.  You have two days before we “go DARK”.  URGENT.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years – Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9 years-(DOE/SRS) Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector



INTEL from Dr Muggzi’s site

REPORTER NOTES:  (rough transcript; go to the link for accuracy and details)

March 30, 2020

QUOTE:  We need 100% of people indoors to see what the US military is going to broadcast on everyone’s TV Sets worldwide.  It is going to be very painful but we can no longer have people divided.  Around Sunday/Monday POTUS will Tweet “My Fellow Americans The Storm is Upon us.  We will go to FULL GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW.  He will most likely be on board AF1 when he sends out 7 PRESIDENTIAL MSGS to everyone’s phones and TV sets worldwide on the Emergency Broadcast System.  From there all Global Militaries via US Military will shut down all Media, the Internet.  Phones and all TV programming (EMERGENCY SERVICES WILL STILL HAVE THEIRS) so the US military can broadcast 10 days of 3×8 hr sessions of video confessions, military tribunals, lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the STORM article.  While this is happening they will be removing Governments Worldwide and making Global Arrests (500 thousand indictments) GESARA/NESARA will be activated which will be a full RE-WIRING of Planet Earth.


INTEL about COVID-19

17Mar2020  06:34:55

QUOTE:  Excuse my VPN, but it’s time to come clear with this.  It has been public knowledge for a good time now that there are two strains of the virus that cause COVID19.

There is the L-type and the S-type.  The reason for the two different strains is not commonly known, but I know and will share it with you.  The L-strain is the lethal variant of the COVID19 disease, while the S-strain is a safe strain of the disease that grants immunity to both, it’s also a lot less infectious.  Neither of these were ever meant to be released into the public but none the less that happened.

(end QUOTE)

QUOTE:  When we figured out the lethal L-strain had been released into the public in Wuhan for well over two weeks, we had to make a very awkward call to the government and the PLA and tell them what had happened and what had to be done.

The facility was set into mass production of the S-type strain while the PLA quarantined a lot of China.  The PLA also warned to KPA about this and that’s why the DPRK closed its borders before anyone else.

Meanwhile, during the quarantine the stockpiles of the S-strain was delivered to many PLA airbases that started air dispersal of the S-type to infect all the quarantined cities to prevent the L-type from killing more inhabitants.  Unfortunately, the L-strain escaped China’s borders and made to the US and Europe and that’s a disaster because the CDC or China will never recommend the west to produce the S-type strain and purposely infect their citizens with it, because that would be admitting that they made these viruses in the first place and lose face.  This is just to get the truth out there before it is too late.

(end QUOTE)

QUOTE:  No random mutation rarely ever makes a human to human virus more lethal.  That explanation could have been plausible, but it’s highly unlikely and also impossible since I know the truth behind the two strains already.

The L-strain virus is carefully crafted in a way that does not teach the body to develop the proper anti-bodies for it.

The S-strain is a crippled version of the L-strain when it comes to lethality while also teaching the body how to deal with both strains.

The S-strain was intended to be air delivered in China during times of biological warfare to grant herd immunity against the L-strain without using vaccines, because mass vaccination would get picked up by other countries intelligence services and know what it meant China was doing.

The S-strain also very little infectious on its own with a R0 less than 0.5.  This is for it to not ruin the L-strains BW potency in other nations.


  1.  Telecom
  2. Cisco
  3. Disney
  4. Microsoft
  5. Hulu
  6. IBM
  7. LinkedIn
  8. Uber Eats
  9. Salesforce and Vlocity
  10. Ebay
  11. MGM
  12. Nestle
  13. Volkswagen
  14. Mastercard
  15. Nissan
  16. Victoria Secret & Bed, Bath and Body works
  17. T Mobile
  18. Harley Davidson
  19. Wework
  20. JUUL
  21. Tinder/OK Cupid/Hinge



Anonymous 17:21:09

Mnuchin just bankrupted the Fed (Goldman Sachs, JpMorgan, Chase, etc…)

Shit, it’s started Anons.  The market liquidity is now controlled by Steve Mnuchin and the Treasury Department.

That also means we own ALL central bank requests for credit for ALL 186 Foreign Nations.

Folks, a power transfer just went down.  The world just went from asking the Rothschilds for credit swaps to asking Steve Mnuchin and the US Treasury for credit swaps.



“The Plannedemic”?

by Tyler Durden

Sun, 03/29/2020 – 23:55

Authored by Ben Garrison


For the past decade, Bill Gates has been warning us about an inevitable pandemic. Conditioning us. Getting us used to the idea.

Last year, he even held a summit on the matter and ran computer simulations to predict outcomes. Why did a former computer nerd and mogul become so interested in vaccination and disease?

Possibly because he’s worth over $100 billion and thinks he owns the world. He also wants to make an impact on humanity. Getting rid of excess humanity, that is. Bill’s father was once the head of Planned Parenthood. He comes from a eugenics background. Gates frets about world population growth. Is it any wonder he pushes Monsanto’s GMO food as well as harmful vaccines?

Apparently Bill’s computer simulations discovered that people would easily fold under government pressure combined with an unseen enemy. Billions of people are under lockdown right now. Half the world is shut down. Gates must marvel at how easy it was to do it. Things are going according to plan. They can’t control us physically, but he can control us mentally through fear drummed into our brains 24/7 by mass media.

The coronavirus is real, but we’ve had many waves of flu viruses throughout the years. Many thousands die each year from the flu. Our elderly and infirm are the hardest hit.

This time the deaths are being magnified by the Fear Porn Channels. Statistics are controlled and manipulated to produce panic and hysteria.

The Democrats failed with their Russia collusion lie. They failed with impeachment. They are all for this hysteria because they can blame it all on Trump.

Trish Regan was just fired from Fox Business Network because she called out concerns that the Chinese coronavirus was just another attempt to impeach President Donald Trump.

That was too close to the truth for Fox. They fired her.

We now have social distancing to further divide the human race – as if we were all some sort of disease in need of eradication. The corrupt WHO and CDC have us controlled like puppets on strings. We obey without question. Citizens are not allowed to question medical ‘authorities’ without fearing censorship or ridicule. When the time comes for a mandatory vaccine, people will already have become conditioned to obey the medical ‘authorities,’ and it’s all going according to plan.

But some plans have a way of not working out as planned.

Never take your eyes off government in a crisis.